Trump wins

Then why not apply the same logic to the Swedish healt care? It seems to work for Norway and Sweden, why should it not work for the US?

Also, the US is a bit bigger compared to Pland and Hungary - see world map. Again, how do you want to protect the US in a sufficient manner?

That would literally put us into even more debt, what you said about the United States being big is true, but in a sense of having the largest population, so giving away free healthcare is not practical in our situation at all. 318 million people guaranteed free healthcare is not the same as 9 million or 5 million people promised free healthcare.
I always hear 'this is not the only measure', but I have yet to hear one that is actually really effective and not just a placebo that costs a shit ton of money and yields very small results, if any at all - see Kurzgesagt.
Could you make it anymore obivious that you get all of your beliefs told to you by this youtube channel?
Seriously guys, why do you act like this issue exists only since 9/11? IRA, RAF, ETA, terrorism and war on the balkans, Israel and their conflicts.
I'm talking about islamic terrorism not the very idea of terrorism itself.
Also funny you mention israel, who is a successful example of using a wall...

But yes ... the issue is easy to solve. Close the borders. Let no one in and use [insert unspecificed measure] and you will be fine.
You don't have to use those measures when you stop taking people in from those areas like Trump has talked about. He brought up stopping immigration from those terrorist breeding countries themselves.
Why do you guys asssume I am proposing this? How many times do I have to say that we have to tackle the issue of political Islam and Islamic terrorism?
Yet every solution that doesn't result in an instant 100% removal of islamic terror is totally useless.
Also "politcal islam" lol
Vergil, cut it down with those insults, mkay?
Hmm... I think that homegrown terrorism is more of a problem...
Except almost all of the recent attacks by Americans were done by people who traveled to middle eastern countries to be trained and radicalized.

Except almost all of the recent attacks by Americans were done by people who traveled to middle eastern countries to be trained and radicalized.
Trained in Middle East=/=Came from Middle East
Different things, though I think that as travel between the areas becomes more difficult and entryway harder, the major terrorist groups will turn more to brainwashing and grooming potential terrorists.
Hey @Crni Vuk I heard bulletproof vests are pretty good at protecting you from bullets. Wait, what's that? It turns out that bad guys can still shoot you in the head and limbs. Throw the vests away then, who needs em! Its not like risk mitigation is in anyway worthwhile.

Said who? The media? No one ever treated Iraq more than a regional power and all the weapons of mass destruction talk was bullshit. Turkey is not the same. They hold a very strategic place in the balance of power over there. People were spooked by Iraq because they though Hussein had all that crazy shit that he ended up not having.

There were estimates, leading up to the first gulf war that the US would suffer thousands of casualties in the first day and that the fighting would potentially last for months.
....... that's my point.
Domestic terrorist trained and were radicalized in the middle east and then came back to commit their attacks.

I think of it more along the lines of those "sovereign citizen" kooks.

Those who are actual domestic terrorists, and not bending their knee to some ayatollah/prophet over the seas.
That would literally put us into even more debt, what you said about the United States being big is true, but in a sense of having the largest population, so giving away free healthcare is not practical in our situation at all. 318 million people guaranteed free healthcare is not the same as 9 million or 5 million people promised free healthcare.
So when it comes to a small Muslim minority [relative to the christian population in the US] entering the nation you can do it like Poland or Hungary, but eventually for billions of dollars.
But when it comes to health care and helping your own citizens, fuck them, it's to expensive, you don't have the money.
Is that right so far?

Hey @Crni Vuk I heard bulletproof vests are pretty good at protecting you from bullets. Wait, what's that? It turns out that bad guys can still shoot you in the head and limbs. Throw the vests away then, who needs em! Its not like risk mitigation is in anyway worthwhile.
Crossife used apples and oranges.

It was not very effective

Could you make it anymore obivious that you get all of your beliefs told to you by this youtube channel?
As obvious as you coming from Breitbart. How big is their sallary by the way? Let me guess, you're working as a volunteer.

Ad hominem attacks, a classic Vergil, as always. I once used Kurzgesagt in this topic regarding terrorism, beacuse their arguments sound reasonable, and of course in Vergils world, I only get my news from them.

Just continue calling me a retard, at least that's honest.

I'm talking about islamic terrorism not the very idea of terrorism itself.
Also funny you mention israel, who is a successful example of using a wall...
If your dream state and plan for the future is to make the US into soemthing like Israel and the middle east ... then sure. Go ahead. However, Israel is still suffering from attacks. And building a wall around Mexico, is one thing, completely shutting down the US, is a whole different issue.

The question still remains, how do you effectively stop the 'spread' of islamic terrorism? How do you effectively fight ideologies in the first place? By throwing every muslim out? Or only those that are crazy? How do you seperate the crazy ones from the 'moderate' muslims? See, those are important questions, because you can't just fight ideologies with a 'don't let them in!'.

Almost nothing that was done since 9/11, and it was a lot, has effectively improved the situation for the US or the middle east. This should give us at least the idea, that more measures, might eventually be the wrong way, which doesn't mean that you should do NOTHING AT ALL(!), of COURSE, you should look for dangerous people. But simply because there is the KKK, you don't start to assume that every white, christian male is a potential right wing terrorist.

It still baffles me, how someone who has so little respect and actuall faith in the US government, completely and TOTALLY trusts them in such a delicate matter like terrorism, surveillance and checkups. Does nothing that you've seen and read about the NSA and CIA over the last 30-40 years concern you in the slightest?
Hey @Crni Vuk I heard bulletproof vests are pretty good at protecting you from bullets. Wait, what's that? It turns out that bad guys can still shoot you in the head and limbs. Throw the vests away then, who needs em! Its not like risk mitigation is in anyway worthwhile.

There were estimates, leading up to the first gulf war that the US would suffer thousands of casualties in the first day and that the fighting would potentially last for months.

Estimations don't really amount to much. They never anticipated how quickly we could deploy and destroy their infrastructure before we even landed. It was unprecedented.

On Trump...

But when it comes to health care and helping your own citizens, fuck them, it's to expensive, you don't have the money.
Is that right so far?

Did you not look at what I told you? That setting aside a large amount of money for 318 million citizens is not the same as setting it aside for a small population?

The reason why we wouldn't do it, along with free college and other retarded Socialist memes, is because it would triple our debt, which we are basically China's pet dog right now with a whopping $17.8 trillion in debt right now! All thanks to the Obama administration, no less.
As obvious as you coming from Breitbart. How big is their sallary by the way? Let me guess, you're working as a volunteer.
Except I've used Breitbart only a handful of times specifically because you all oy vey at the sight of it whilst i see linking to random youtube lectures like you do is totally fine (as long as it's someone on your side ofc, i don't dare do the samething lest I be chastised for it).
Ad hominem attacks, a classic Vergil, as always. I once used Kurzgesagt in this topic regarding terrorism, beacuse their arguments sound reasonable, and of course in Vergils world, I only get my news from them.
I've seen you post that exact same fucking video in every. single. political. thread.
Did you not look at what I told you? Setting aside a large amount of money for 318 million citizens is not the same as setting it aside for a small population?

The reason why we wouldn't do it, along with free college and other retarded Socialist memes, is because it would triple our debt, which we are basically China's pet dog right now with a whopping $17.8 trillion in debt right now! All thanks to the Obama administration, no less.

All 17 trillion due to Obama huh?
I've seen you post that exact same fucking video in every. single. political. thread.

On the matter of terrorism yes. And why is that wrong?

And I also have you seen quoting Breitbart at least once in every political discussion.
Obama actually nearly tripled the debt from around 8 trillion to what it is now, 1-43 presidents didn't spend that much compared to what Obama has done in office.

No doubt. Inheriting the worst recession in US history will do some of that. Then him caving to all the elites and bailing out a bunch of crooked assholes.
Did you not look at what I told you? That setting aside a large amount of money for 318 million citizens is not the same as setting it aside for a small population?
You would have a point, if the US had the exact same GNP like Sweden. Sure, the US has a much larger population, but this also means the US has a lot more tax payers and well, it is one of the largest economies in the world.
What you say sounds like, the US is much larger then Sweden, so fuck infrastructure! It's to expensive to build and maintain a highway from one end to the other. - Good thing they still did it though!
Except when it comes to musilms of course, I mean I get it, I get it guys. It's ok. Every hard earned tax dollar is well spend here! You can do everything, from building fences, walls, checks, surveys, surveillances, the whole shanebambe for billions, because Hungary and Polland do it.
Healthcare is a no no, it's to expensive. I get it now.
You would have a point, if the US had the exact same GNP like Sweden. Sure, the US has a much larger popultion, but this also means the US has a lot more tax payers and well, it is one of the largest economies in the world.
What you say sounds like, the US is much larger then Sweden, so fuck infrastructure! It's to expensive to build a highway from one end to the other.
Except when it comes to musilms of course, I mean I get it, I get it guys. It's ok. Every hard earned tax dollar is well spend here! You can do everything, from building fences, walls, checks, surveys, surveillances, the whole shanebambe for billions, because Hungary and Polland do it.
Healthcare is a no no, it's to expensive. I get it now.
This man(?) complains about apples and oranges and then compares universal healthcare to building a border wall and highways.
You would have a point, if the US had the exact same GNP like Sweden. Sure, the US has a much larger population, but this also means the US has a lot more tax payers and well, it is one of the largest economies in the world.
What you say sounds like, the US is much larger then Sweden, so fuck infrastructure! It's to expensive to build and maintain a highway from one end to the other. - Good thing they still did it though!
Except when it comes to musilms of course, I mean I get it, I get it guys. It's ok. Every hard earned tax dollar is well spend here! You can do everything, from building fences, walls, checks, surveys, surveillances, the whole shanebambe for billions, because Hungary and Polland do it.
Healthcare is a no no, it's to expensive. I get it now.

So you're saying to raise the taxes just so some college liberals can lecture more people on how it's not okay to be white in the near future, just because some welfare recipients who are perfectly able to get a job don't get a job at all and sit around on their asses all day, while receiving free food stamps and healthcare from the gov.t is okay?