Vault Boy Now Delivering Pizza in Massachusetts Area

Rufus Luccarelli said:
Arr0nax said:
Waiting for you to show us the differences.
Or I'll be forced to think you made this up the minute you wrote this message.


Check out the differences in the the sideburns, hair, face, angle of the head, etc.

Very similar, yet still different.

That last picture of Vault Boy's head on the Bethesda side is the one used by the pizza place.

Not too much of a difference though. The second set of pics show 5 fingers on BI's VB, but I believe he was usually shown with 4 (3 fingers + thumb).
Actually, I believe the 2nd one to the left is not Black Isle's Vault Boy but Micro Forte's FOT one.
I must admit there is a *slight* but real difference and the one of the pizza is actually the newer version from bethesda.
I hope Expresso gets the crap sued out of them. I called and ordered what i thought was going to be the goty edition of fallout3 for $19.95, based on their use of vault boy and now my ps3 is jammed with a large meat lovers pizza and TOTALLY RUINED!!!!
I don't care anymore if Gamestop and Best Buy doesn't offer free bread sticks, I'm never buying another game from Expresso again! EVER!
decline said:
I hope Expresso gets the crap sued out of them. I called and ordered what i thought was going to be the goty edition of fallout3 for $19.95, based on their use of vault boy and now my ps3 is jammed with a large meat lovers pizza and TOTALLY RUINED!!!!
I don't care anymore if Gamestop and Best Buy doesn't offer free bread sticks, I'm never buying another game from Expresso again! EVER!

You're hilarious. :roll:
Ausir said:
Actually, I believe the 2nd one to the left is not Black Isle's Vault Boy but Micro Forte's FOT one.

Yeah probably. I just threw it together, trying to find similar pictures.
Yeah probably. I just threw it together, trying to find similar pictures.

Only in MicroForte ones they used this kind of shading and Vault Boy had 5 fingers.
Back in my college days I made a Fallout movie poster for a class project, the teacher must have been a Fallout fan because he recognized Vault Boy and said I couldn't use a copyrighted image. Maybe he works for Bethesda now.