Again wikileak seem to think that at least all non dangerous information should be open to all.
But who's jduging what's dangerous data and even what's true?
-Yesterday i read they released wrong data about Steve Jobs illness. This is a dangerous thing for Apple because of the stock market and the reaction to Steves illness.
-They released information about emergency plans of the NATO on shielding eastern countries against the attack of Russia. Naturally Russia knows about such emergency plans - but they don't have to really act on this knowledge because such things aren't public. But they have to react on such things if they get public - because that's how diplomacy works.
So wikileaks isn't able to tell what's dangerous, what's true and especially not what should be open for all.
And they don't even seem to care one second about what might be personal and private information and what not.
This all while Assange, their great leader, seems to be very protective about their own informations, especially his personal live.
Not to mention how they simply lied last year when the german domain got down. Immediately it was some plan of the german goverment to put them to ground...
Well in reality it was simply because they we're to dumb to switch to another provider when the old one informed them that he wouldn't prolong their contract and that after reaching a set date not switching would mean that the domain name would be closed.
-> This really shows how you can trust their statements and how paranoid and incapabble they are.
Even the reaction on PayPal, Visa and so on, from wikileaks followers shows they're not interested in a world without crimes. But are happily accepting crimes as long as it furthers their goals.
Their ethics are highly questionable for me, and therefore i've to laugh everytime somebody thinks they're some sort of 'messiahas'.
So please feel free to cheer if Satan is fighting Beelzebub, but i don't cheer on such things.
But who's jduging what's dangerous data and even what's true?
-Yesterday i read they released wrong data about Steve Jobs illness. This is a dangerous thing for Apple because of the stock market and the reaction to Steves illness.
-They released information about emergency plans of the NATO on shielding eastern countries against the attack of Russia. Naturally Russia knows about such emergency plans - but they don't have to really act on this knowledge because such things aren't public. But they have to react on such things if they get public - because that's how diplomacy works.
So wikileaks isn't able to tell what's dangerous, what's true and especially not what should be open for all.
And they don't even seem to care one second about what might be personal and private information and what not.
This all while Assange, their great leader, seems to be very protective about their own informations, especially his personal live.
Not to mention how they simply lied last year when the german domain got down. Immediately it was some plan of the german goverment to put them to ground...
Well in reality it was simply because they we're to dumb to switch to another provider when the old one informed them that he wouldn't prolong their contract and that after reaching a set date not switching would mean that the domain name would be closed.
-> This really shows how you can trust their statements and how paranoid and incapabble they are.
Even the reaction on PayPal, Visa and so on, from wikileaks followers shows they're not interested in a world without crimes. But are happily accepting crimes as long as it furthers their goals.
Their ethics are highly questionable for me, and therefore i've to laugh everytime somebody thinks they're some sort of 'messiahas'.
So please feel free to cheer if Satan is fighting Beelzebub, but i don't cheer on such things.