Mr Fish
Slippy sloppy, The
RDR2 did set a new standard when it came to realism of the nutsack so I agree.
apparently they already perfected Nutsack physics in 2004...I'm all for Heap of Gore and Nutsack Physics technology crossover.
trapsaregay.webm (don't make me post this)Castration Simulator?
Yeah, no.Also, the writers said the game is still going to be sexy. I don't expect being able to dress your ghoul in lingerie this time (female or male), but Seduction is definitely going to be implemented which leads to all sorts of situations.
Thus far I've seen a bunch whining about pronouns, camera placement, how guns are implemented, and it just being a CG teaser.When mediocrity has been commonplace in the medium for so long, people have no choice but to be apprehensive and skeptical. People want good games but when that happens not so often, people get cynical.
Specially when devs start to claim questionable things prior to release. And don't misconstrue my skepticism towards this game as being cynical against the whole medium. I'm just being skeptical towards this game specifically because they are claiming stuff i'm not exactly a fan of.
Camera placement/1st/3rd person is very important.Thus far I've seen a bunch whining about pronouns, camera placement, how guns are implemented, and it just being a CG teaser.
The latter two issues I understand.
Dishonored has a proper melee combat system outside of the blink mechanic. There's just no real reason to use it considering how overpowered the other abilities are and the game being designed around stealth despite being marketed otherwise.Camera placement/1st/3rd person is very important.
Melee has never been implemented well in 1st person. The instant teleportation/leaps/superman agility/flight in Dishonored was just a way to implement a "good" melee system by doing most of the work for you.
That said I'm still looking forward playing this game at least for the story part.
Yes, camera replacement is one of the most important things in games. Just the mere fact the game apparently doesn't have third person view just concerns me. Every game with melee in first person just makes me want to play in third person because you have much better spatial awareness from that perspective. And the first Bloodlines did have third person, which helped with melee somewhat.
It did? (i could have sworn melee was also in first person) Well, even better then. Devs were aware how awkward first person melee is and made it third person only. Don't honestly see the difficulty of adding third person view to the game.I mean, the game literally forces you to 3rd Person camera when you attack with a melee weapon.
It did? (i could have sworn melee was also in first person) Well, even better then. Devs were aware how awkward first person melee is and made it third person only. Don't honestly see the difficulty of adding third person view to the game.
Yup, doing a run through the game now. Now keep in mind I'm playing the Plus Patch so maybe they added some functionality that does that.
But right now, when I select a melee weapon, it changes the camera to 3rd person.
And also, while in 3rd person I switch to a gun, it switches me to first person with the aiming reticule.
Bloodlines is dope!
Well, it's official. Bloodlines is getting a sequel:
Any thoughts?
I get plenty of enjoyment out of RPGs. In particular VtM and World of Darkness.If you're that jaded and cynical towards the medium, you need to find a new hobby because you're clearly not deriving any enjoyment out of it at that point.
Cool, hope he shares his un-editted and un-biased opinion on it. If it is a good opinion, it may be worth keeping an eye out.Found something interesting- Wesp (guy that spent over a decade patching Bloodlines) was shown intro and tutorial back in January.
To add onto that, people have literally pre-ordered the game like crazy. It is already a top-seller on Steam and all the game has is a cinematic trailer, good will and news that people who worked on Bloodlines returning. That part is astounding and batshit insane to me.people being hyped for a game that so far has shown only a trailer that has no gameplay