USA elections

It's nearly 10 and it looks like Bush will take it.

Kerry will take Penn, but Bush may take Ohio, Florida, MN and Florida. With that, there is not much left. Some undecided issues out there, but I think Bush is doing very well.

Goes to show you that a platform of "be afraid" and "sling mud" gets results.
Notice that Kerry has a similar platform, slingig mud and scaring seniors that their socil secx checks wouls be stoped ?

Same trick Gore used.......

How do Americans make up shit like the UN dictating the US politics? The US of motherfucking A has been the only major country who did not sign the Kyoto protocol and keeps on pestering the air, they have not joined the human rights carta and instead insisted on the death penalty, the USA has lead an entire war without UN support.

The rest of the world thinks the UN is a puppet of the USA (especially considering the actions of the world bank, which is said to be controlled by American corporations). What sense does it make to claim it's oppressing anyone?

Jesus fucking Christ. If there is a God he will strike Bush by lightning the second he gets the majority.

I'm not saying Kerry is a good choice for president, but at least he promised to try to justify military actions before attempting them.

Yeah, but I hear the majority shouting the ol' chant "Flip! Flop! I sold my brain!" already. Chances are good that we'll see a pseudo-religious retard lead the US for yet another four years. In that case I promise you that 9-11 wasn't the last bomb attack for the US -- and this time you can't claim it was totally unprovoked.

The terrorists you think to be fighting WANT Bush to be president. Ever thought about that? He helps keeping up the image the Islamic world has of the US and he keeps on proving them right. Bush was the best thing that could happen to them.

But, oh, right. I forgot that in the US presidential elections aren't about the big picture, logic or peace. If Bush wins you can officially call me anti-American. I'm sorry, but there are some degrees of stupidity even I can't ignore.
Ashmo, youre full of shit. They were trying yo kill americans long before 9-11.Did you hear of the USS Cole ? The bombing of the embasys in Kenya and Tanzeyna, the first WTC center bombing ?

Face it, the terrorists want to kill ALL non muslims (and muslims that dont agree with them) they might try to dress it up pretty for fools like you, but its still the way it is.
Easy their Psycho, I think his point was Bush's actions have actually helped the terrorists rally support among the non extremists. You may agree or disagree, but he wasn't saying there were no extremists before, just that they breed on conflict and thats what Bush is giving them.
Yup. Its just too bad we've been giving them conflict since the Soviet Union collapsed. Its more a matter of being the only other western power "meddling" in muslim affairs.
Um, there is as much, if not more conflict in Southern Russia with militant Muslims then there is in Iraq right now, and its been that way for a long time.
Yeah. The big difference here, though, is that Russia hasn't had troops on "Holy Soil," nor are they directly interfering in the cradle of Islam.

What are Chechens compared to Arabs?

Also, something interesting somebody posted on another board:
On ESPN, they said that the most accurate way of telling who will win is to see a Washington Redskin's home game. It has rumored to have worked for the past 80 years and if they win the home game then the president in office will win, if not, then the other candidate wins. They lost their last home game, so if this holds true, then Kerry might win.

So yeah. Maybe there's hope for those with tanto in hand.
Excuse me? I just said the level of fighting is equal if not greater, with just as much international support. Mercenaries and volunteers pour in from dozens of countries to fight. It doesn't matter if its the "craddle of Islam" or not. Are you particularly familier with the situation there? Or are you just making generalizations?
Perhaps I wasn't specific enough. For Islamic Fundamentalists, its more a matter of priorities.

The Russians withdrew from Afghanistan, so who else is subjugating a muslim nation? Our overt support of Israel is also a significant factor.

I'm not saying that the Russians don't have their problems with terrorism, (the Ossetian school bombing is a clear indicator of that) its just that since the war in Afghanistan ended, the die hards have shifted their sights elsewhere.
Hands up all those who used to live in Southern Russia.
*looks around*
Oh, it's only Lauren. Nobody else?
Perhaps you should concede in thew face of some actual knowledge here Bradylama?

Also, could you start a new topic or take it to PMs? This is about the US elections, not global politics.
Right, the elections. Judging from people's reactions to the current EC vote count, California, New York, Massachussets, and the rest of the world will sink into the sea from pure depression at a George Bush victory.

I'd rather this not happen, as where will we get our cheap shoes? =(
Bradylama said:
California, New York, Massachussets, and the rest of the world will sink into the sea from pure depression at a George Bush victory.

Don't forget Pennsylvania, which Kerry took handily.

My that will be an awkward looking hole near Virginia.

Well, looks like they are projecting Bush taking Ohio, which would pretty much mean game over for Kerry.