Underrail alpha demo available


But best title ever!
We've previously talked about Underrail, a post-apoc indie turn-based RPG which doesn't look like it's straying far from the formula of the original Fallout titles, but now we can actually play an alpha build demo and make up our minds on what's available so far.

I haven't had the chance to finish the download (578 mb) yet, so if any of you has already played the demo, please let us know your impressions.

Thanks, RPGCodex.
Looks promising from the game play video.

Will definitely be downloading this and giving it a shot.
Just installed it and ran it. I can't comment on more than that though as clicking "New Game" just locks up the program. :|

EDIT: A-ha! Someone on RPGCodex recommending running it as Administrator and that seems to work. ::breathes sigh of relief:: :p

EDIT^2: Character creation system is very similar to SPECIAL. So I kind of feel right at home so far. :p
Some quick impressions based on playing very little of the opening area:

1. Unlike SPECIAL, you can't decrease an Attribute lower than 3 which does limit the builds a bit IMO.
2. You also can't increase a skill during creation higher than 15. You are given 135 skill points to spend. It does list what I suppose is an effective skill level in brackets next to your actual skill level. Picking certain feats increases the number in brackets, not the points you put into the skill.
3. You can also select 2 feats. These are special skills that you have to activate to use I guess. Though there do seem to be some passive ones like Snooping where it'll increase your Perception by 3 for purposes of spotting secret doors and the like.
4. The graphics are the typical Fallout isometric viewpoint. The graphic style reminds me of Crusader:No Remorse a bit. It's a pretty clean look, though not particularly detailed, which is fine since it's an indie game and all.
5. There is a field-of-view fog-of-war which I suppose is based on your character's perception. Things aren't in view past a certain distance. For instance, there's a character at the back of this large common area and I don't seem him until I get close enough and he's within my field-of-view.
6. Based on a conversation with an NPC, there is a location in the game called "The Hub". :p

That's all I got so far. Haven't really done any of the story yet though I have arranged a side mission with a shadowy-looking NPC. :p

EDIT: There are also Psionics. To use them requires training. Just had my first training session. Was interesting. :p

And that's all I have time to play for now. Got other stuff to do.
Uh ohhhhhhh. Dark Souls just came out on PC, but I will get to this soonish. The gameplay video he released a month ago or so looked great.
I would play this IF I had a computer. I do really like the looks of this game.
Makagulfazel said:
Uh ohhhhhhh. Dark Souls just came out on PC, but I will get to this soonish. The gameplay video he released a month ago or so looked great.
Yeah but it's unplayable so you have plenty of time to try this demo out.
i tried the demo and liked it. clean and simple graphics, falloutish gameplay, fine atmosphere.
pc and npcs don't have voices but maybe this is better. just reading is fine.

i think an old-school rpg is coming. i wish it won't be a linear adventure.