Hah. Have you been playing this game at all? This game is one of the few gems out there that allows you to play your character as you want it, you just need the statistics (they are done well, by the way), consider the fact that I've been able to persuade and charm everything in sight. The same thing can be done with intimidate, the fact that they went through the trouble of integrating a nosferatu PC, and the crazy text options for Malkavians shows a lot. If anything, this is a roleplaying game. The only problem I have with that is the problem with the main storyline: it's the only part in the game where I'm restricted, but it's a very important part."Great roleplaying-wise"? Frankly, playing Bloodlines, I feel like wearing a straightjacket. Hardly any character customization (you can only more or less choose from a bunch of pre-made characters. no visual customization at all aside from clan and gender choice - a must in a strongly visual game such as this), super-small, non-interactive game world, laughable inventory, NPCs you cannot interact with, other NPCs forcing you into dialogues where no answer even closely fits the character I would like to play.
Damnit, I felt less restricted when I played the linear fps that is HL2! (I know this isn't true, but it felt that way to me)
Graphically speaking this is one of the better games out there, full stop. I was talking more about the face renderings and such, though."beautifully done 3d world"? Err, what? I could agree on "great variety of individual NPC skins and models", but beyond that, where's the beauty? Agreed, I have not seen all locations, yet, but one should expect the first ones to be dones especially carfully. But what I've seen so far are thoroughly sterile level with empty rooms, textures of mixed quality, very odd animation and really bad cut scenes.
And no, I'm no big graphics junkie - I thought Wiz8 was looking great when it came out, and I think Fallout looks good even by today's standards. The problem here is different. You see, a game can only look as good as its engine allows it to. That's fine, as long as everything fits together well. However, a game can look much worse than it's engine allows it to. That's a sin - moreso if the result looks incomplete. Quite obviously, Troika either didn't have the artistic talent or wasn't afforded the time/resources needed to polish this game as much as the engine evidently would allow. If they had realized that early on, they might have adapted to that, for example by adapting a more distant 3rd person camera (isometric-style) that would hid many of the flaws I mentioned and at the same time allow for more (low-poly) objects to fill the world with. Apparently, they didn't, or couldn't.
Ranged isn't useless, you just need to put experience into it. I strongly disagree, and I can know, because I have played through the game: combat can be done very well, disciplines used tactically, you just need to put in the effort for it."good combat system"? C'mon, it's twitch action - I wouldn't call that a 'combat system' any more than the player-game world interaction in Pac Man. AI is ridiculous. Sure, it's fun most of the time, but and there might even be some tactical depth (when do I use my disciplines? close combat or ranged? oh, I forget that ranged is pretty useless), but not much. Still, no problem for me if there wasn't my next gripe.
I haven't had any of the problems you mention here. Get a better or different rig is probably your fix."everything feels fluid"? Such as? Certainly not the animations, which look twisted and choppy. Combat? Well, kind of, until you try to do some melee combos (yes, combos) against multiple enemies. The interface? Equipping/inventory managment is a pain, and may I mention the dialogue in xbox-friendly(tm) font where you have to fumble for the right number key to choose answer number 3 - no mice here...
Of course, movement is rather fluid (as long as your system is up to it, that is - for some mysterious reason, this game runs a lot worse on my rig than HL2 did), but that's not really an accomplishment when using a 3rd party 3D engine, is it?
Inventory management could've been done a bit better though, but you won't be using it much anyway.
Sound problems: disable high-quality sound. The game does seem to have a couple of bugs, one that almost cost me my game, until I found a fix for it on the 'net."The atmosphere of the game is dark, gritty, and darkly humorous at times"? Well, I hope so. Unfortunately, my woes with other parts of this game so far have successfully prevented any kind of atmosphere from materializing. Certainly, the sound problems I experience have not made this any easier, too.