Fallout 2 mod Unofficial MIB88 MegaMod Gameplay Help

I need some help on the quest where you must find who is stealing from the woman's crop in trapper town.

I moved away from the crop then slept until night. I then saw some float-emotes coming from the crops, so I went into sneak mode and moved in. I then saw that it was a kid who was eating from the crops but he ran off-screen before I could do anything.

Ever since then I've been scouring the town looking for that kid, to no avail. Where the heck did he go? I can't complete the quest until I take care of this unfinished business.

EDIT: On a side note, I ran into a game stopping bug. I went to the town where the Blades and Fools reside. I joined the Fools then tried to barter with one of their members and my game crashed. After that, I haven't been able to load my save that was from that town I took a bit earlier. How can I fix this?
Phoenix777 said:
Talk to Steve in the nearby building.

I've talk to Steve---> I get Error... :( when I try to talk to him.

@DxEntity; The kid is with his dad in a room... ;)
And it's not a girl, the npc's called Sam
Touquet said:
Phoenix777 said:
Talk to Steve in the nearby building.

I've talk to Steve---> I get Error... :( when I try to talk to him.

I messed up a dialog file. But, if you are lucky with your 'Error' choices, he will convince the guards to leave.
MIB88 said:
Touquet said:
Phoenix777 said:
Talk to Steve in the nearby building.

I've talk to Steve---> I get Error... :( when I try to talk to him.

I messed up a dialog file. But, if you are lucky with your 'Error' choices, he will convince the guards to leave.

The dialogue choice at the very bottom wasn't "error'd" for me, and that choice worked for me. Basically, you bribe Steve.
MIB88 said:
Touquet said:
Phoenix777 said:
Talk to Steve in the nearby building.

I've talk to Steve---> I get Error... :( when I try to talk to him.

I messed up a dialog file. But, if you are lucky with your 'Error' choices, he will convince the guards to leave.

I can't talk to him :(,
It display error above his head when I try to talk to him.
Touquet said:
MIB88 said:
Are you certain of this? Is this every time? Usually when there is a problem saving a game, it is experienced on all levels of a map. And all levels of Navarro (gas station, air strip, and underground) are on the same map...

Yes it's all the time but perhaps it's becaus I try to kill the Commander guard with some C4... I've juste to take the elevator and save; not a big deal. It happen in vault 15 too but I've clean it in without saving ;)

In Per's walkthrough, it clearly states that saving AFTER you arm explosives in the same map is a no no. This is an engine bug and has not been correct/ may be uncorrectable like the Too-Many-Items bug. Saving after arming explosives, usually corrupts the map file.
SkynetV4 said:
Touquet said:
MIB88 said:
Are you certain of this? Is this every time? Usually when there is a problem saving a game, it is experienced on all levels of a map. And all levels of Navarro (gas station, air strip, and underground) are on the same map...

Yes it's all the time but perhaps it's becaus I try to kill the Commander guard with some C4... I've juste to take the elevator and save; not a big deal. It happen in vault 15 too but I've clean it in without saving ;)

In Per's walkthrough, it clearly states that saving AFTER you arm explosives in the same map is a no no. This is an engine bug and has not been correct/ may be uncorrectable like the Too-Many-Items bug. Saving after arming explosives, usually corrupts the map file.

Thx SkynetV4, this was a long a shot... Alomost forgot about that one. :lol:
Since this bug I've take the "janitor way", easier ;)

@ MIB88 about Steve problem; I've bribe him... fast way to complete the quest 8-) hehe

It was th only "readable" dialog option btw.
Anybody give me a hint on where vault 14 is located? I searched the entire map, got the key, now I can't find it anywhere. I searched the forums, but didn't see any help. And btw is there any quests in Bunker 21? Or is it just a ransack everything and leave?
I've been trying to get the vertibird but i seem to have run into a bit of a wall.

I can't actually talk to maria, she will just say things like get back to your post and so forth, and i've talked to tony to the point where i can reveal i know he is from the enclave, but after i do that he wont talk to me anymore, have i missed something? :?

btw i read through the thread, and the trouble someone had earlier with this didn't seem to help my situation much. :(
Kha-khees said:
I can't actually talk to maria, she will just say things like get back to your post and so forth, and i've talked to tony to the point where i can reveal i know he is from the enclave, but after i do that he wont talk to me anymore, have i missed something? :?

Who did you talk to first? And, is your character sure he is from the Enclave, or are you just guessing? Generally, you must talk to Maria first, then Fassard. And, until I clean up Fassard's script and dialog, there is a little guesswork you will have to do when talking to him.
I did it in this order:

-Talk to the guard that triggers the arrival of the 'bird.

-Talk to maria, she says to bugger off, talk to her after she has finished her inspection, etc. But she is only standing in the barracks. (I gather she is meant to be walking around outside?) (I did steal the report off her after that, I'm not sure if that did anything at all though)

-Talk to tony, go through the postman parts etc. I get to the part where he says he's just a regular mailman and i have three options:
1. point out he has the uniform.
2. tell him to cut the crap.
3. joke about arresting him.

No matter which option i go with he will just revert to saying he doesn't understand what i'm talking about and just wish me good luck whenever i speak to him again.

Sorry if this should be in the technical issues thread, thought i'd come here first.
Kha-khees said:
-Talk to maria, she says to bugger off, talk to her after she has finished her inspection, etc. But she is only standing in the barracks. (I gather she is meant to be walking around outside?) (I did steal the report off her after that, I'm not sure if that did anything at all though)

I might have messed something up when I introduced the report to the game (it was not there until this last version). However, originally Maria was supposed to 'tell' you about Fassard. If she doesn't specifically tell you about him, then you aren't going to get the right combination of dialog options from Fassard.

And yes, she is supposed to be walking around doing an inspection.
Steal from safe in Redding

I was given a mission to steal from the safe in Redding from the Cold hearts guys. I have been through Redding several times and can't seem to find the safe. If it's here it is possible I already robbed it as I've pretty much covered Redding. I did rob the bank in the casino, but that didn't seem to satisfy the thieves
Regarding the safe in Redding, I had already stolen everything out of that and he just says something like "what's the score?" then I have to say "nothing".

That's why I thought maybe I had to rob the bank as well since he told me this would cost me. He still didn't respond after robbing the bank.
Ok, now that I have explored a bit more of the mod, I have a few gameplay questions.

Is it possible to repair the Barrett rifle that you find in the Temple of Trials?

Is it possible to save the Tank Specimen that you retrieve from the hibernation chambers in the EPA?

I didn't find the GGG, the Ion Blaster (I recall reading it was scrapped), Ghoul Armor in the EPA...what did I do wrong? I spoke with the Security Hologram and completed his quest. He then dismisses me whenever I try to speak with him, telling me that he wants nothing more to do with me.

What do the dog food and seeds do? I was guessing that the seeds could have been planted at Arroyo but the village was already taken by the Enclave (I recall that I saw fertile ground up there).

Can't think of anything else at the moment.
SkynetV4 said:
Is it possible to repair the Barrett rifle that you find in the Temple of Trials?

Don't think so. I've did not fins any clue about it in the previous version; pass it three time. :(

What do the dog food and seeds do?

Use with dogmeat to "feed" him. Actually nobody have to eat but it's heal him if I'm correct..

I was guessing that the seeds could have been planted at Arroyo but the village was already taken by the Enclave (I recall that I saw fertile ground up there).

Yes that right, in the garden; buy you a bit more time to find the G.E.C.K. that all. I think there is another use in Vault Village but I can be wrong on that.
Touquet said:
SkynetV4 said:
I was guessing that the seeds could have been planted at Arroyo but the village was already taken by the Enclave (I recall that I saw fertile ground up there).

Yes that right, in the garden; buy you a bit more time to find the G.E.C.K. that all. I think there is another use in Vault Village but I can be wrong on that.

I have not included Killap's Restoration Project yet, so, there is no Vault Village yet. But everything else is correct.