
You can eat Junkyard Surprise until you luck out on getting a +2 Will bonus, but other than that, no, not really. You'll have to either go with the Protectorate or wait on completing the quest until you put some points into Persuasion.
Been playing three days straight. New character, since my old crossbow guy got stuck in Core City. My damage output was just not good enough.

Now went with a sneak/psi/sniper/traps/hacking/lockpick build. Playing on normal/oddity now instead of easy/classic, and so far it's been much, much easier. Searching for oddities has been a blast too. Combat has become a lot more fun as well what with all the psi abilities I can throw at my enemies.

The Junkyard acid mutants are still a bitch, though.

I am very much in love with this game.
That sounds like fun. My current build is also a lot of fun. I usually sneak up on baddies, take the first one out with my sniper rifle, then stun/freeze/scare the shit out of the rest with my psi abilities and take them out one by one.
I loved psi when I tried it, but had to abandon the character because he was slow, unstealthy and fragile. Dumb build. :oops:
The Junkyard acid mutants are still a bitch, though.

They sure are:grin: I found the drill parts yesterday (with a nice little surprise you'll see now since you're using the Oddity mode), and I have no idea how I would have made it without an armor with acid resistance. It makes thing wayyyyy easier.

Also, did you do the Black Eels questline? That completely destroy the economy and you find very interesting loot (great armors, weapons and even a shield if you're lucky).

I'm using a scientist build with energy/chemical pisstols (and of course grenades, always grenades) and I'm currently havign a blast with him.
Nope, haven't finished the Eels questline yet. When I got the parts I just moved on. Gonna go back, though. Can't remember encountering something special when finding the Drill parts, what was I supposed to find?

I couldn't find any acid protection, so I just had to savespam a lot. Psi is pretty powerful, and I have a million stun/incapacitate/freeze spells, so in the end it wasn't all that hard. Combat has become a lot more interesting with this build.
Nope, haven't finished the Eels questline yet. When I got the parts I just moved on. Gonna go back, though.

I couldn't find any acid protection, so I just had to savespam a lot. Psi is pretty powerful, and I have a million stun/incapacitate/freeze spells, so in the end it wasn't all that hard. Combat has become a lot more interesting with this build.

Yeah, doing the Eels questline before searching for the parts would have made things a lot easier.

Can't remember encountering something special when finding the Drill parts, what was I supposed to find?

There's a Pip-Boy in the same container:smile:. Also, I just found a The Big Lebowski reference in Rail Crossing. This game just keeps getting better.
Yeah, I found it. Nice little reference, there.

It is probably the most fun game I've played in a long, long time. Exploring the Upper Underrail right now looking for Oddities. I'm kind of stuck. I keep dying in the second Free Drones quest and surviving the Coretech Warehouse shootout is impossible at the moment. :(
I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, I'm only at the quest to find the missing train in Rail Crossing. Considering the fact that I can now ask the citizens about the Free Drones and what I've heard bout them, I guess I'm going to meet them when I find it.

But yeah, the game is amazing. I also just found a reference to Oblivion, which is nice.

Also, I have a question for you. Right now, I've been using fast travel to get to Rail Crossing, but I'm only level 11. Should I explore Lower Underrail or is that high enough, considering I'm heading to Core City after doing the missing train quest?
Core City will probably chew you up and spit you out at level 11 unless your build is very strong; maybe explore Lower Underrail/caves/under-passages for a bit, visit Foundry, do all of the Junkyard/Camp Hathor quests if you haven't already, etc.
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The sense of accomplishment this game offers after failing a quest/area twenty times and then finally nailing it is awesome. I usually get frustrated pretty easily, but this game is really hard, yet never frustrating.
It's hard, but usually fair. Usually. I find that especially early on in the game, you have to be strategic in pretty much every encounter, even with two bit street thugs. Gives you the sense that they're actual credible threats rather than trash mobs who exist purely for you to kill and loot.
I dunno, with my current build the early game was hella easy. Pretty much crushed through everything in just one or two turns. During the midgame things got a lot harder for me. Especially big battles can be quite hard. Frustrations have been had. Thank god for savespamming.
Not sure which thread this needs to go in. I don't know whether to play Underrail; is it too similar to Fallout 1/2 that it's just a copy, or is it a fun isometric RPG in its own right?
Uh... Too similar? Like, there's stuff that obviously was inspired by Fallout but it puts its own spin on it.
And yes, it is a fun isometric RPG.
Except for the last part of the game. Which was tedious, repetitive and frustrating beyond belief for me.
I haven't made it to that last part, so I can't really say anything about that, but srsly, it's been the RPG of 2015 for me (I haven't played Age of Decadence yet, so my opinion might change at some point).

It is fun, unforgiving, has a very, very, very cool world to explore, lots of atmosphere, incredibly smooth mechanics, very interesting combat mechanics and character builds (is also very unforgiving with character builds, you can definitely mess up and end up having to restart), has a nice little unique XP system, a trading system that actually makes sense and I could probably go on for a bit more, but I won't.

Really. Very. Cool.

Very combat driven, though. A pacifist playthrough is probably impossible. I don't mind, since combat is incredibly fun and challenging, but I guess some people would mind stuff like this. :P
It's nothing much like Fallout at all aside from the fact that it's an isometric turn-based game. The setting is completely different, systems are different, everything is different. And yes, it's definitely worth playing, it's an excellent game. And I say that in spite of the fact that I didn't like the last bit of the game either.