Verizon blocks 4chan.

aenemic said:
here's hoping there rest of the world blocks them next.

Yep. And then let's hope that they give exclusivity rights for internet coverage to news agencies to stop them from failing by blocking sites like this unless you pay an extra $30 a month for "premium internet." It always starts with what you don't care about. Stand united or fall.

Note: I'm not saying that 4chan isn't by majority a den of some of the most depraved and sadistic souls on the internet as well as a breeding ground for all forms of malware. It is. Yet either you speak up against the censorship now, or you wait until it's too late.
gotcha. I'm very much against censorship.

just wanted to point out how much I despise a certain group of people.
rcorporon said:
Everybody should have... 4chan is the asshole of the internet.
sadly, not even close.

4chan is more like the sewer drain. some shit gets stuck, but most flows through...

it's kinda naive to think failchan is the asshole of the internet.

anyhow, i'm against censorship. Verizon made a stupid choice to block it. it's a slippery slope.
I'm a 7channer, so I agree. Let that piece of shit get blocked. I haven't seen a good thread there in years. I went on just last night, and all I saw was:

"Post ending in 22 names my dog"
"Lol guys am i hot?"
"America sucks and here's why"
"Europe sucks and here's why"
"See this [jailbait] wat do"

I used to be amused by these degenerates of the internets, but now I just hate them.
If this thread does not get any further than a circle-jerk on how 4chan sucks, it'll go into the vats pretty quickly.
Grimhound said:
Yep. And then let's hope that they give exclusivity rights for internet coverage to news agencies to stop them from failing by blocking sites like this unless you pay an extra $30 a month for "premium internet." It always starts with what you don't care about. Stand united or fall.

Note: I'm not saying that 4chan isn't by majority a den of some of the most depraved and sadistic souls on the internet as well as a breeding ground for all forms of malware. It is. Yet either you speak up against the censorship now, or you wait until it's too late.

I agree completely with this. I've never really used 4chan myself, so I can't comment on the quality of the site, but from what I've heard about it, I can't see why it should be censored.

Does anyone know what reason, if any, Verizon has given for this?
Probably some parents didn't like that their kiddies browsed it.

Anyway, I'm against internet censorship.
I'm against the term "slippery slope" :).

I agree though about censorship... if no laws are being broken (ie: posting child pornography, etc) then leave them to wallow in their own nonsense. Like we do here :).
radiatedheinz said:
why my message was deleted exactly? I really want to know what is verizon.

It's a cellphone company. It's actually the cell company I have. I like 'em.

Our posts also got "vated" for spam.
Where the hell are you going to get memes without 4chan? It all started there, newfags.
yea, it may be rescinded

i was able to go there last nite after i remembered about 4chan from this thread
Have they banned pornography sites in general?

I have Verizon, but I don't do anything internet on it. The screen is waaaaay too small. And that's what my netbook is for.