Virus People should be fed to wild weasels


People who create viruses should be

(1) Flayed alive
(2) fed to wild weasels
(3) taken out and shot.
(4) Chinese water torture?

Or do you have any better reasons to address this.

I know that there is a movement to "free the internet" or to "undermine the companies that control the internet" or something or other. But its a big pain in the ass.

People who make viruses, really, get out, get a date, get laid.

Ehehehe, virus trouble, welsh?

Really, it never bothered me, I have a pretty open computer, no firewall and shit and at times it's even kept running all through the night, online, while I'm asleep.

Meh, it's mah smarts, I am smarter den dem damn hakkurs.
Yeah, after I got the chernobyl virus back in '96 or '97 I started paying a lot more attention to what I downloaded and what I got in emails. Haven't had any problems with that. But the fact that people do such stupid shit pisses me off. Find a way to make a virus that attacks just the companies, or just hack their shit without a virus, no doubt they can do it, but leave the innocent internet surfers the hell alone.
When the sobig (blaster) virus hitted three weeks ago i spent 3 working days with tech support so they could fix it. And it's not totally fixed yet.

I work for a pretty big worldwide company (Welsh you know which one). Our tech support is in Memphis. I'm a french Canadian, what a culture shock it is to speak with these guys, i threw in some eh!s and they were shootin' "partner", "y'all" and i even got a "sugga" from one of the lady over there.

People doing these viruses should have their genitals dipped in honney and left tied to a tree inthe forest.
Ugly John- Hmmmm... like your ideas of torture.

If you weren't married John, I'd suggest coming down to try some sugga with these local girls.

I am at a University and considering how much traffic we get, I am constantly getting hit with virus hoaxes or the real thing.

Pain in the ass. Considering the cost of all of this, I am not sure if the penalties for virus creation are high enough.
welsh said:
Pain in the ass. Considering the cost of all of this, I am not sure if the penalties for virus creation are high enough.

Penalty? mafiaboy (i love you virus) got a high paying job as a consultant for some big firm.
We need to get medieval on these kids.
Agreed. I heard that Norton's actually has a contest for the best and most interesting new virus.

These folks have talents that should be used. But I think a bit of restitution and deterrence is in order.
Hmm, has a cool free firewall for those of you looking for it(Seriously, if you have a firewall, and handle things repsonsible, you shouldn't have trouble with viruses(EG. don't open mails saying "A funny game" with 250 kb in size).

As for virus creators being shot, no, they're mostly just stupid children who think they're cool because they can make a virus, instead, people should get in contact with those people and hire them to do something productive instead.

I do like the Lovsan/Blaster virus. Text: "[...]Billy Gates, why do you make this possible?"

EDIT: It isn't "hacker" this is what you were referring to, namely a cracker. There, I really hope people won't make that mistake, even tough they will..again and again and again. Meh.
I say we peel the skin off of these bastards with a rusty syringe. Then we should submerge them into a large vat of concentrated salt water.

Once the above is said and done, we should then procede to start really torturing them... Whatever that would be!
Sander said:
As for virus creators being shot, no, they're mostly just stupid children who think they're cool because they can make a virus, instead, people should get in contact with those people and hire them to do something productive instead.


Just kidding. :)

Come on Sander, if you can't enjoy a bit of well deserved sadism on some socially inept, sexually frustrated, "I will rule the world with my computer", "Look how powerful I am fucking your computer with my virus while I pop my pimple", Geek, who has cost you hours, lost you files, and probably been responsible for unknown thousands of dollars in costs, (I know run-on sentence)...

...than where is the fun in life.

Rewarding this kids, who probably do this because they got forced into some high school locker when they were a kid, or because they pre-ejaculated while fantasizing about a first kiss, or because they are just fat, ugly and unpopular, is too much.

One word- Torture.

There is a great principle in law. If you do adult things you get adult punishments. Act like an adult, get treated like an adult.

Restitution in civil liability, punishment with criminal liability.

Yes, so lets get that fat, sexually frustrated geek and lock him up in a room with a 6 1/2 foot tool psychopathic maniac whose sexual frustrations have gotten a bit violent, and see how our Geek appreciates breaking the law.

As Berretta says, "Don't want the time, don't do the crime."
Meh, I'm just..I don't know. WHo cares.

Alright, torture! Maiming! Death! Evil! Yeah~!
No, I am just kidding Sander.

But this idea of taking a computer geek (who creates a virus that causes problems for countless people, destroys systems, and wrecks heavy social costs) a job is nuts.

This little shit is going to destroy some poor bastard's PC in some cases. This poor bastard might have saved his money for a year or two to buy a computer, needs it for school or work, or just to email his girlfriend who is far away.

And this fucking Geek punk feels morally justified in fucking up his system.


If you are going to throw a teenage kid in jail for 20 bucks for robbing a convenience store where he might have beaten up one person and stole maybe $300 dollars, and let this bastard who has universities (institutes of higher learning) running around, spending lots of money just to fix it- then this is inequitable.

I say in the cell with Bubba the Pscycho. And lets put this show on live cam so the rest of his geek cracker virus making buddies can watch.
Ok for restitution, but the flaw is how do you get restitution from a 12 year old boy?
By taking away his allowance?

Of course torture works for me, but some people won't want to.

The live cam idea is good, just like letting the hangman there on the public place to deter other people from making the same mistake.
Well technically the parents can only be held liable if they were negligent, and chances are the parents were clueless on this.

But while you can't nail a kid whose only 12 (even if you want to) you do have up to ten years to enforce judgment or it lapses. So you wait ten years and he's 22 and working for a nice high tech company, then enforce the judgment and a sale on his new BMW, luxury bachelor pad, etc. If he's not rich yet, you can always enforce it later as long as you bring an action so that the law suit doesn't lapse. You really don't want the statute of limitations to run.

Remember civil damages here is for compensation of losses incurred because the Geek is a fucking asshole.

The criminal punishment is the People punishing the stupid asshole for be just that. Here, throwing him in a jail with Bubba the Sexually Frustrated Homophobe might be difficult. However, you could send him to adolscent reform school (which is basically the same crowd that stuffed the asshole in a locker plus added violence).
You know what reallyt puzzles me? Why those fucking assholes would actually create virus? Breaking into systems-okay, that can be interesting just to see if you can do it. But a virus? If it just spread and did nothing, okay, but a virus that'll ruin computers and things like that...WHY??

Meh, punishment=bad. Re-education=good. Re-education=absolutely useless. Thus punishment=good. :D
I have my computer protected by two antivirus programs, Norton Antivirus 2003 and freeware AVG antivirus, and by a firewall. I also use Spybot S&D to kill spyware. All that protection may seem a bit paranoid, but I think it's necessary. Better to be paranoid than to have to reinstall Windows once every month, no?
hmm... my Antivirus program messes up with my TVTuner, my firewall messes up with my programs... so I always have to turn off them... I only switch them on to see wherther I've got a virus or not...
Sander wrote:
punishment=bad. Re-education=good. Re-education=absolutely useless. Thus punishment=good

Table= 4 legs. 4legs=dog... thus, table=dog :P :wink:
( j/k )

IMO, people who make viruses are indeed sexually frustrated and in desperate need of some sort of recognition, to feel "important"... much like people who log on forae to post as much replies as they can, avoiding the topic, only to to get higher "ranks", unaware they are making total asses out of themselves. Fortunately, most of them grow up and understand the stupidity of their previous behaviour...

Unfortunatedly, people who send really nasty viruses through the internet (Just remembered how my PC broke down with the CIH -Chernobyl- Virus in '97, mentioned above...) probably are the kind of person that at first sight provoke compassion: "oooh, poor guy... 28 and has never been to a party, never went on a date... he oughta have serious self esteem problems..."

On second thought, however, one comes to the delicious conclusion that it would be easier to apply the slow-and-painful tortures mentioned above, or

1) Kick the person's balls hard enough to make them wear them as a bow-tie.

2) Make a necklace out of their teeth and engrave "h-a-k-k-u-r" on them

3) Beat the shit out of them, shoot them, hang them, play an entire CD of cheap disco hits and smear them into the pavement with a Buick.
i was under zonealarms (basic one) and norton 2003 and nothing happened. My brother was without protection and he was affected.

Now i use zonealarms pro and tiny firewall, besides norton. My brother doesn't want to install a firewall, nor norton :roll:

PD: i wouldn't torture these ppl, there are lots of "pains in the asses" here: ppl who loves robbering things, like cell phones, ladies bags, necklaces, etc etc etc etc. These ppl are really scum, and they should be tortured. In chilean sublanguage they are called "flaytes" or "cumas" ("kumas" is also ussed)
Hey briosa, thanks for deleting that ridiculous message I posted and for locking that potential flamefest...I was pissed and Megatron provided what I needed to be inflamed. I added the extra cheapo PANDA antivirus, which also includes a firewall. Has anyone used Black ICE? I got it but I removed it because it kept annoying me with each download I made at Kazaa. At least the McCaffee lets you choose some programs to exempt...ah well.