The first thing I noticed about the game was that I could play it third person; and was delighted. The second thing I noticed was that the third person PC animations were crappy enough to discourage [even me] from playing it in third person.

I took this to mean that the PC body was never intended to be scrutinized during gameplay
*, but was there as an off-screen prop that sometimes came into view during actions.
* I don't know that this was—or that it was consistent throughout development, because the some attention was given to the [at least malkavian and Nosferatu] PC's walking animation... possibly later in development?
**It's funny to watch Faith from Mirror's Edge in third person, because they clearly did not intend for that to ever happen, and it shows.

The only times in the game that I recall it using third person, foremost were cutscenes, and on the dance floor; and I took it to be a utility mode. Also the Blood-sucking bite pulled back into TPP—again I took this as use of a third person utility mode for cinematic purposes only. The interactions & conversations (that I recall) were in FPP.
This is certainly something one of the team could clarify if they ever drop in... and they might, to promote Outer Worlds.
Dawn of War was a 3D isometric-styled game that —technically— allowed the player to rotate the camera, but the functionality was there for the cutscene animation. The maps did not account for the player ever turning the camera, and had unfinished areas plainly visible to those who did. VTMB of course would expect turning the camera in either camera mode, and the world would not show unfinished parts... but IMO the PC itself (the animations for it) seemed unpolished. I say the animations, because the PC model is seen during character creation; but the animation used then is specific AFAIK.