Hey there! Long-time lurker, fan, yadda. First off, kudos for an awesome patch, killap. This thing is awesome. Also a quick obligatory thank you and round of applause to Per for the legendary and insanely helpful Ultimate Guides. You guys are the Cat's Paw. (Well, it seemed more in flavor than Cat's Meow

And with that taken care of...
killap said:
I realize it is a change to the game, but I did it in the hopes that it would slow down the inevitable occurence of the too many items bug. The fact that there are so many items on each map is the problem and thus wiping the shopkeeper's inventory of your useless items should help. Since this bug is unfixable anything to aid in its slowdown is a plus.
To a certain degree, I must agree. As an item hoarder by nature, I've yet to play through the game and NOT at least see the warning signs of the blasted item bug at some point. That said though, I must also agree with Per in the aspect that such a change does have some pretty far-reaching implications. Among other concerns, one thing that immediately came to mind is that, even after all this time, I still occasionally find friends who've never played FO1/2. Being the rabid fan that I am, I can't help but to get them in there to enjoy the games first hand.
So the concern then, is that with an indiscriminate wipe of all inventory in all shops, what happens if someone sells something crucial or quest-related, not realizing its implications? As things stand now, you could go and buy the thing(s) back, but with this in place, that will no longer be possible.
To my mind, this is a pretty significant deviation from the original intent and flavor of the game, and could be quite frustrating for any non-veterans who would otherwise benefit from being able to play through their first time with a (mostly) bug-free patch.
Perhaps there's some way to make it behave between the two extremes? Like perhaps when a shopkeeper is about to restock, only "purge" items of types he's capable of restocking, and then perhaps a few "special case" exclusions (for specific quest-related items which would normally be caught based on their generic item type)?
[See PM I sent - this was getting way too long already]
Per said:
There is another small thing. Someone mailed me about being able to learn about Myron's hookers from Jules. I'm sure this was something you added, but it's not listed in the corrections file from the June release.
killap said:
Was this something that was broken? I remember something regarding this but it has been awhile. I did not add anything regarding this so if there was a change it must have been due to it being broken before. I will look again and see what I did.
Per said:
The bug was that even though Jules gave you the same info as Marjorie Reed, it wouldn't set the right flag, so you could only go to the Stables as a hooker if you had already been there. The fact that this guy could do it indicates your fix is working as it should, so it just appears to be missing from the list.
That would be me. I can CC you the email I sent Per if it would help you locate the specifics. I checked and re-checked your docs, and having seen no mention, coupled with the fact that all the dialog seemed to indicate it was "originally intended", I'd assumed I found something Per had actually missed --As insanely rare and unlikely as that may be.
I plan to do a bit more testing as well, to pinpoint statistic/skill requirements, as well as to verify whether or not it is in fact possible with only the official patch in place. I'll keep you posted if I find anything significant.