Fallout 2 mod Unofficial MIB88 MegaMod Gameplay Help

Stlid said:
I have looked and looked I have spent a half an hour clicking every part of the shack trying to find it.

Its on the floor (Good job there are not H&S inspectors in fallout).

on one side of the hut you have the desk, and the inactive trader standing next to it, on the other side of that room are a bunch of boxes, it is on the floor amongst those.
MIB88 said:
That was something I changed for the next release. It will tell you if your skills are not high enough. However, I just rechecked the script, and 84 is high enough. Maybe you just aren't successful...or you don't have the right machine.
I am using one next to scientist, description of it says "Machine used to project hologram of scientist" or something like this.

MIB88 said:
As for how you get out, why are you looking for a ladder or exit grid? Did you use one to enter the EPA sublevels?! Unless you are saying you are already in the air ducts, the place where you fought the ants and deathclaws. If that is the case, then, wow, you have discovered a new bug: the disappearing ladder. :crazy:
Yeah, i entered to ventilation system, killed all ants, mantises and deathclaws in vent system. When i went back to place where i first came i could not find ladder - its propably just something i did not spot, going to try again.

Thanks for help, lets see if i can get this happen.

Edit: Found a way out, but fixing hologram is still problem.
sende said:
Edit: Found a way out, but fixing hologram is still problem.

Are you using your skills on the machine that is on the north wall that looks like it has 4 old style tape reels?
MIB88 said:
sende said:
Edit: Found a way out, but fixing hologram is still problem.

Are you using your skills on the machine that is on the north wall that looks like it has 4 old style tape reels?
Yes, thats the one.

Using version 2.1 - this is only problem i have encountered so far.
There is no bug other than the fact that it doesn't tell you if you have failed.

Oops. Misread a number in the script. Um, try another skill other than science...the one it hints at in the dialog with him.
MIB88 said:
sende said:
MIB88 said:
sende said:
Edit: Found a way out, but fixing hologram is still problem.

Are you using your skills on the machine that is on the north wall that looks like it has 4 old style tape reels?
Yes, thats the one.

Oops. Misread a number in the script. Um, try another skill other than science.
Thank you. I think i know whats the skill you mean, and unfortunately mine is something less than 80, I will come back when i have found few Dean's electronics.
I don't know, but when something is broken, it's not normal to use repair?
And when repair something, usual it's need some "junk"
IAR80 said:
I don't know, but when something is broken, it's not normal to use repair?
And when repair something, usual it's need some "junk"

I have noticed a few scripts in the game that seem to use those two skills interchangeably.

Also, that is a hint for another piece of equipment. :wink:
Sorry about asking stuff all the time but now something weird happened.

I got high enough skill to get scientist speak - he doesn't give me any kind of access codes to other parts, thats the minor problem maeby related to my true one...

When i came back to EPA whole factory had been kind of reseted, I still had quests completed but i could get exp from disabling magnetic field and i had totally forgotten code for doors - I was thinking if this is related to problem with scientist not giving me codes to lower lvls. I have been only in first 3 and seems like that i cant enter to lower ones because of this "reset"

Anyone else had problems like this ?
sende said:
When i came back to EPA whole factory had been kind of reseted, I still had quests completed but i could get exp from disabling magnetic field and i had totally forgotten code for doors - I was thinking if this is related to problem with scientist not giving me codes to lower lvls. I have been only in first 3 and seems like that i cant enter to lower ones because of this "reset"

Anyone else had problems like this ?

Being that this is a bug, you might find something about it in the thread about bugs and technical issues. In fact, I know you will. Do a search for posts using the terms EPA and reset.

Also, there are only 3 sublevels to the EPA once you go through the utility level.
MIB88 said:

Being that this is a bug, you might find something about it in the thread about bugs and technical issues. In fact, I know you will. Do a search for posts using the terms EPA and reset.

Also, there are only 3 sublevels to the EPA once you go through the utility level.
I did search and found out what causes this. But I have understood that hologram of scientist should give me password to somewhere, i was thinking of this "elevator" at floor 2, same kind of platform one than ones at navarro.

I didnt know that you enter to other sublevels from somewhere else than utility level, this clears things a bit - thank you once again.
sende said:
I did search and found out what causes this. But I have understood that hologram of scientist should give me password to somewhere, i was thinking of this "elevator" at floor 2, same kind of platform one than ones at navarro.

I didnt know that you enter to other sublevels from somewhere else than utility level, this clears things a bit - thank you once again.

I think you have misunderstood me. The only way to reach the sublevels is to go through the utility level. The reset bug affects the entire map if you go to level one from the worldmap instead of going through the utility level.

Where did you get the idea that the science hologram would give you a password to somehere else? He provides no passwords to anything. As for the hidden level, well, you just need to explore the EPA some more or get someone else to tell you.

Oh, as for forgetting the password to the doors, that is another bug IAR80 was just helping me sort out in a few private messages. I finally got it straigtened out. Basically, you will not forget the password if you explore all of the sublevels at one time. If you leave the sublevels, you will forget the password that opens the door. This won't happen in the next release.
MIB88 said:
I think you have misunderstood me. The only way to reach the sublevels is to go through the utility level. The reset bug affects the entire map if you go to level one from the worldmap instead of going through the utility level.

Oh, im just puzzled with all those other lvls. Just found paper with password, i dont even know in which point i got this, propably from underground area at that area with doctor. This is answer to something, now i need to find question :wink:

Maeby i can find a way to open this door to platform elevator i just mentioned.

MIB88 said:
Where did you get the idea that the science hologram would give you a password to somehere else? He provides no passwords to anything. As for the hidden level, well, you just need to explore the EPA some more or get someone else to tell you.
I must of messed up holograms, there was info in wikia.vault speaking of this scientist - just a misunderstood, looks like that only one hologram gives pass in first 3 lvls.

I could consider myself fallout veteran but now i actually have to think a lot and even ask for tips - great job putting this mod together !

Getting this far already took a while, looks like that this whole EPA complex tooks loads of more.
sende said:
MIB88 said:
I think you have misunderstood me. The only way to reach the sublevels is to go through the utility level. The reset bug affects the entire map if you go to level one from the worldmap instead of going through the utility level.

Oh, im just puzzled with all those other lvls. Just found paper with password, i dont even know in which point i got this, propably from underground area at that area with doctor. This is answer to something, now i need to find question :wink:

Maeby i can find a way to open this door to platform elevator i just mentioned.

Ah, yeah. OK, now I know what happened. Technically you are not in the sublevels. You found a ladder into that area, didn't you? That elevator was supposed to be the way down into the area once you got the password from...somewhere else. And the hidden ladder was supposed to provide an alternate way to leave. Oh well. :wink:
MIB88 said:
Ah, yeah. OK, now I know what happened. Technically you are not in the sublevels. You found a ladder into that area, didn't you? That elevator was supposed to be the way down into the area once you got the password from...somewhere else. And the hidden ladder was supposed to provide an alternate way to leave. Oh well. :wink:
Ah! Now i understand what you mean.

I was supposed to enter from place near rocks, then go trought broken wall and use platform elevator to get to place where i am now. If we speaking of same place that platform elevator would bring you to room that is in level 2, next to this super computer and hologram generator - there is also hologram of scientist in same level.

I entered from first map of EPA, trough ventilation system. I actually found that second part only hour ago. No wonder that it felt weird to explore this place... i have started from wrong place :)

Forgetting doorcode is huge problem now, i dont think that i can find a way to lower levels than these three without using it. Exploring levels is total pain - stupid me, why i had to come here from wrong place and use quick entrance to level 1 :clap:

Edit: I found older save, lets see if i havent messed up EPA in this one - yes it works, i only lost one lvl and all redding quests.
Not quite. You are supposed to enter through the utility level (all brown area with goo, ants, scorpions, and deathclaws). You then get down to sublevels and explore. Then you get the one password (from somewhere or someone) and access that eleveator like the one from Navarro. Once you go down into that area and explore, then you take the ladder out or go back the way you came. And then you can talk with the Doctor at the warehouse at any time during your travels. But that ladder is hidden to keep you from going that way. :P
MIB88 said:
Not quite. You are supposed to enter through the utility level (all brown area with goo, ants, scorpions, and deathclaws). You then get down to sublevels and explore. Then you get the one password (from somewhere or someone) and access that eleveator like the one from Navarro. Once you go down into that area and explore, then you take the ladder out or go back the way you came. And then you can talk with the Doctor at the warehouse at any time during your travels. But that ladder is hidden to keep you from going that way. :P
Now i finally understood. I entered from area with doctor and completed all quests from first three levels, also loaded old save and now i dont have problems with password. Every inch of first 3 floors checked and there are only 2 rooms where i cant get.

-Centaurs and others behind force fields

I will leave and come back when i get enough science to study this crypted info from computer, that seems to be last thing i can do in these floors.

Thanks for patience.
One question for everyone who read this.

There is someone of you, which succeeded getting the GGG (Gatling Gauss Gun)

I don't need to know how, just if you have it.

Tanx in advance...
Not for me, I look like I miss it... even if the EPA was rested each time I've been there...
and I don't know who have it (but I have an idea)
But the 2mm EC are very difficult to fing so I'm not sad ;)
Cassidy rock with the Gauss Rifle anyway
IAR80 said:
I don't need to know how, just if you have it.

This has been changed for the next release. In your current game, you have just one chance to get it. In the next release, dialog options possibly leading to this will not be closed off after the first chance.

MIB88 said:
Touquet said:
1 - Where can Ilearn to modify weapon? Who can teach me?

1. You can't modify weapons.

This has been changed, by the way, with the addition of Alternative Life. Now the player can upgrade some weapons, if he finds out how to do it.