Ratty said:
Not only do Israelites continue to successfully weather these attacks, but in a few short decades they managed to turn an undeveloped and unproductive Arab province into an agricultural and industrial power. That alone is a strong argument in favor of their continued rule in Palestine, even if you disregard the notions of historical justice and ancestral links.
They really didn't turn it into an agricultural and industrial power, the UN, more specifically the US, did. If the US hadn't been providing them with boat loads of money and supplies, particularly military supplies, they would have been DOA.
maximaz said:
On topic though, Ahmadinejad has never been presented accurately by the media. I'm not saying that I'm a fan of his but every word he's ever said has been twisted until it sounded completely wrong. They do that to anyone who disagrees with the most popular opinion. Check any Ron Paul interview to see what I mean. When it comes to Israel or Jews, you know he's not even going to be listened to.
He brings a lot of it upon himself. Now I'm not saying that the televised press covers him objectively because they don't cover anything objectively, they are entertainment and vying for maximum viewer ship, but quality media does a pretty good job covering him fairly. If the man took a non-religious, non-genocidal approach to his rhetoric he would be listened to with a lot more care by the west. The problem is that he's a bigot and he makes no attempt to hid it in his speeches. Still, to some degree what he says is being said for political reasons and the political atmosphere in the Middle-East is completely different than it is in the west.
Mord_Sith said:
They aren't content with what they have, they want more, and more and more, and they're using their Western and European backing to take what they want, because they know they can.
That's not entirely true, they did conquer land in retaliation for being attacked but they did give what they conquered from Egypt back to them when they signed a peace treaty. That said, the Plalestinian-Israeli conflict is an unpleasant one and both sides are equally at fault because neither is interested in peaceful cohabitation.
Mord_Sith said:
If any finger should be pointed, it should be those that engineered this conflict that get pointed at, not the actors in the play.
No, everyone should be blamed for their mistakes which does mean that those responsible for starting the situation should receive their proper share.
Crni Vuk said:
This would not be so much a issue if people would just decide to follow their gods and for once listen to what is in their books like "you shall not kill", which counts for all 3 of those Abrahamic religions.
Well their God isn't exactly very clear about that as what he says, what he does, and what his proxies do don't exactly agree.
TheGM said:
So far they have proven they want it a lot more then anybody else.
Sieg heil!! Oh I'm sorry, bad habit, you were saying?
Flop said:
Anyway, with regards to the actual topic, I think it's shameful that the diplomats walked out. If you can't call a racist state racist, at a conference about racism, without the western world throwing a tantrum, why even bother?
I think that the bigger problem is that it wasn't about racism, it was about speaking poorly about Israel (or so the reports say). If it was about his racism, something which was undeniably there, it would be more understandable but that wasn't the pre-stated reason.
Bal-Sagoth said:
It was warned that if anything remotely Anti-Semetic was uttered that the Europeans would walk. Thankfully they stayed the course and followed through with the plan.
The message was sent that we will not tolerate Ahmadinejad's rhetoric and that the Western World will stand united to defend Israel and its right to exist.
Actually they warned about anything being anti-Israel, not anti-semitic, from what I've read. If you can't point out the problems with a country it's hard to fix it. It's absurd how protective the west is about Israel, if you criticize it then they chastise you for it, it's absurd.
TheGM said:
You go on about Giving it back....it was never given back, It was taken.
Their Claim is Valid? Valid to who? you? Claims of their validity are just matters of opinion. They say it is their right to be there for it is there ancient homeland, you say they have lost that right 2000 years ago. But it is all just words. The truth is they won a war and the others lost. That is in truth all the validity they need.
Actually the UN gave it to them and then supplied them with what they needed to conquer the whole region if they so chose.
Chancellor Kremlin said:
Im not saying anything is right or wrong, this is something people seem to be associating with me for some reason. I said the claim of Israel to palestine because of the ancestral link is invalid, that is what I said.
Their presence in that area in the last 50 years is 'right' insofar as they are willing to accept that the people in their 'conquered' lands will terrorise them till kingdom come. You can't be given somebodys partitioned land, defend yourself, conquer even more land than you were given, and then expect to be 'in the right'.
Indeed. They conquered the land and thus they control it, the only people with a right to the land are the people who live there, not because that is what is morally correct but because that is what is politically and historically correct. That said, it's ridiculous that the West supports Israel as much as they do, it's about damn time that they cut the fucking umbilical cord and started looking at them like any other nation.