VG247 interviews Pete Hines

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Here then is the full interview.<blockquote>Onto Fallout. New Vegas shipped with a ton of serious bugs and glitches, and it’s been patched several times. Elements of the core gaming community probably feel this was to be expected. Isn’t this an expectation you’re looking to shake off for future titles?

Yeah, certainly. I don’t see there’s any product that we’ve ever made ever where we say, ‘Yeah, we’re fine, it’s got some serious critical bugs, but we’ll go ahead and ship it anyways.’

We have done a lot of work with Obsidian to try and address the issues as you mentioned, and I think we’ve done a pretty good job of that. I certainly don’t think it’s indicative of the level of quality of the product that we put out. We did release one or two updates for Fallout 3, but given the size and scope of that game it was a really well-done, stable, fairly bug-free experience.

Every game is different and every development process is gonna be different, but we have always, and will always, continue to strive for delivering to people the best game possible. That includes stability and performance and all of those things.


I realise they are independent, but do you see Obsidian very much part of the future of Fallout now in any way?

Our involvement with them right now is Fallout: New Vegas and downloadable content. We’re going to continue to work with them and what relationship we have with them on any possible products down the road is to be determined.</blockquote>
We did release one or two updates for Fallout 3, but given the size and scope of that game it was a really well-done, stable, fairly bug-free experience.




Best laugh I've had all week.
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Man, Pete really does his best for us not to laugh on him. Gotta congratulate the man...
com on guys, dont be so hard on him.

Maybe the version he played REALLY had no bugs.

And everyone knows how its working with games on the PC or consoles that if YOU have no bugs of course no one else has :P

We read that aaaal the time on forums with Bethesda games that "some" never experienced the mentioned bugs so that they simply can not exist :D !
I think the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of Fallout 3 were relatively bugfree and those are the only versions that matter to him.

Here's a conversation Pete Hines and Bethesda community manager Nick Breckon had over twitter a while ago:
Nick Breckon: Been hearing a mysterious, extremely high-pitched PC noise for days. Turns out it's my Logitech mouse. Known issue. Weird/lame.
Pete Hines: PC Gaming!!!???
Nick Breckon: Ha! Because no other gaming machine has ever made excessive noise or cost anyone money, right?
Pete Hines: Lemme think about that while I inspect my 360's motherboard and flash the BIOS for my PS3.
Nick Breckon: I admit it, PC gaming is a young man's game.

Breckon done pwned his boss there.
though from what I can read it doesnt seem like the Xbawks version had that much less bugs compared to the PC version.
Brother None said:
I think the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of Fallout 3 were relatively bugfree and those are the only versions that matter to him.


No, seriously they have it worse. It can easily go to point where your savegame gets so corrupted that you can't even take a step in the gameworld without crashing. Around since Oblivion. Never fixed.

But to be honest. The PC Version was relativly bug free for me. Way less problems than with F2 back in the day.
C2B said:
No, seriously they have it worse. It can easily go to point where your savegame gets so corrupted that you can't even take a step in the gameworld without crashing. Around since Oblivion. Never fixed.

That seems to happen to a lot of titles on PS3. I'm starting to wonder if it's not just a shit console.

C2B said:
But to be honest. The PC Version was relativly bug free for me. Way less problems than with F2 back in the day.

Fallout 2 was special.
I can't remember ever having experienced bugs in Fallout 3. I think my console locked up once or twice, but that probably had more to do with it's age and the length of time I had been playing.

Only had a couple problems with New Vegas. PC versions are of course just inherently buggier.
PS3 version of F3 was barely playable until they patched it, I think, not got any friends with a PS3 and F3.
And the 360 version seems to have all the problems of the PC version without the ability to fix a lot of the scripts and such with custom content.
I played Fallout 3 back when it came out, day after, without any patches for some 40 hours and only had one or two insignificant bugs..

but then they released patch which broke VATS and some other stuff, and every next patch broke something else too.

With NV, patches at least fix things.

Oh and that twitter exchange made me laugh, good for Nick : ).

Btw this:

"I realise they are independent, but do you see Obsidian very much part of the future of Fallout now in any way?

Our involvement with them right now is Fallout: New Vegas and downloadable content. We’re going to continue to work with them and what relationship we have with them on any possible products down the road is to be determined."

gives me a bit of hope that Obisidian could work on more Fallout in future. I certainly hope so.
C2B said:
But to be honest. The PC Version was relativly bug free for me. Way less problems than with F2 back in the day.

Fallout 3 was crashing for me all the time. Fallout 2, I could play from beginning to end without recognizing any bug. Beside this, it can't really be compared anyway, as Fallout 2 is much bigger content-wise.
*tries to hold back rage at people going "oh doi but I didn't encounter any bugs" as if that's meaningful in any way*

*succeeds for this one tmie*

Brother None said:
*tries to hold back rage at people going "oh doi but I didn't encounter any bugs" as if that's meaningful in any way*

*succeeds for this one tmie*

Maybe these will help prevent future needs to hold back rage:

As always, your experience is just that. Your experience. One among many.

I was one of the people who had relatively few problems with either 3 or NV (though I had more problems with 3 myself), but I'm aware that the experience of others was quite different.
Brother None said:
Fallout 2 was special.
Playing Fallout 2 without any patches is hardcore.

There should be some kind of event with that as a requirement. :D

*Clicks on the World Map* waaaAAAHHH SPEEEEED!!
Brother None said:
I think the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of Fallout 3 were relatively bugfree and those are the only versions that matter to him.
I seem to remember the save corruptions happening on those platforms as well, at the very least with DLCs and/or patches. I also seem to remember other issues with the DLCs, like the ! boxes of doom, upon release. I think that the PS3 GotY edition happens to be particularly nasty, or at least particularly criticized, when it comes to bugs. This is all working from memory though.

Brother None said:
That seems to happen to a lot of titles on PS3. I'm starting to wonder if it's not just a shit console.
What I've heard is that it's a combination of shitty programmers (don't know how to work with the cores) and shitty design (the cores all have pre-designated uses, which is a pain for programmers who really know what they're doing). Working with multiple cores can be different than working with a single core, depending on the the setup. I got the impression that they did some sort of middle ground that made things hard on either extreme (the experts having issues with not having full control of the cores, the amateurs with having to address cores at all). That all said, I really haven't looked into it much at all and am working from vague memories so if someone who has could chime in...
"We believe in sort of blowing things up and starting over and starting fresh each time."

Literally ...
When are they going to break from first person perspective ?

Anyway , what he said on Obsidian is something I ought to hope it will become true in the future . That they might do another Fallout .
Dario ff said:
Brother None said:
Fallout 2 was special.
Playing Fallout 2 without any patches is hardcore.

There should be some kind of event with that as a requirement. :D

*Clicks on the World Map* waaaAAAHHH SPEEEEED!!

I finished it with no patches on my windows 95 machine, made the game so much harder since you had to figure out workarounds for all the bugs and crashes. The first Frank Horrigan encounter took me around 20 tries to finish without it crashing to the desktop when the miniguns start firing.

I only played Fallout 3 last year so apart from the graphics sometimes changing back to Oblivion style colors and details I had a relatively bug free playthrough.