Vote For The Best First Person Shooter


Vault Fossil
Everyone tell us what your favorite FPS is.

1. Quake 3 Arena
2. Unreal Tournament
3. Starsiege Tribes
4. Half-Life Counter Strike
5. Soldier of Fortune
6. Am i missing any good ones?

>Everyone tell us what your favorite
>FPS is.
>1. Quake 3 Arena
>2. Unreal Tournament
>3. Starsiege Tribes
>4. Half-Life Counter Strike
>5. Soldier of Fortune
>6. Am i missing any
>good ones?

What the HELL are you thinking? You don't have DOOM on there. That game kicks some serious ass, especially the newer breeds of it (like DOOM legacy, etc.)

How about Duke Nukem too? That game brought some great laughs in its time.


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What the hell wheres Alien Breed 3D? A full 3D game on an A1200 thats a hell of an achievement. 14.4mhz processor and 2MB of ram is not much. The game I've played on most out of the ones you've listed is UT.
I think we need to reformulate the question. The original discussion was if Counterstrike was better than Q3A. It started on another thread.
Doom has come a long way since DOOM 1

Since idSoftware released the source code to DOOM, there have been some VAST improvements to the old DOOM engine.

Some ports have features like: 32 players at once, jumping, OpenGL acceleration/lighting, multiple floors (yes, you can go over and under things and see it, Duke Nukem 3D did not support seeing two floors), swimming in water, team battles, skins, and so much more.

It is such a good ol' game.


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RE: Doom has come a long way since DOOM 1

>Duke Nukem 3D did not support seeing two floors.

Yes it does. In some alleys you could be shot at from some critter a floor higher (or isn't that what you mean ?)

To add something :

Quake II

It's the only FPS I played a lot, and I really like the graphics (about the best my computer can do). The weapons are also balanced (exept for the BFG), and both single and multiplayer modes kick ass.
of course

of course i know that Doom and Duke Nukem are awesome games. I think that Wolfenstien cooler than BOTH of those games. but what im trying to find out is what FPS people play TODAY. I dont know that many people today who come home and fire up 56k modem multiplayer Doom match.
No the original point of my replying to you is to show you and everyone else that Q3 is pretty sad. but everyone decides to post these old games that no one plays anymore. I was trying to find out what FPS (mainly multiplayer) they play NOW.
DOOM. That game wasnt anything special. Basically took Wolfienstien, turned the Nazis into aliens, added the BFG, and threw in a multiplayer feature. Now Duke Nukem...THAT was an achievement. we're talking jetpack, steroids, strippers, pig cops, and all other forms of nuclear fun.
RE: Doom has come a long way since DOOM 1

>>Duke Nukem 3D did not support seeing two floors.
>Yes it does. In some alleys
>you could be shot at
>from some critter a floor
>higher (or isn't that what
>you mean ?)

No, that's not what I mean. hell, even DOOM I supported that.

What I mean is seeing two floors one above another, like looking at a shelf. It supported floors over floors, but not seeing them at the same time. That's why you could never look straight up.

>It's the only FPS I played
>a lot, and I really
>like the graphics (about the
>best my computer can do).
>The weapons are also balanced
>(exept for the BFG), and
>both single and multiplayer modes
>kick ass.

I dunno, I found the BFG quite balanced. It didn't have the super blast effect of DOOM and is quite slow to fire. Plus, good maps don't make it readily available.


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RE: Doom has come a long way since DOOM 1

Well, I played it a lot a while ago, and the only way a newbie that got his arse kicked all over the place could get a lot (>10) of frags was to fire a BFG...

On the other hand, it consumes 50 energy cells at once....

Are those Doom mods played a lot ? And where ? And where can you get them ?
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Sep-21-00 AT 01:21PM (GMT)[p]Duke3D wasn't balanced enough. Plus it was too damn hard. It was impossible to get past the 1st episode boss without cheating.

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Sep-21-00 AT 03:04PM (GMT)[p]COUNTER STRIKE RULEZ

Quake3 Areena can go and **** itself
u see:
how much money work etc. didnt id software spend on creating the "ultimate" Mplayer game.....
And here is a coupple of Coumputer freaks (Cliffe and Goose) thet decides to do a mod and What the HELL IT IS WAY BETTER THEN q3a
>Quake3 Areena can go and ****

>What the HELL

perhaps you would like to enlighten us and explain why you think this way?
It's just that unexplainable...


Q3A vs Counterstrike! Vote now!
I am a die hard DOOM player and Counter strike is better than Quake3 and UT in my opinion but Dark Forces 2:Jedi Knight is my favorite...