US slams 'criminals' behind WikiLeaks

Again wikileak seem to think that at least all non dangerous information should be open to all.
But who's jduging what's dangerous data and even what's true?
-Yesterday i read they released wrong data about Steve Jobs illness. This is a dangerous thing for Apple because of the stock market and the reaction to Steves illness.
-They released information about emergency plans of the NATO on shielding eastern countries against the attack of Russia. Naturally Russia knows about such emergency plans - but they don't have to really act on this knowledge because such things aren't public. But they have to react on such things if they get public - because that's how diplomacy works.

So wikileaks isn't able to tell what's dangerous, what's true and especially not what should be open for all.
And they don't even seem to care one second about what might be personal and private information and what not.
This all while Assange, their great leader, seems to be very protective about their own informations, especially his personal live.

Not to mention how they simply lied last year when the german domain got down. Immediately it was some plan of the german goverment to put them to ground...
Well in reality it was simply because they we're to dumb to switch to another provider when the old one informed them that he wouldn't prolong their contract and that after reaching a set date not switching would mean that the domain name would be closed.
-> This really shows how you can trust their statements and how paranoid and incapabble they are.

Even the reaction on PayPal, Visa and so on, from wikileaks followers shows they're not interested in a world without crimes. But are happily accepting crimes as long as it furthers their goals.
Their ethics are highly questionable for me, and therefore i've to laugh everytime somebody thinks they're some sort of 'messiahas'.

So please feel free to cheer if Satan is fighting Beelzebub, but i don't cheer on such things.
the_cpl said:
Bulero, you are wrong. Collecting informations -illegally- about innocent people and sharing informations about a crime is not the same. As far as I know the Wikileaks guys didn't spy, they just got the info from somebody and they uploaded those things to the net.

I just heard the US government telling their employees if they read the Wiki infos or they comment it, they can loose their jobs. :roll: Isn't that anti-Constitutional?

depends where you work. I mean people expect from you a certain responsibility sharing informations with everyone isnt. Of course that only counts for informations which are not ilegal like coruption or crime. Wrong things should be made public.

But the problem is just that I have yet to see a real change. I mean all that happend is that the people which stole the information are in jail or court while the people eventually responsible for the actions are still out there.

Its like abu grahib. This strange sadistic female is in prison.But what happend to heir superiors who gave her the order ? What happens with generals in charge over Guantanamo ? Nothing. And thats what I find disgusting. And here wikileaks changed nothing. If anyting they should come up with a few clear names of those "superiors". But then you can be sure that something would happen.
Bulero said:
Bad_Karma said:
So wikileaks isn't able to tell what's dangerous, what's true and especially not what should be open for all. ... Their ethics are highly questionable for me...
You imply Mr. Assange isn't motivated by charity.

I imply that no one's purely altrustic and that a lot of utopists and idealists turned out bad. And that there were a lot of people who claimed to be idealists who wanted to make the world a better place. And therefore you should question what they are really doing and also how it would turn out if they reached their goal or if it's even realistic.
And that i question their actions and what they cause with them.
As i also question what the goverments are doing.
One of the little kids from Anonymous got arrested in the Netherlands. I love it. As much as I giggle in the Russian-esque surpression of WikiLeaks, and the huge overreaction to a bunch of material that wasn't really that interesting, Anonymous are a bunch of idiotic douchebags who think they have the right to act like a bunch of cyber-hooligans just because not everyone shares their opinion. Jail is where they belong.

Assange is creepy as hell.
It baffles me how a government "by the people, for the people," etc., can justify having secrets that aren't vital to public safety -- which diplomatic memos, for example, are certainly not. I haven't read the leaks, but I just don't see how it can be such a huge deal -- Fox News would definitely be screaming about any specifics like that, and so far it's all general outcries to prosecute WikiLeaks personnel... which, afaik, should be impossible.

Though I don't at all disapprove of WikiLeaks in general or even the little bit I know of Assange, I support the US prosecuting the soldier that released so much of that information -- he actually had to agree to keep that information secret to get a clearance. BN, what did AnonKid get arrested for?

Edit: Oh, and "I have no beef with Assange" hinges on the rape charges being so far unproven, and how easy/common it seems for men to be falsely accused of that. For a high-profile example, look at the Duke Lacrosse fiasco.

Edit2: Oh no, I'm not assuming they're false -- just definitely not assuming they're true, either.
Yeah, the soldier should be prosecuted. But Assange is just a distributor of secrets. Even if he goes behind bars, so what? Newspapers published those materials... should we close them too?

As far as rape charges go, i am not so quick to dismiss them as false. We'll have to wati and see what the swedes do.
Blakut said:
Assange is creepy as hell.

Yes he is. Whenever i see his face in the papers i think that he really could've raped those women.

Don't be can't judge a rapist simply by their appearance.


Or can you... :look:
Perhaps it is just me, but when I see that man, I don't immediately think "rapist;" I think "horse wearing the skin of a man." What a freaky-looking dude.
Brother None said:
Anonymous are a bunch of idiotic douchebags who think they have the right to act like a bunch of cyber-hooligans just because not everyone shares their opinion. Jail is where they belong.
Oh come now, they do good things every now and then like the protest against Scientology. That said, the US government sent out letters stating that Wikileaks was performing illegal activities, ignoring due process. I have an issue with the Swiss shutting down the bank account for legal fees and the payment companies disallowing payment to his accounts without valid reason.

All in all, the US government is overreacting and taking some dubiously legal actions against Wikileaks.

Brother None said:
Assange is creepy as hell.
Agreed, he doesn't seem like a likable person to me. That said, these rape charges were completely dropped and only came up when the documents were being released so they seem, at best, questionable.
smilodom - That's considered a type of rape in Sweden, if I'm reading it right. Either that or they are still bringing rape charges in addition to the sex by surprise charges. Is it a bullshit law? Yes. I personally have issues with any criminal charges where there is no physical evidence and which relies completely on testimony of the person bringing the charges.
Yeah, but some woman says that she molestered her. So that counts. And i bet he got them into bed because he is the wikileaks guy. So scew him for that...
Blakut said:
Yeah, but some woman says that she molestered her. So that counts. And i bet he got them into bed because he is the wikileaks guy. So scew him for that...
It's actually part of the rape charges. It's basically charging him for different crimes for the same act (like some murder cases which have 4 different types of murder charges and manslaughter charges for a single act).
Blakut said:
Yeah, but some woman says that she molestered her. So that counts. And i bet he got them into bed because he is the wikileaks guy. So scew him for that...

So you have to to put much more persons in jail like "Mick Jagger" or maybe "Robbie Williams"...thinking also of some politicians...

You are just an envy person...nothing left to say

All this is a campaign to shut down "Wikileaks" and if they succeed this will be the end of democracy and the freedom of the press.
smilodom said:
All this is a campaign to shut down "Wikileaks" and if they succeed this will be the end of democracy and the freedom of the press.

Frankly, shutting down an organization dedicated to stealing and releasing random secrets withou any thought or moderation will sure as Hell not signify the end of the free press. That's just indefensibly wrong.

It's like saying that shutting down a man who sells stolen TV's for cheap prices just to "keep corporations honest" would signify that all TV sales would end forever.