Never really thought about it before.. but I don't think I have ever played a "Bullet time" game where I could queue up actions.
That's pretty much because it's more fun to make those shots yourself. There's a certain charm to diving through a doorway in Max Payne and using bullet time to kill four guys before they can even get the drop on you. It's gratifying that your skill as a player is what gets you through.
What's the point of automating that with queued actions? It's not like there's any real tactical depth in picking which of four targets you're going to kill first. It sounds like KOTOR without force powers, when KOTOR was already bland enough with them.
I don't get queued actions in general. They're essential for games like RTSs where there's no possible way to control everything without some form of automation. But in a single player action RPG? What kind of lazy-arse gamer wants to let their Xbox play their games for them?
Really the more I think about the combat system, the more I am looking forward to it. I have said before I loved Fallout, but as a tactical TB game, it sucked donkey balls.
So what exactly gets you gooey in the nether regions when you think about this system? What makes you think it's going to be in any way superior to Fallout's donkey ball sucking combat?
As a guy who loves FPSs, TB Tactical games, RPGs, RTSs, and anything else under the sun, I just can't see why this horrible middleground sharing elements of each would be compelling at all.