Vault Boy Awareness Day


Night Watchman
Staff member
alec sent us this cool article, which is a must-read for anyone who refers to that little guy on the character screen as "Pip Boy", as well as all interested in the research behind him.<blockquote>
All self-respecting Fallout fans know and love this character, but it is amazing how few of them actually know its correct name. Most of them wrongfully refer to him as Pip Boy, so let me make it clear to you for once and for all: the above mascot is called Vault Boy. That’s not only the name Leonard Boyarsky gave him, it’s also the only name that makes sense.


When you watch the intro movie of Fallout closely, you will notice that Boyarsky’s mascot is associated with The Vault Of The Future franchise. The Vaults (and some of the Vault equipment like the G.E.C.K.) are Vault Tec "products" - Vault Tec being only one of a number of corporations in the Fallout universe. In the intro movie of Fallout 2, the little fellow in the Vault jumpsuit features yet again in a Vault Tec Production: a promotional movie about leaving the Vault. Seeing that the manuals are Vault Tec publications as well, it should begin to dawn on you that the little blond fella in the Vault jumpsuit is simply the mascot of the whole Vault Tec franchise. Hence the name: Vault Boy. Makes sense, doesn’t it?</blockquote>Boys will be boys, respectively. I invite you to read the entire article.

Link: On the origins of Vault Boy oraz Pip Boy

Thanks alec!
I still have problems calling him by his real name... I wonder if Bethesda will stick with it and give him his proper place, or just change it...
Good job, alec. Short and simple - just the way I like my... Umm. Women?
good good, finally something to refer people to when they're making that bloody mistake over & over again.
Good stuff alec. Thanks for letting us know the truth.
This was my Counter Strike spray when I used to play under the name The Vault Dweller.


He's burnin' up! (literally)
Terrasque said:
This was my Counter Strike spray when I used to play under the name The Vault Dweller.


He's burnin' up! (literally)
wow, I actually remember seeing that when playing counterstrike source. It could of been you or someone who stole your spray paint.
Source is the bomb. I just got tired of getting my ass kicked.

Anyway, I never even realised that there was a Pip Boy character. I just always thought the Pip Boy was your character's PDA type thing.
Not enough talk about the horrors of religion.

Otherwise, good article!

Keep up the good work.