>1. its too easy. the
>only way it gets hard
>is when you put it
>on nightmare difficulty and the
>only thing hard about that
>is that the bots have
>perfect aim and thats just
Nobody plays Q3 seriously against bots. They're just boring. Obviously you're an HPW and find it boring to play online. It never gets boring, and the best players are just awesome. See, in counterstrike it's actually a small difference between a newbie and a good player, since there's nothing special you can learn to do.
>2. its too unbalanced.
>Theres all these close up
>guns thers not even a
>sniper rifle? the closest
>thing was the railgun which
>is just about the ONLY
>good thing about Q3.
The weapon balance in Q3 is great. There's no weapon that is superior to others (except BFG, but it's rare) The rocket launcher works very well at long distances too, if you know what you're doing. And the railgun... damn man, if you played DM17 with some proper player you would know.
And fyi, you can zoom the view in Q3 although it's pretty useless.
>3. Its just deathmatch.
>deathmatch deathmatch deathmatch. its
>just the same playing against
>bots (which gets extremely boring)
>and playing MP with other
>people. Oh yes, and
>Q3 DOES have a CTF
>mode but any of us
>who have actually played it
>know that it is just
>deathmatch and occasionally some lamer
>picks up the flag.
Q3 ctf is cool when the players are good and there's lots of them. There's tons of strategy involved then. If it's just a bunch of newbies running around it sucks. The learning threshold of Q3 is much higher than in CS, although one might not think that. When you play it a lot you notice though.
>Q3 is gay.
No, I believe it's heterosexual.
>It also is has great
>graphix and is very realistic.
People think CS is so *cool* because it's almost like real. But actually it's kinda shitty and unrealistic. I mean, players can make huge jumps, get shot in the leg and still run around, etc.
I'm not trying to say that Q3 is realistic. But so what? It doesn't have to be realistic to be good. Isn't Baldur's Gate quite cool?
> The best thing about
>CS is it really requires
>skill. Theres no guns
>with huge blast radiuses that
>kill people in one hit
>(except sniper rifle and thats
>just a given) To
>be good at CS you
>have to have really good
>aim and it makes the
>game a lot of fun
>to play.
it's not very hard to hit someone with a sniper rifle with 3x zoom when they're standing still or moving slowly. I'd like to see you hit someone who is strafejumping (most of you probably don't know what that is, it's *not* jumping sideways) with the railgun.