UGO interviews Jeff Gardiner on DLC

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
UGO Games Blog put up its full interview with DLC lead Jeff Gardiner.<blockquote>UGO: Can you speak to the addition of new perks, creatures, weapons or an increase in the level cap for the DLC? Any specifics?

Jeff Gardiner: I hate spoiling content by telling specifics, sorry! All of the DLCs will feature new perks, creatures, armor and weaponry. We’re mindful to ‘fill in the gaps’ in our current game. OK, one specific – we’re including a scoped energy weapon. Also beefing up our melee weapons, big guns… As for the level cap, that will be significantly increased in “Broken Steel.” Along with it will be a bevy of new creatures and perks!
UGO: How large is the map for Pittsburgh or Anchorage, in comparison to the overall size of the DC Wasteland?

Jeff Gardiner: It’s hard to quantify in those terms as neither the Pitt nor Operation: Anchorage are the same as an open wasteland. Each features around 5 hours of gameplay depending on playstyle, and any of the weapons or armor found can be used throughout the rest of the game. </blockquote>
Newly implemented creatures will probably include the Wanamingos from the art book that looked like that Orc creature from Warhammer and the variety of floaters.
Wanamingos are dead. Its comfired from what I can tell. So if they would appear in Fallout 3 ... well its not like they cared a lot about canon anyway ...
Crni Vuk said:
Wanamingos are dead. Its comfired from what I can tell. So if they would appear in Fallout 3 ... well its not like they cared a lot about canon anyway ...

Check the art book to see some of the stuff they had planned but apparently had to drop, it includes Wanamingos which now more resemble bipedal 'jaws'.
Jeff Gardiner said:
All of the DLCs will feature new perks, creatures, armor and weaponry. We’re mindful to ‘fill in the gaps’ in our current game.
"We released an unfinished game and now you fellas have to put down another $30 for content that might only amount to a few nice items and a few more hours of gameplay."

OK, one specific – we’re including a scoped energy weapon.
Crap, I hope it's not the Gauss Rifle!

And hey, does anyone remember when Oblivion modders found things like horse armor meshes and Mehrune' Razor in Oblivion's original data files? I wonder how much of Operation: Anchorage is waiting to be found on our own computers?
The Gauss Rifle in O:A is definitely scoped, so looks like it might have been converted into an energy weapon too.
Kashrlyyk said:
Without fixing the horrible Skill system, a higher level cap is worthless.

my exact thoughts. I don't mind more stuff in the game, but increasing the level cap will simply allow us to create an über character with maxed stats.
You can already do that, increasing the level cap just lets you have more perks on top of that.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Crni Vuk said:
Wanamingos are dead. Its comfired from what I can tell. So if they would appear in Fallout 3 ... well its not like they cared a lot about canon anyway ...

Check the art book to see some of the stuff they had planned but apparently had to drop, it includes Wanamingos which now more resemble bipedal 'jaws'.

Got a link? I'm not paying to see pretty pictures.
coliphorbs said:
Got a link? I'm not paying to see pretty pictures.

If you're not paying you're not getting it - not via here. That's copyrighted material and can not legally be shared.
Brother None said:
Yes. But it actually makes a bit more sense for it to be an energy weapon, truth be told.
No, it doesn´t . The Gauss Rifle shoots a very high speed projectile. That is why it is in small guns. Energy weapons don´t shoot projectiles.
Kashrlyyk said:
Brother None said:
Yes. But it actually makes a bit more sense for it to be an energy weapon, truth be told.
No, it doesn´t . The Gauss Rifle shoots a very high speed projectile. That is why it is in small guns. Energy weapons don´t shoot projectiles.

True, although the method through which it accelerates the projectile is more akin to energy weapons - using a series of EM fields.

I think it would've been better to have a general marksmanship skill which governs all fired weapons, and have the specific weapons skills impart smaller bonuses.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Crni Vuk said:
Wanamingos are dead. Its comfired from what I can tell. So if they would appear in Fallout 3 ... well its not like they cared a lot about canon anyway ...

Check the art book to see some of the stuff they had planned but apparently had to drop, it includes Wanamingos which now more resemble bipedal 'jaws'.
Well, thats what Bethesda made or is thinking.

Doesnt change the fact that Wanamingos were supposed to die off during/short after Fallout 2.

I seriously dont care what Bethesda comes up with ... they dont care about Fallout consistency or canon. (they have nice looking concept art, that is. But thats pretty much everything)
5 hours of gameplay? How much do you think this stuff will cost? I wonder what the $ / hour ratio will be... small, methinks.
Statement Of Human ... (Pre)condition(ing)

Statement Of Human ... (Pre)condition(ing)

aenemic said:
... but increasing the level cap will simply allow us to create an über character with maxed stats.

Trithne said:
You can already do that, increasing the level cap just lets you have more perks on top of that.

We may already have a clue where B-soft will fill in the gaps and just shovel the splatter humor higher and deeper.

More of the predigested formula means more of the same.

Choice on which of dilemma's horns to hang your hat?

Heroic role playing versus god-mode.

Man the problem solver versus god-mode.

Mastering a game system versus god-mode.

Which of these game play templates shines forth from the B-soft Bible?

Perhaps ...


All that hard work by Bethesda, and FO3 and it's DLC might just have to dance on the head of a market survey pin.

The perceived notion that the game buyers are running from their boring real lives into the heady narcotic of god-mode,
appears to be a corporate dictated designers' world view.

The dreams of gamers are no longer an adventure in personal development and hard won solutions.

The marketing ideal is spoon feeding god-mode.

So now where's the game in the game, when there is no challenge, no competition, when all is immediate gratification, all god-mode all the time?
No crafted tactics, no artful scaling, no alternate skill paths need apply. Reading teh hard! Scripting teh hard!
Just spoon feed the god-mode to one and all; spoon feed the game player AND the game designer.

The choir of reviewers, marketing guerrillas, and fanboy bloggers sing praises in higher and higher absolutes.
How do we know - what is real - unless some AUTHORITY tells us it's so!
A closed loop of mutual warm and fuzzy, the power of positive thinking no longer a placebo, but affirmations become a willing leap into the altered state of self delusion.
God-mode " 'isn't everything, ... it's the only thing' ".

Man the tool maker has (d)evolved.

The preconditioning drum beat has successfully modified behavior, dictating the only path to what to kiss and when.

Consider the Bush road to truth... say something long enough , often enough, and it will be so. Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil.

Chants of GOTY, GOTY, GOTY!

It's a win - win!

B-soft dispenses god-mode and the nex gen hysteria deifies B-soft. What a wonderful romance.

Divine social contract. Kiss mine while I kiss yours, and all dreams come true!

Closed loop - locked loop, lip locked in ecstasy,
not much chance for hard won improvements to build new talents, or even master what one does best,
since by all, all, all,
in all the freely flying absolutes,
perfection has been achieved and the immaculate accession to god-mode has been bliss-ed out by one and all!

Design-marketing choice: The naked ape atrophies and withers. Feed the latent insecurities of this age.

Let them eat god-mode.


Feed me, feed me, feed me!

Kashrlyyk said:
No, it doesn´t . The Gauss Rifle shoots a very high speed projectile. That is why it is in small guns. Energy weapons don´t shoot projectiles.

I don't think that's the most sensible separation, tho'. In the end, the laser and plasma rifle still seem to be shaped much like a traditional rifle, and handle much like them as well. I would think the skill is more representative of the nature of the weapon used - the mechanical small/big guns and the non-mechanical energy weapons.
Doesnt change the fact that Wanamingos were supposed to die off during/short after Fallout 2.

Well, only according to Avellone's retcon in the Fallout Bible, which is not necessarily canon.