Unexplained , Unfinished and Mysterious content in NV.

Briosafreak said:
It already is, in a vendor on that town north of Vegas with the Super Mutant and the whore house. He talks of a guy causing a riot then creating Arroyo.

He's mentioned a couple of times; Klamath Bob, Marcus, and one of the Remnants (Can't remember which one) all mention him and there was a possible reference to him from Cass. All of that though had been talking about his travels during the events of Fallout 2. We know that from the wrecked Highwayman that he had visited the Mojave sometime before the events of NV and Emily Ortal says she's from New Arroyo so she probably knows him or is related to him.
PowahAwemah said:
"Witnesses report a huge object or a creature surfacing in Lake Mead. So far, photos of the so-called Lake Mead Monster are grainy and under exposed."

I think it's a reference to this picture.


Yeah I think that is what it was making fun of, it's still talking about the plane though. The real monsters of Lake Mead are those damn lakelurks, the platform covered in lakelurks in the middle of the lake is one of the most dangerous places in the game in my opinion.
Thank you guys for the huge attention on this thread , I'm happy to see so many players interested in the mysteries surrounding the Mojave.

Ok here are some updates i will post them on the main post also.

- Daniel Wayand does have a wiki info but because of the mistaken name i couldn't find it. In the game he's name is spelled ''Daniel Wayand'' but in wiki its ''Daniel Wyand''

- Someone mentioned that Benny actually disables Victor , that is not true cause when you finally comfort Benny he is surprised to see you alive as he thought you died when you got shot from him.

Thanks guys for the discussions , it was interesting reading them.Feel free to post your own finds and we will update them on the Main Post.
Perhaps Mr House was more interested in how the Courier would be doing in his quest to pursue Benny and retrieve the Platinum Chip, deciding not assist the Courier in Goodsprings during the firefight with the Powder Gangers to see what 'wood the Courier is cut out off' so to speak.

And Victor is probably seen as an investment by Mr House, something not to be squandered on local disturbances.

If Mr House really wanted to see the Courier as soon and safe as possible he would more likely have instructed Victor to become the Courier's travel companion.
That's what I thought too at first but House had already kept Victor from attacking Benny and the Khans. Why would he have to use a command that Victor had never seen before to deactivate him this time? If Victor was just told not to assist you in the fight I would believe it was Mr. House but IIRC he was actually deactivated for the duration of the fight with a command that he didn't recognize. Something's just a little fishy here.
House didn't want to squander Victor on that little gunfight. Of course Victor was sent to make sure the Courier would be safe, but you also have to realize how much of a value Victor is to house. Being one of two Securitrons that can move their AI from one Securitron to another is something House values pretty high. He doesn't even know about Yes Man's existence, so Victor is his only unique Securitron. One that he wouldn't give up just to "save" the Courier from a bunch of thugs.
But he was able to stop Victor from protecting you from Benny and his thugs without deactivating him. Victor said he was deactivated with a command that he'd never seen before.

Also, Victor is an AI that is distributed across all securitrons; if you kill Victor then his AI will 'jump' to another securitron.
So let get this straight.

Victor says that he was deactivated from a unknown host from unknown location.Its already clear that its not Benny and that Victor says that its unknown and never happened before kinda makes me think that its not Mr.House either.
Cultness said:
House didn't want to squander Victor on that little gunfight. Of course Victor was sent to make sure the Courier would be safe, but you also have to realize how much of a value Victor is to house. Being one of two Securitrons that can move their AI from one Securitron to another is something House values pretty high. He doesn't even know about Yes Man's existence, so Victor is his only unique Securitron. One that he wouldn't give up just to "save" the Courier from a bunch of thugs.

Well... but that's just the thing, though. Victor can transmit his program to another Securitron, and if you witness his destruction on the trip to Vegas, there's even dialog with him on the subject when you meet him good-as-new at the strip. It wouldn't be any sort of significant sacrifice to lose Victor's body in that fight, as his consciousness would remain unharmed. And it's not like the fight was long odds, anyway... if you (as a player) possess any skill whatsoever, you'll mop up every time, without enlisting any extra help. House didn't have much of a reason to fear for Victor's life in that fight.

I don't think it's as complicated as some people make it though, either. I always interpreted the situation as House keeping Victor out of the fight because he didn't have any reason to keep him in it. As said, the fight isn't long odds, and it's not like you're in much real danger. And House doesn't give a damn about Goodsprings, so he's not going to take any risks for it, even negligible ones. To me, it was the first real indication of where House's interests lie and how he conducts his business.

And really, he has no real reason to go to any great lengths to keep you alive, either. You were never a part of his grand plan, and it was a one-in-a-million shot that you survived at all. Victor pulled you out of the dirt, made firsthand confirmation that you no longer had the chip, put you back into play as one more of House's many, many long-term gambits, and that was that. If you'd been stupid enough to remove yourself from the equation in the Ghost Town Gunfight, you'd have proven yourself not to be the kind of man that House needed, and he would've found someone else to recover the chip.

Edit: Ninja'd twice. As to what Victor says about being taken offline... I'd guess he's programmed to let the cat have his tongue in situations like this. House likes to play his cards close to his chest, and Victor did sort of play mum about being House's bot at first. It wouldn't exactly endear him or his employer to you if he came right out and said "Yeah, the boss told me to let you handle this one on your own, guy." It seems logical to me that Victor was a). simply lying, or b). incapable of perceiving or telling the whole truth due to scrubbed logs or behavioral filters or somesuch.
It's possible that he was lying but since it requires a science check to get the dialogue from him this leads me to believe that he really was deactivated by someone, probably someone with access to some pretty advanced technology. I'd be willing to bet that this might be explained a little in Old World Blues or the Lonesome Road.

But that is also just the thing. We don't know how the AI transferable thingie he does works. Is it when his current body shuts down, or does he do it on his free will? If it is the latter, then preserving the current body would be House's priority.
It's either/or, it would seem, both a convenience and a failsafe. If you follow him on the road to New Vegas you'll have a pretty high likelihood of seeing him fragged by something or another. If this happens, he's still there when you reach the strip, and if you mention that you thought he was destroyed he'll say something about how he transferred to a new body when he blew up. At the same time, though, we've all seen him jump back and forth between the doorman and elevator attendant 'bots at the Lucky .38.
The Dutch Ghost said:
You mean that home made flaming sword?
Its probably somewhere in the code but I am glad they removed that thing.
It's not removed, it's just super-rare. you'll see a random NPC carrying one, once or twice in your entire life!

I think they made it super rare because if you have the Shishkebab equipped at the same time as the space suit, the fuel tank and air tank for the two kinda get mixed up inside of each other.
Cultness said:
But that is also just the thing. We don't know how the AI transferable thingie he does works.

It's not transferred at all. Mr. House projects whatever he wants to any securitron he wants. He could make them all be Victor. Victor is simply an interface that Mr. House thinks would be easier for the courier to interact with.

As for Victor not helping you in the gun fight, I'm sure what he says about it, is simply a plot device, because the fight is easy enough already. But he needs to have a good excuse why he didn't help much, or at all.
A thing that bothered me and isn't really explained is...who the hell is Victor exactly? He has a personality (which isn't common in securitrons), he was in Goodsprings for at least a decade miles from the Strip without a purpose, a couple of persons say that his owner used to live there and Vic occupies a shack with an NCR flag (Ulysses?).

The most logical theory IMO is that whoever this person was found a broken Securitron and reprogrammed it but Mr. House treats Vic as if he was like one of his normal Securitrons. :S

Yeah, good one.
I remember after entering the Strip, getting to know Mr. House, Yes Man etc. Victor just lost his point in the game, only being an elevator boy. Which is a shame, from the moment I met him in the Goodsprings and later on I thought he will serve some greater purpose, or at least, get a proper ending in the epilogue.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
A thing that bothered me and isn't really explained is...who the hell is Victor exactly? He has a personality (which isn't common in securitrons), he was in Goodsprings for at least a decade miles from the Strip without a purpose, a couple of persons say that his owner used to live there and Vic occupies a shack with an NCR flag (Ulysses?).

The most logical theory IMO is that whoever this person was found a broken Securitron and reprogrammed it but Mr. House treats Vic as if he was like one of his normal Securitrons. :S

Yeah i remember this now , they said that Victor's owner disappeared and that Victor is been around even before House's Securitrons to rule New Vegas.Victor's owner used to live in a shack with an old world flag (Ulysess) it makes sense now , so the best theory that no other than Ulysess himself is the one disabling Victor when ''Ghost Town Gunfight'' happened.

Victor's memory wipe may be the reason why he had no info on he's disabling command.

This is a huge find and makes more sense now than ever , thanks to Stanislao Moulinsky for bringing that up i will post it one the main post.
That would be an interesting twist and also make it interesting if Victor appeared as an ally (hopefully) or enemy in Lonesome Road.

Personally I think it would be nice if Victor is one of the player's companions in that DLC.

BTW, I have replayed FNV several times now and do notice the flag on Victor's shack, I just not thought much of it.
House isn't risking Victor, the personality. He's risking victor, the securitron parked on the far side of nowhere, his eyes and ears for the area.

[spoiler:cb1b2e17b1]Benny couldn't have given any orders, since he was probably in primm or boulder city at that time. Yes Man has been sneaking around and spying on House's data traffic the entire time since House doesn't realise that Yes Man exists as he does and likely doesn't believe that one of his securitrons could be subverted against him. Benny probably knew about victor from House's directions to victor which Yes man picked up on, and may have told Yes Man to keep him out of a fight.[/spoiler:cb1b2e17b1].

I wouldn't trust what people say about Victor. I remember hearing conflicting things about what how long h's been in town the last time I paid attention to that.

Also, it's entirely possibly that House has had victor planted in good springs to keep an eye on things on that side of the world; the Victor persona is to keep him friendly and he just keeps an eye out for trouble and world events around good springs.
Also, if Victor really belonged to somebody other than house, he probably wouldn't be 'dead' if knock off house. [/spoiler:cb1b2e17b1]
The funny thing about Victor is that he was already in Goodsprings long before House opened up the Lucky 38 and sent his securitrons out. This means that Victor was the only securitron model robot out in the wastelands for several years, so what makes him so special? IIRC Mr. House didn't open up the Lucky 38 until he got full control over everything again and came out of his coma-like state, this means that someone else did control Victor for a while before he became House's robot.