Vote For The Best First Person Shooter

Well, the best multiplayer FPS may be CS but the best (general) FPS ever is still plain old Half-Life.
shotgun in q3... yes, it's fairly easy to hit *somewhat* because the bullets spread so much on long distances. But then the damage is like 5 hp. What I meant was a proper, point blank hit on a moving target.
Well in CS, the campers (i.e. snipers) stand still, don't they? At least when shooting...
not really. there would be some campers and snipers that stand still but those are probably newbies. The really good campers pick one place and keep moving around so that they cover every enctrance to wherever they are camping. BUT, if there was a GOOD sniper standing still, there wouldnt be much of a chance to snipe him becuase the best bet is he has his crosshairs right on YOU.
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Sep-28-00 AT 00:11AM (GMT)[p]nt
all this talk and no mention of shogo? God damn that was a fun gmae, a little short though. seriously i think this was a great game. The lith tech engine, also the fact there were two play modes. I think it was a game that onyl a few could appreciate. Also it was actually modivated by a stroyline. Not one of these, go kill a bunch of possessed cyborg rabid demons. Also the opening music was perfect.

Starsiege Tribes was a great gmae also. It had some of the most fun to be had by gaming.

I was a hardcore Rainbow six player in 98-99. that was one of the most intense games ever. Me and my sako trg-21, were deadly.
good call. shogo is a very good game. i found it in the 9.99 bin at comp usa and i couldnt believe it. It never really became popular, i have no clue why.

Like i said, Tribes is awesome. It revolutionized multiplayer games worldwide. and no matter what anyone thinks about it now, 2 years ago when the game first came out just about every server was full.

I have respect for red storm and rainbow six. Rainbow six was the first game i ever played multiplayer on. r6 is a great game but i think first person shooter fans like to have a game that is a little more "shootem up" and a little less "strategic" gameplay. Thats why i think Countersrike is so awesome. It has amazing gameplay with a pretty strong damage system. And it combines that with strategic team combat.
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Sep-28-00 AT 01:59AM (GMT)[p]*sigh*
Doubtless I'll get flamed for this, but personally I can't go past the Thief and System Shock series, those games were incredible, IMHO.

R.I.P. Looking Glass

P.S. I know they are not particularly Multi-Player, with only SysShock2 even supporting it, but neither does FO, and that is a brilliant game.
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Sep-28-00 AT 02:02AM (GMT)[p]Yeah, I agree :P
Sorry, hit the reply button instead of edit. :'(
those were really good games. i never had enought time or money to buy either of them but i played like 10 differnt theif demos and i liked them a lot. System shock is very cheap right now but i dont have much time for comp games right now (football aaaah!) but system shock definately recieves credit for being a cool game.