This thread is a really bad example of the entire forum. It's basically just shit posting at this point.
As Bux said, it's just the new reactionaries being rather loud with their opinions.
Some of the people who were for Trump are a lot friendlier to differing opinions in that regard.
I also can't take Vergil seriously, especially when I think the person behind the computer resembles a camp anime villain.
Not all of us on here are loud right-wingers.
I myself am rather left despite the odd post where I basically shit post.
Think of this thread more of an orgy celebratory of Trump's winning rather than an actual Thread of discussion.
Its nice that youre trying to calm it down and give it reasons not to be upset. Thats admirable. However what you dont realise is that it wants to be upset. It needs to be upset. Being offended is what it lives for. Its what nourishes it and helps it grow.
Imagine, if you will, an organism that subsists entirely by feeding on its own sodium excretions. Yes, the image you have in your mind is, most certainly, @Bloodway.