
Nothing, I can't put it there. Slots are marked according to the parts needed - frame, barrel, enhancement. You can choose which parts would be new weapon crafted from, looks like this is not intended for disassembling though. Halp, I found two or three weapons with attached parts as laser sight or scope and I need those parts badly!

edit: Crap, special feat is needed for disassembling, according to wiki:
I hate when game comes without manual, what a nasty manners on author's part! All right guys, nothing to see here, move along. :oops:

Yep you need a feat for disassemble, also i was wondering how to do that and searched everywhere for a working bench or something else until i read the wiki.
This is extremely stupid mechanics anyway. Any person capable to create a gun from parts should be perfectly capable to disassemble it afterward, without any stupid feat for disassembling, since taking it apart is much easier than create it from scratch! Such logic errors should have been adressed during Early Access betatest FFS.
This is extremely stupid mechanics anyway. Any person capable to create a gun from parts should be perfectly capable to disassemble it afterward, without any stupid feat for disassembling, since taking it apart is much easier than create it from scratch! Such logic errors should have been adressed during Early Access betatest FFS.

This. but Probably styg didn't want to make the crafting too easy from the beginning.
But overall, the quantity and diversity of objects, weapon, armor that you can make in this game is so good that i can forgive him.
Sure, it doesn't make the game any less fun! I'm hooked alright, been following development for quite some time, waiting for official release patiently.
Back to the caves now, it's a blast! :smile:
Since I made a super character and have all the traits I didn't even notice that about disassembly feature until much later into the game then going "huh, the thing is locked behind a trait!?".
My biggest nitpick is the fact that everyone who wears metal armor even when the thing is in tungsten it's the same boring metal armor sprite. What makes it boring for me is that my dude doesn't look any special from other dudes who wear some combination of metal armor. Would have been interesting to see your character in bluish (aka Tungsten) metal suit with blades and spikes if it's crafted that way like in the inventory.

The looks of my characters in RPG games are very important to me in games, exactly the reason back when I still played Neverwinter Nights I spent an hour or two coloring and changing the look of the plate armor with a mod on my dwarf character. For me when my character keeps looking like everyone else it's sort of a deal-breaker for me.
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I didn't find a dedicated thread to Underrail gameplay and I have a few inquiries.

Just got the game thanks to NMA reminding me it existed. I'm wondering:

1) If people are liking the Oddities or the Classic Mode of earning XP?

2) What kind of character builds are people starting with? This is a game where it seems you can easily make a useless character and only find out about it 11 hours into the game, and I'm trying to avoid that.


Edit: Sorry guys, I found an Underrail thread in this forum. Sorry for posting a second thread. However, If I could get some help regarding these two inquiries I would appreciate it. Thanks again.

Any advice on the game would be great.
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I prefer Oddity, but haven't thoroughly played Classic. Oddity requires you to explore, which is my default playstyle anyway, so it was a good fit. You level a little faster too. The only downside (other than exploration) is that you can't control leveling. If you feel like you need more levels in Classic, you could keep fighting respawns until you level up. But respawns are slow and monsters give less XP as you increase levels, so I wouldn't want to grind out levels that way, regardless.

Viable Builds:
- The easiest build is heavy armor + assault rifle. This build can also do sniper rifle, just make sure you have enough STR.
- My favorite build was psi + medium armor, though I think psi + heavy armor is easier. I'm talking full psi builds, where you max out all the psi traits.
- Another strong build is melee (sledgehammer) + heavy armor. You need sprint and movement perks for this kind of build.
- A more fun version IMO is melee (anything other than sledge) + light/medium armor + psychokinesis (telekinetic punch & telekinetic proxy). There are a couple ways to eventually go with this, but one option is The Claw (unique bladed glove) + Vile Weapons (perk).

In general, you should max increase your main skills every level. Certain skills like traps or throwing are OK to level a little, but some skills are a waste if you don't go all the way. Also, it may seem counter-intuitive but high CON and heavy armor go together. Heavy armor builds plan to be hit and take damage.

If your character can make it through Depot A in the junkyard (early game), than he/she's probably viable for the rest of the game.

The Underrail forums are active, and most of the people there are much more knowledgeable than I am.
I went with classic. Worked just fine for me. Don't think it makes too much of a difference, honestly.

Regarding build, I played a super straightforward pistol user with stealth and throwing, and got through the game without issue.

My build:
STR 6 (for Steadfast Aim)
DEX 8 (put all 6 bonus points here to get it to 14)
PER 10

Minmax more if you want, I didn't want to lower anything to 3. Perception 10 lets you detect all traps and secrets, gives you huge bonuses to gun skills. Dex 14 gives you 4 shots per rounds with a laser pistol, 2 per round with a plasma pistol, and 3 per round with a .44 if you can make one with a rapid reloader, otherwise 2.

Guns (max)
Throwing (max) (don't do this, no point getting more once you can huck a grenade a decent distance with 90% accuracy)
Dodge (max)
Evasion (max)
Stealth (max)
Hacking (max) (don't do this either, no need for more than 115 modified)
Lockpicking (max) (again, don't get more than 115 modified)
Persuasion (max) (don't think you need more than about 100 of this)

I made mistakes. Put spare points in traps and/or crafting skills instead. Chemistry/Mechanics/Electronics - useful blueprints are flashbangs, incendiary grenade, taser, energy pistol, pistol, SMG, energy shield emitter. Dunno if you'll have enough points for all of these blueprints to be useful, but you should at least be able to make flashbangs and incendiary grenades for crowd control. Note I took absolutely no crafting skills and still got through the game okay, but they'd have made it easier.

Feats in order of acquisition:
Aimed Shot, Gunslinger, Recklessness, Steadfast Aim, Kneecap Shot, Opportunist, Sharpshooter, Grenadier, Critical Power, Rapid Fire, Nimble, Point Shot, Three-Pointer, Execute

Execute sucked for me, would've been much better if I could've crafted flashbangs/taser/electroshock pistol. Rest seemed like solid picks.

Equipment wise, I carried lots of grenades (flashbangs and incendiary grenades for incapacitation and fear effects, EMP grenades for shielded enemies, frag grenades for killing dudes), weaponwise I used a plasma pistol and .44 hammerer for punching through things, laser pistol and 8.6mm steel cat for shooting lots of times per round. For armour I used a tactical vest with a black overcoat for most of the game, until I got a certain item from the end of the Protectorate questline. Also ninja tabi boots and smart night vision goggles, and the best high frequency shield emitter I could find.

General advice, get stealth no matter your build. Don't know how I would've beaten the game without it. Trade in your 5mm for a 7.62mm as soon as you find one, then kill the thugs who try to shake you down at Junkyard, one of them has a .44. Check every trader for equipment upgrades, stuff has quality level in this game. Adrenaline shots are the only thing in the game capable of boosting your AP above 50 and are very powerful. Bear traps can be used with no skill and work well in tricky fights in the early game, carry a few.

That's about all I can think of. Let us know if you want to know anything else.
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I went with the classic levelling system because that seemed familiar, but I'm kind of regretting that now. The Oddity system just seems more unique and fun. But I'm too invested now to go back.

My first character was a disaster. Found out somewhere in the GMS compound. Not too far, luckily. Changed some things and now I'm a pretty badass sneaky crossbow type character with melee, throwing and some traps (to a lesser extent) in the mix. Of course lockpicking and hacking all too, but I only put points in those when I encounter locks I can't open. I try to put *some* points in evasion and dodge if I feel I can spare them, but I try to keep my three combat skills maxed out, so I don't put in points every level. I craft a lot of special bolts and try to put points into crafting skills as needed whenever I encounter new parts that I feel are useful. I don't remember my exact stats, but lots of points in dexterity, agility, perception and intelligence. But my character handles himself pretty well, so no problems there. Can't kill Carnifex, though. Need to find a way to get him to die in the first two turns (I stun him immediately) before he can drug up. It usually takes him just one turn to kill me. Gonna experiment with setting him on fire for a bit, but he keeps running away when I do so I can't hit him.
Carnifex - use flashbangs. Hopefully you have them. The only two reliable ways to get them are to craft them or to buy them from Gort at Junkyard,
who's probably dead at this point if you did quests for the Black Eels
If Carnifex is incapacitated you can end combat and enter stealth. Lets you reset your all your cooldowns and hit him with all your big attacks before fading and repeating. Carnifex sucks, the only way to beat him with many builds is to be a total cheapass. Even with flashbangs he'll resist them half the time because he has God's stats and his Fortitude and Resolve are stupid high, but that's what savescumming is for.
I'm afraid I'm spreading my points too thin. This game really keeps you on your toes if you don't cheat and read up on it.
I'm afraid I'm spreading my points too thin.
You should be, it's easy to do.

Generally you have enough ability points to have two stats at a high or highish value (9-12) and one at a moderate value (7-8) if you sacrifice everything else.

You always want to max your main damage dealing skill every level, and probably dodge and evasion if you're using them, too. Maybe also stealth. These types of skills drop off in effectiveness quickly if you don't make certain to keep them in pace with the enemies' evasion/detection/attack.
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Nah, I mean the skills. I have the character stats down pretty good. 7 in Dex, Will, and Int, 8 in Perception. I am trying to find a good balance since so many points are spent on crafting and weapons. I have been using stealth quite a bit. I have specialized in 2 of the 3 PSI disciplines. I chose to ignore for the most part Dodge, Evasion, Mercantile, Intimidation, and Influence. This means I get hit a lot in combat but I use so much PSI that most of the time the enemy is too stunned or scared to do much damage. This build is pretty squishy though. I deliberately went with low Strength at a 4.
If you aren't maxing dodge and evasion or any of the social skills you should be okay for skill points.

Psi/weapon hybrid characters can be hard, but crossbow and psi complement each other reasonably well. Don't really need dexterity for this, though.
If you aren't maxing dodge and evasion or any of the social skills you should be okay for skill points.

Psi/weapon hybrid characters can be hard, but crossbow and psi complement each other reasonably well. Don't really need dexterity for this, though.

I like to stab them when they get up close. :)
Carnifex - use flashbangs. Hopefully you have them. The only two reliable ways to get them are to craft them or to buy them from Gort at Junkyard,
who's probably dead at this point if you did quests for the Black Eels
If Carnifex is incapacitated you can end combat and enter stealth. Lets you reset your all your cooldowns and hit him with all your big attacks before fading and repeating. Carnifex sucks, the only way to beat him with many builds is to be a total cheapass. Even with flashbangs he'll resist them half the time because he has God's stats and his Fortitude and Resolve are stupid high, but that's what savescumming is for.
I worked for the Scrappers, so no problems there. Problem with flashbangs is that he resists them all the time. Good to know where I can buy them, though, as I'm always short on them. I use shock bolts mostly. Gonna see if I can end combat, then. Didn't even know that was an option. It feels kinda cheap but oh well. I want to be Invictus. Also, is the nickname they give you actually based on your tactics? My name is Paralyzer. That's a nice little detail if it is. :P

You always want to max your main damage dealing skill every level, and probably dodge and evasion if you're using them, too. Maybe also stealth. These types of skills drop off in effectiveness quickly if you don't make certain to keep them in pace with the enemies' evasion/detection/attack.
That's a bummer. I went with *some* points in there. I Could just as easily went without it, then? At least my combat skills and sneak are all maxed out (except throwing, which I feel is less important because I always hit my grenades).

Nah, I mean the skills. I have the character stats down pretty good. 7 in Dex, Will, and Int, 8 in Perception. I am trying to find a good balance since so many points are spent on crafting and weapons. I have been using stealth quite a bit. I have specialized in 2 of the 3 PSI disciplines. I chose to ignore for the most part Dodge, Evasion, Mercantile, Intimidation, and Influence. This means I get hit a lot in combat but I use so much PSI that most of the time the enemy is too stunned or scared to do much damage. This build is pretty squishy though. I deliberately went with low Strength at a 4.
I'm pretty squishy too. Strength at 4 as well. Next run I'm going some sort of PSI build too. I'd read mixed things about it, but now that I'm meeting more enemies that actually use PSI I see the use. Freezing your enemies solid for 4 turns.... wow. I want that.

I went ahead and updated my game and played for a bit yesterday. Feeling kind of lost for quests now. Gonna explore some more levels in core City. I know there's three factions struggling for power from the wiki, so I'm gonna go find them. See what they have to say.
It feels kinda cheap but oh well. I want to be Invictus.
Well, if it makes you feel any better, Carnifex is a complete cheater and has an abominable total of 90 odd ability points, so screw him.

Also, is the nickname they give you actually based on your tactics? My name is Paralyzer. That's a nice little detail if it is. :P
I think it's based on your highest skill, maybe. Don't know. My pistol guy got Lead Storm.

That's a bummer. I went with *some* points in there. I Could just as easily went without it, then? At least my combat skills and sneak are all maxed out (except throwing, which I feel is less important because I always hit my grenades).
Well, some is still better than none, and you can always bump it up later. You definitely don't need maxed throwing, though, doing that was an error on my part. Probably only necessary if you're using throwing knives.

Next run I'm going some sort of PSI build too. I'd read mixed things about it, but now that I'm meeting more enemies that actually use PSI I see the use. Freezing your enemies solid for 4 turns.... wow. I want that.
Some very potent abilities in psi. Metathermics is nothing compared to thought control either - Locus of Control plus Bilocation is just a death field.
I have been playing this game since the first demo. My only complaint: it gets boring towards the end. I first tried a crossbow based build, but hit a weird bug that crashes the game when I shoot the crossbow more than once in a fight, and havent been able to update the game.
I also have found the psi skills boring and limited. My advice, go for some gun based build.
Well, if it makes you feel any better, Carnifex is a complete cheater and has an abominable total of 90 odd ability points, so screw him.
Yeah, I got the feeling he was pretty overpowered. Goddamnit. I'll go your way and cheat right back at him. :P

I think it's based on your highest skill, maybe. Don't know. My pistol guy got Lead Storm.
That's so cool. Nice little details like this make a game.

Well, some is still better than none, and you can always bump it up later. You definitely don't need maxed throwing, though, doing that was an error on my part. Probably only necessary if you're using throwing knives.
Yeah, I quit investing in throwing ages ago, as I prefer to keep my utility slots free for grenades and special bolts. Like I said, I hit all my grenades at a solid 88%.

Some very potent abilities in psi. Metathermics is nothing compared to thought control either - Locus of Control plus Bilocation is just a death field.
Definitely going to try some of this in a second run. Gonna go for the oddity system too then and up the difficulty a bit. I like how harsh this game is. :D

I have been playing this game since the first demo. My only complaint: it gets boring towards the end. I first tried a crossbow based build, but hit a weird bug that crashes the game when I shoot the crossbow more than once in a fight, and havent been able to update the game.
I also have found the psi skills boring and limited. My advice, go for some gun based build.
Why haven't you been able to update the game? It's fixed in literally the first hotfix released man.
I'm not sure if I should have made another topic but anyway...

So, I've played Underrail pretty much non-stop for two days (What can I say? The game is addictive) and I'm in Junkyard right now.

I need to get support for the Black Eels and I wish to get it from SGS, but this is impossible since I didn't have any skill points to spare for persuasion, which is usually not of much use from what I have seen so far.

I could get it from the Protectorate, but I would rather not for roleplaying reasons. So my question is: Is there anyway to boost my persuasion with items somehow?