Uniq Armor/Critter Mod!

Mr.Wolna said:

A tool which make the diffren sky derections/W,E and so on) by self!

What your thimk about mrtger and his dog?

I dont understand what you mean by 'sky directions'. If you
mean the facing of the character, the way to do this is to
to automate the flipping process in photoshop to open, 'flip
canvas horizonatally' and save and close. If this is what you
mean PM me and i'll give more details.

About the Dog - well, i think its great! I notice you've changed
metzgers colour also. Good idea. But when the PC attacks
him the dog will just stand there frozen! Can you use the dogmeat
dog and code him in as 'Metzgers Mutt'?! :)[/quote]
You know, its funny what i just thought.
Add a badge to a black guy in metal armor, and what do you have?
Redding Sheriff, by the name of Marion or smth.
A such little change, giving so much more to the atmosphere.
Hello folks.
I went through the whole tread rather hastily but I think that what follows wasn't pointed out yet:
PC appearence is hardcoded. You cannot add in game a new armour look for PCs without getting rid of something else (character or even creature, probably). Just an example: if your total conversion does not entails the savage look then you can name your new .FRMs like the original ones, and make an armour proto which gives the player the "new" savage look. Know that if there are savages anywhere in game they will have the new armour look too.
If you plan to add new armours look for non playing characters only then that's fine, you don't need to get rid of anything.
I'm sorry for the bad news.
See you.
So, we can add unlimited new frm's for npc. Well, thats pretty much a lot anyway, considering adding some "decal" kinda thingies to some of the npc's can be very nice. Like for that sheriff, he wouldn't even need any other frm edited, just the default "standing" model would do the trick, becouse if you kill him you won't see the badge anyway :)!
Yes you all have very nice idea but we need a lot of artist to make this/because editing critters a hard job) ask Josan :wink:

Otherwise this mod will be never finished! :(
Sirren67 said:
...You cannot add in game a new armour look for PCs without getting rid of something else (character or even creature, probably)...

Really easy, in fact to add new armor appearances, as long as all the art is done. No need to replace anything, as the originals and new ones could both be used. (Starting graphics, well, those are a different story).

Short version: Add code to critter procedure to recognize when a new armor (i.e a new item) is worn in inventory slot 0, then change the player's (or other NPC) appearance using a metarule. Add art to critters folder. Voila!
Short version: Add code to critter procedure to recognize when a new armor (i.e a new item) is worn in inventory slot 0, then change the player's (or other NPC) appearance using a metarule. Add art to critters folder. Voila!

So are you saying new PC FRM's can be added or no?[/quote]
Mr.Wolna said:
@Mib why i need a code for a new critter? :irked:

What? New critter? In this case, you don't need a new critter... but you do need a new code in the existing critter scripts. You need to tell the script to call the new art. If you don't do it that way, then the alternative is to replace the names of existing critter art. Then, like Sirren67 said, all of the critters will have the new look.

But I should clarify something. Making new items to represent the new armor is key. This way, you are telling the game to call the art for the "special combat armor" and not just the regular combat armor for example.
Sirren67 said:
My apologies, I admit my ignorance about the scripting part.

Yeah, but you have me totally beat in the graphics department! :)
While we’re on the subject I have a question. In F1 the obj_dude script has no critter_p_proc procedure. I have had zero luck trying to add one in. Does this just simply not work in F1, or am I missing something revoltingly obvious?
I have seen a lot of scripts from Fallout 1 work fine in Fallout 2, but I haven't tried it the other way. However, I don't see why it wouldn't work. I'll experiment with it someday. For now, try this one:
procedure Critter_Action

Let me know how it goes.
Mr.Wolna said:
can i use this in fo2 too or is this just the same like critter prov fot fo1?

No, the critter_p_proc works fine in Fallout 2. Remember: that is where I placed the code in that example I sent you. But, use one or the other. I wouldn't use both in the same script. Maybe it would work fine, but there is no reason to take the chance.

But, if you want to use it, critter_action works fine in Fallout 2. This is the code that is included in the critters from Scraptown in the Megamod. It works fine. I just don't know for certain if critter_p_proc works in Fallout 1 scripts. Think of it like this: Microsoft Word 2007 can open documents written in Microsoft Word 2003, but Microsoft Word 2003 cannot open a file saved as a 2007 document. Same thing here, I think. Fallout 2 can handle Fallout 1 scripts, but maybe it doesn't work completely right the other way around.