War imminent with Russia

I don't know... this seems like scaremongering to me.
At the moment nothing is final.

I do however think the idea of using a nuke as weapon is rather asinine, it solves nothing and is pretty much suicide on a larger scale.
Sadly it seems to be the only weapon of choice for World Leaders to use due to how easy it is to destroy shit.

But yeah... I doubt anything will happen from this, we hear something from Russia every other year and nothing happens.
lol. dunno why this news seem to popped out right after erdogan visits to putin.
lol. dunno why this news seem to popped out right after erdogan visits to putin.
They have some kind of perverted bromance going on.
It's not as if the Turks would be a good ally for the Russians in a war. They'd probably be more of a hindrance than a help.
They have some kind of perverted bromance going on.
It's not as if the Turks would be a good ally for the Russians in a war. They'd probably be more of a hindrance than a help.
Don't they have the second largest army in the NATO? They'd be a very important partner to Russia if they wanted to attack the west.
Don't they have the second largest army in the NATO? They'd be a very important partner to Russia if they wanted to attack the west.
You're right , I was wrong to say they'd be more of a help than a hindrance. However it needs to get its shit together. Internal instability is big in Turkey. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong but if Turkey enters a war with NATO and suddenly a coup happens, and Erdogan is deposed, they could just pull out.
NATO membership including hundred of American TNW stashed in Turkish bases is the only thing what prevents Putin going to seize Constantinople right now, so the idea of Turks leaving NATO willingly is ridiculous.

What happens between Russia and Turkey right now is Mr. Erdogan licking Putin's arse in order to lift the tourism embargo, since the greedy Turks merchants have lost cca one billion dollars this year only due to this. The same goes for Russia, they need expand their gas export and Turkish sultan doing this anal alpinism in Moscow is the right opportunity for this.

What happens on Crimea has nothing to do with Turkey.
For the same reason you're not shooting your self in the foot or head?

As far as those links goes. Putin deploys a couple of units in Crimea. Wow! Big deal! This must surely mean the world is on the brink of colapse ... because obviously in our day nothing short but the worlds apocalypse is worthy enough to make it into the news. What ever if that is the actual reality or not doesn't matter. Facts. Who cares about that? This is about emotions! The Nato deployed all sorts of units next to Russian borders, and while I see that as questionable, it hasn't lead to doomsday either.

Putin and also Erdogan, are men of power. They are politicans. And on top of that, they are in many ways autocrats. The last thing such people would do, is to jeopardize their positions. And wars, would certainly do that. They are tacticians, not war mongers. They won't give in to some kind of agressionin just like that, where the risk ins't calculated one way or another. Be it against Europe, the NATO or the US. Beacuse a war, even a conventional one, would mean a certain instability and risk, economically speaking it would end up in a disaster for everyone and there is nothing for either Turkey or Russia to gain from a military conflict with any of the big players.

That's simply what wars do, they always contain a certain amount of uncertainty, which is one of the reasons why we havn't seen a really big conflinct in the last 30+ years, where the outcome wasn't absolutely clear - see USA vs Iraq. The risks, totally outweights the gains. That's like playing a game of Russian roulette with 5 bullets over a bag of coins. No one with a sane mind would play such a game.
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As far as I see, the ONLY THING that is preventing total human annihilation is M.A.D. (mutually assured destruction).

The American government is probably searching for a way to disable the alarms that will go off in Russia when they launch the missiles at them. They are also on a time limit because the economy will collapse and people are going to start searching for answers, and what is the quickest way to prolong their money making/World domination schemes (?), thats right, BOMBS.
They will have to make up some bullshit propaganda about Russia wanting to start war with them and how they hate Christs guts or some such crap, and after that they will try to convince us how it was the right choice and how it benefits us, this includes assassinating the people who are trying to expose their LIES.

Hell, if this post gets popular enough it will probably disappear,and with it, ME.
Pro-Russian propaganda is much more prominenent than Pro-American Propaganda. America (at this moment) is not intending on launching nuclear weapons at Russia. I mean come on, we Americans are known to be selfish, but that doesn't mean we're not human.
Exactly, lunching nuclear weapons at someone and whiping out whole nations is a whole different ballpark then droping a few bombs on villages with some military bases or soldiers hidding inside it.

I am not saying americans are the better humans, but a nuclear war would be essentially a kind of hollocaust in it's own right. Killing everyone indiscriminately, what ever if they are your enemies or not. And I am not seeing really how a lot of American politicans and military personal with half a brain could agree to that, at least right now. And I am pretty sure that you will find this mindset in Russia or China as well. But, this mindset will only work as long as MAD is still intact. If that kind of ballance dissapears, it will open up a whole new box of possibilities, because the kind of emotin which would take over at this point, is fear and fear has the problem that it can bread all kinds of unrational emotions and decisions. See the Cuban Missile Crysis as best example. Or what people do, when they are in a state of panic.

Already in the 1960s, a small number of people, I think one of them was Mc Namara, already asked what a few nuclear missiles on Cuba are going to do? They didn't' change the overall game or the nuclear balance in any way. What ever if the Soviets have now 5, 10 or even 100 short range ballistic missiles now on Cuba or not, isn't going to do anything, as long as both nations have the capability to strike back at each other. And this is an assessment born in pure logic, as the US already had for years missiles in Turkey at that point, which could have been fired at the USSR in mere minutes. So if you want it that way, the missiles in Cuba simply leveled the field. And yet, it caused a crysis that lead almost to a war! All, because a lot of people, couldn't really make rational decisions anymore, or didn't understand the complete situation, because they lacked empathy.

McNamara talks a great deal about this in the documentary Fog of War, which I can only recommend to everyone, who's interested in the cold war and the politics behind it - albeit it is strictly from an american point of view, but still a very important piece of information historically speaking as Namara is very honest in his answers as far as his emotions goes.

So, with saying this, if someone is actually looking for a way to dissaple the nuclear potential of a nation, like completely, then I would argue that this is a good recipe for disaster. Doesn't matter if we're talking about the Americans or Russians at this point, beacuse if Russia would be attempting something like that, it would cause the same reaction in the US. Even if everyone would have access to such technologies it wouldn't change much, because it will simply lead to another arms race. Fear, is one of the strongest emotions humans have. And it often enough, trumps empathy - not so much the idea to feel for another human being, but to put your self in the shoes of someone else.
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Because even the most retarded leaders realise that ruling over ashes is not exactly good for business?

For the same reason you're not shooting your self in the foot or head?
Saying nuclear warfare will not happen simply because of how stupid it is makes no sense. First off, war, in general, is stupid, no matter how high the scale is. Secondly, at one point, nuclear warfare almost happened, so it is still entirely possible. I cannot fathom why anyone would argue, "it's never going to happen" when we are basically forgetting how limitless stupidity is.
Only if Russia today has fried your brain, mate :p.
The zeitgeit movies actually. Also as far as I heard, America is the the one being more...hmmm..."hostile" is maybe the word, towards Russia.

Pro-Russian propaganda is much more prominenent than Pro-American Propaganda. America (at this moment) is not intending on launching nuclear weapons at Russia. I mean come on, we Americans are known to be selfish, but that doesn't mean we're not human.

As i quoted CV, Im speaking about America because a know much more about it than Russia.

It has largest missile armament of all the bigger nations.
Its an economic superpower that is completely depended on its oil reserves.
It has the highest military strenght of all nations combined as it has spent over 680 billion dollars on its defense in 2012 alone.

Also im not blaming the actual Americans, no, they are just the sheep being herded by the wolves. Im blaming the American government. Greed is in combination with fear can result in a full out war when America runs out of oil and has its land being teared apart by its own people from riots and boons.
Bah, Russia makes a base in Crimea because we own it now, and it's near our border, and suddenly WW3 is happening. When America does it, miles away from it's soil, no one cares.