There was never an independent state of Palestine or a distinct Palestinian nation. Prior to establishment of the state of Israel, Palestine was a British mandate. Prior to that, it was a pissant province of the Ottoman Empire. Prior to that, a pissant province of the Mameluke sultanate. Prior to that, a pissant province of the Ayyubids. And before that, it was divided among the crusader states, who captured it from the Fatimids, who took it from the Abbasids, who seized it from the Umayyads, who snagged it from the Rashidun caliphs, who conquered it from the Romans, who subjugated an independent Israelite kingdom that existed there at the time (waaait a second...), which was established after the native population kicked out their Greek overlords, who had established their rule there following the dissolution of Alexander the Macedonian's empire, who had taken Palestine from the Persians, who had taken it when they pwned the Babylonians, who had come to control it when they destroyed the independent kingdom of Judah (oh-uh...), which had managed to survive its northern neighbor, the independent kingdom of Israel (starting to see a pattern here...) Hey, it's almost as if the only independent states that ever existed on the territory of what is now known as Palestine were Israelite! Nah, that can't be, everyone knows it was the Zionist-dominated UN that chopped up Palestine, seizing it from the phantom Palestinian nation and giving it to a camarilla of evil Jewish outsiders.