Little Robot said:
People aren't disputing whether or not what the politicians/responsible parties did was right, ffs. People are disputing something else entirely. If, as a spy, you kill a man to get secret documents from another country-- that's wrong. But if I release all your information and information about other people, it only endangers more people.
Just blurring the names of the people put at risk by these documents-- foreigners who work for the US, for example-- would have been much more forgivable.
Haha, that's a good one. So if a group of people rape women, you don't want to do anything about it, you don't report it to the police or anything, because then maybe more people get injured. Wow.
Anyway, the infos are out and no one died yet. Not like in the past several years because the stupid wars.
What is happened about the Mohammad drawings? All the media, the press and the politicians said "it's ok, it's the freedom of speech, people can say or draw whatever things they want and they can put that on the Internet".
What they say now? People can't share things on the Internet.
When the Mohammad thing happened, then people died, buildings burned down, dozens (or hundreds) of people got injured. But they said that was ok. On the other hand if someone is telling the truth about them, they arrest the guy who sharing the truth.
If someone did really bad things, crimes and such, that person's name shouldn't be blurred.
Even if you do a not too serious crime, your name, personal infos and even your photo goes to the Internet. The police upload those things. So don't tell me the war criminals and serious criminal shouldn't be mentioned and their names, infos and photos should be blurred.
For example, the government "collected" informations in countries, not just names, IP and phone numbers, but ID card numbers, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, SSL numbers too. This is a serious crime in most of the countries. That is shocking how these people are not behind bars yet. But you saysing even their names should be blurred? I think it's unacceptable.