Look, Ma! Two Heads!

- Sfall is updated to 4.3.2, fixing Jet addiction causing permanent stat loss.
Is it a known issue in RPUv25 + FO2Tweaks v12.8 + Inventory Filter for post-Mentats SPECIAL debuff to become stuck, permanently lowering stats? I don't mean addiction, I mean the normal debuff after taking *any* drug, where the stat it raised is temporarily lowered. I encountered this with Mentats, and thankfully had a backup save to roll to.
If it is a known issue, I won't try to reconstruct the reproduction of it / create an issue on github.
My general impression of the current RPU + FO2tweaks + Inventory Filter is that while they are ambitious and offer quite a lot of options, this package is significantly less stable than RP 1.x or Fallout et tu. Fallout 1 and 2 over the past 10+ years has not been prone to crashes or corrupted saved games in my experience, as I normally don't play with many mods involving scripts - usually standard teamX and house *.LST/.PRO/.FRM modifications. But here with the RPU, FO2tweaks and the inventory filter, I feel as if I am pushing the engine (and sfall) too hard and the cracks are showing.
I don't mean to sound ungrateful, it is more an observation than anything else. I'm sure the software will get to the point where these issues no longer exist, hopefully some of my bug reports and observations help with that goal.
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