Two Fallout 3 reviews from Wargamer

Slaughter Manslaught said:
What?! From what I know, Fallout 2 sold pretty well. And how you warez something in 1998? This guy seems to be one of those people who hate Fallout 2 for no reason. Go fucking figure.

Seriously, at that point warez wasn't even an issue. NOW it is being warez'd pretty bad, but just like any old game that's still popular - be it Diablo, Starcraft, CS or sth else. Just because it's still popular and readily available for free on the net.
Actually warez were an issue back then.

Piracy predates internet by several decades. I think it really exploded with the compact cassette, which was back in the '70s, and the relatively large problem of free music sharing that became prevalent from then on out. This was no different for floppy discs or (later) CDs, it was just harder to track.
Yes, but not every person got access to this. Back then it was there, yes, but it wasn't that easy too.

Btw. isn't this warez-talk? :P
Warez talk is any talk obviously promoting piracy, or linking to piracy talk. Acknowledging its existence is ok.
You can torrent legal things too. I use Jamendo pretty often, cool music for 0$.
one of the reasons why I listen to many unkown partily local bands and somewhat free musicians. Many of them release a lot of tracks of even whole CDs for free to download where ever you want.
Brother None said:
Actually warez were an issue back then.

Piracy predates internet by several decades. I think it really exploded with the compact cassette, which was back in the '70s, and the relatively large problem of free music sharing that became prevalent from then on out. This was no different for floppy discs or (later) CDs, it was just harder to track.

I don't remember copying cassetes being made a big deal of at any point. Besides, the people would still buy them most of the time rather than copy, I guess because of loss in quality or what-not. Personal experience, anyway.

People only started to really bitch about warez since the development of high-speed internet. Warez =/= pirating. Pirating was big in the 90s if I remember right, but is becoming outdated now, since high-speed internet is more readily available. Some people press for tighter laws on intellectual property and new protection systems, which usually inconveniences the consumers more than it prevents pirating; the smarter people choose to acknowledge the inevitable and find ways to live with it instead. Like providing stuff for free for promotion. Because, the fans will buy the product anyway, and the people who pirate stuff will pirate it anyway.
Actually piracy was a huge deal when VHS and Betamax first came out and the software industry made a big deal about it in the 80s.
^ Ahh, that's right, I forgot about that one. The big US Supreme court case about VHS recordrs too, iirc.

But then, once again, piracy in general and warez are fundamentally different.