UP and RP updates

Question time:

On the EPA map there's a quest to kill the plants on the ground level, is there a certain number of plants to kill to finish this quest, or just kill all the plants to finish the quest?

The reason Im asking is because I've rebuilt the map and want to reduce the plant numbers by 50%...either way I'll need someone to go over the map scripts and make any adjustments to make the quest work.
On the EPA map there's a quest to kill the plants on the ground level, is there a certain number of plants to kill to finish this quest, or just kill all the plants to finish the quest?
The quest requires the player to kill at least 26 EPA spore plants.
Jesus, 26 critters. This is worse than every other rat dungeon in Fo2.
Screw that, I'm only putting 10. I hate tedious combat and fighting plants is the worst! The map is much smaller, the main building is smaller, and the extra buildings are gone. The greenhouse has been merged into the main building. The items you need to use to enter the main vault (metal pole) will be in a locked in a room in the main ground floor building. I'm trying to keep it simple.
I ran into a problem at the Den. I only have RPU installed, and when I take too much time in The Den, I get a memory reference problem whatever I do, whether it's going to a different area, clicking at someone or something, and the game quits. I couldn't figure out why it happens, so I just left after picking up Vic fastly. Any idea what might cause it? It gaves me the error: 1101932b referenced memory at 000000d0, the memory could not be written.

I'm having the same issue for a long time now, lost a character to this already. My game bugs far too often.
The maps are practically finished, I'm just testing them for any issues.

Question: Is there any reason why Cat Jules is a black character? Just curious!

EDIT: Im hoping to replace the current RPU Cat Jules critter with the black critter Lexx made, which is a much nicer clean looking critter.
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People will likely not like that change. My guess is they picked the critter because he looks more like your generic tv show drug dealer. Similar to whats-his-name one map further up.
Oh lol, I thought you were talking about the guy in New Reno. :D

The RPU / hero appearance mod black dude looks terrible, yes. I have no idea why he wasn't switched out yet. Black Dude mod was released exactly 1 year ago, plenty of time to update.
The maps are practically finished, I'm just testing them for any issues.

Question: Is there any reason why Cat Jules is a black character? Just curious!

EDIT: Im hoping to replace the current RPU Cat Jules critter with the black critter Lexx made, which is a much nicer clean looking critter.
I don't know the history, and I never get this far in F2, but Cat Jules maybe a reference to Cat from the Red Dwarf tv series portrayed by Danny John-Jules.
Can people test these maps for issues - glitches, etc. Hopefully this new version of the RP maps will be used in a future update of RPU, if not then they will be released as a separate mod, either way I'm not fussed.

Now I worked on the RP back in the day and helped Killap with the maps, so I'm fully aware of all the problems regarding the maps, considering I'm the one that made the problems. These new maps address many of the problems, namely the old ones were too busy with 'unnecessary stuff'.

The lighting in a few locations has been altered, so don't worry if things feel different when first encountering them - Gecko Powerplant has a darker interior, same for the Sierra Army Depot, as well as the Military Base (fixing the generator fixes only the elevator, doesn't turn on the lights anymore). Why the changes, because they look so much better - play and see.

The files come in two types. One is the raw files (art, maps, scripts, text, etc) - a lot of the art has been changed, overriding your original files is necessary and its permanent, so make a backup if you're worried. For lovers of files, download and have a look at the stuff.


The second is the RPU.dat file that overrides version 2.6 in the mods folder - again make a backup if you're worried. The RPU.dat has new critters for Cat Jules as well as all the raw files in their proper folders.


Just note if you play with these new maps you're never going back to the original Restoration Project, let alone the vanilla game (unless it's a nostalgia trip). For the best look play the game with the 2x scaling on (get as close to the original resolution look as possible), playing the game at an ungodly resolution looks shit and Tim Cain will curse you.

Now it goes without saying start a new game!

Enjoy Fallout lovers of the world...:nod:

PS - Any issues leave a message on this thread.
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I'm playing with the files for a while now, and as a Fallout mapper of many years, I can say that the new maps are worlds better than the old ones in the RP. The old ones were always too much with everything. Too much clutter, and then some more clutter on top of it. With the update, it's all cleaned up and feels more closer to the original again while at the same time improving details on every corner. It doesn't feel like a different Fallout 2 now, but a polished original.
The girlie posters? They are images from the 1950s. Which ones?
all of em if possible, I'm looking to recreate them in 3d with the source images for a new vegas mod. I already have quite a lot of the normal ones like the movie poster's and the tool album cover (lol).