Wept for Zion
Alotta seditious commies in this thread
You remind me of a very special Book Chute I used to know..

Alotta seditious commies in this thread
"Kill all mutants" Refers to pretty much everybody except The Enclave and Vault Dwellers. So no, Vault 101 would probably be the only form of civilization in the CW if the Enclave was in charge and would probably still be destroyed by the Enclave due to them starting up trade with the outside wastes and becoming "impure".
Actually Vault 101 wouldn't be a thing either. As we read on the Overseer's terminal, the Enclave came by Vault 101 before and tried to break their way in. For what purpose we don't know, but they clearly weren't being friendly about it.
We also see that, if the player breaks Vault 101's water purifier, Amata ends up running into a small group of Enclave soldiers. They ask her where Vault 101 is after she tells them she's a member of it. Once she divulges the location, they shoot her immediately. So there's clearly something inside Vault 101 that they want. They don't care about the people.
So in essence, if the Enclave were to take control of Project Purity, they would kill literally everyone, including the people of Vault 101. Just goes to show how one dimensional and "lul evulz" the Enclave are in FO3.
Except the Enclave did trade/deal with outsides in F2.
They only dealt with one of new reno mafia family (the one with laser pistols) for a ton sh*t of chemicals for their final solution plan and that´s only because they needed certain chemicals that they couldn´t make themselves.
And they were recruiting people for Navarro. Think there was something more but been a few years since i last touched the game.
This is true. I wish we had this as a choice in Fallout 3 instead of just shooting the poor bastard. Having the Enclave take the BoS place in FO4's storyline would have been interesting. People loving a slightly nicer version of the Enclave rathern than them killing everyone. But, that would make the conflict between the Institute and the Enclave different...if there even would be one...I have little love for F3, but even I know that Autumn's ideal for the Enclave and Eden's weren't the same. President Eden stood for the 'pure humanity' where everyone with mutations died. Autumn wanted the purifier to solidify the Enclave's hold in the region. In his words, regarding the purifier'
"Once this facility is operational, the masses will flock to the Enclave for fresh water, protection, and a plan for the future. "
Autumn wanted to rule the wasteland as a leader, he wanted the United States to once more have a government, to bring an end to the mass civil war that's been plaguing the wastes for 200 years. I personally believe that the TC is right in his assumptions regarding the Enclave; Autumn's plans would undoubtedly involve bloodshed, but in the long run it would be the better choice for the Capital Wasteland than the Brotherhood was. I can't say for certain if this is true or not, but in my opinion--which I respect--the Enclave would have brought some semblance of order to DC.
From what I remember of biology, you only need 50 mating pairs and none of the organisms are related to keep inbreeding from happening. So a bunker with 50 unrelated men and 50 unrelated women could survive genetically for a while if they manage their reproduction. Dealing with food would be the real problem.Yeah I think so. We really don't know how many people the enclave have since it's not really to scale, Realistically Vault 101 will have a few thousand people. So its not unrealistic to think that Raven Rock could also house a few thousand, Adams airforce and the Satelite Relay Station could also have a good few more.
It's obvious that if the Lone Wanderer never came they would of likely won, and with their plan destroyed all the mutants and the unpure and brought back humanity.
Also I'm sure with their technological expertise they can figure out how to modify sperm with some sort of virus to prevent inbreeding in their population.
Inbreeding hasn't been a problem in over 200 years so it seems unlikely that they haven't figured something out.
the problem is humans are inherently related organisms.From what I remember of biology, you only need 50 mating pairs and none of the organisms are related to keep inbreeding from happening. So a bunker with 50 unrelated men and 50 unrelated women could survive genetically for a while if they manage their reproduction. Dealing with food would be the real problem.
Humans can't escape biology. We are still animals. My point is that inbreeding isn't an issue if there are enough people to start out with. There just needs to be enough genetic diversity. The problem with Vault 101 is that the people you see in the Vault quests are likely the only people left after 200 years. I know the Vaults are larger than we've seen in any game, but a full Vault should have enough people to sustain itself for more than 200 years and rebuild. If for some reason they reached a bottleneck, like Vault 101 and likely 81 have hit, then they could die out because of lack of genetic diversity. But a Army bunker with like 300 people in it and room for 10,000 could go on and be a player over 200 years. With that much empty space and I figure hydroponics, they could make enough kids to be a force someday. Like the Enclave or any well stocked and well prepared bunker could be.the problem is humans are inherently related organisms.
That would make no sense, because non of the vaults in DC were control vaults.I'm honestly surprised more Vaults didn't move on to be powerhouses in the wasteland.
300 people is no doubt enough to sustain a populace for a while, but you said 50 mating pairs. There is a big difference. But yes I would agree the writers of Fallout overlooked that vaults could become a powerful force.Humans can't escape biology. We are still animals. My point is that inbreeding isn't an issue if there are enough people to start out with. There just needs to be enough genetic diversity. The problem with Vault 101 is that the people you see in the Vault quests are likely the only people left after 200 years. I know the Vaults are larger than we've seen in any game, but a full Vault should have enough people to sustain itself for more than 200 years and rebuild. If for some reason they reached a bottleneck, like Vault 101 and likely 81 have hit, then they could die out because of lack of genetic diversity. But a Army bunker with like 300 people in it and room for 10,000 could go on and be a player over 200 years. With that much empty space and I figure hydroponics, they could make enough kids to be a force someday. Like the Enclave or any well stocked and well prepared bunker could be.
I'm honestly surprised more Vaults didn't move on to be powerhouses in the wasteland. This is a point beyond Bethesda's poor writing choices. Making a union of the some of the DC Vaults and making Raven Rock a military survivor faction would have been better than just recycling the Enclave. Also, I wish Fallout 3 was set between Fallout Tactics and Fallout 2; like 2207. It's more believable that things could be as fucked as they were in DC in 2207 than 2277 when Vaults would have released their residents long before then.
50 being the bare minimum, if there is enough genetic diversity in the population. And according to the chat here, its 25. And according to Wikipedia, the number to sustain the Panda population at a 96% probability is 25-30. So 50 pairs would work, but it would involve planning and IVF technology because of people's preferences. But if you live under a military remnant, it will be your duty to reproduce for the your country, so I don't see how that could be a problem. This also further shows how screwed and under populated Vault 101 was.300 people is no doubt enough to sustain a populace for a while, but you said 50 mating pairs. There is a big difference. But yes I would agree the writers of Fallout overlooked that vaults could become a powerful force.
50 being the bare minimum, if there is enough genetic diversity in the population. And according to the chat here, its 25. And according to Wikipedia, the number to sustain the Panda population at a 96% probability is 25-30. So 50 pairs would work, but it would involve planning and IVF technology because of people's preferences. But if you live under a military remnant, it will be your duty to reproduce for the your country, so I don't see how that could be a problem. This also further shows how screwed and under populated Vault 101 was.
Vault 101 had in theory 1000 people , but obviously they couldn't show that many people. Just like in Fallout New Vegas the population of Freeside is greater than 40.50 being the bare minimum, if there is enough genetic diversity in the population. And according to the chat here, its 25. And according to Wikipedia, the number to sustain the Panda population at a 96% probability is 25-30. So 50 pairs would work, but it would involve planning and IVF technology because of people's preferences. But if you live under a military remnant, it will be your duty to reproduce for the your country, so I don't see how that could be a problem. This also further shows how screwed and under populated Vault 101 was.
Now that I think about it, in the East Coast, if only Colonel Autumn wasn't written in such an obnoxious way, that we can actually talk to him like he's a real human being, that we can call out Eden on its dumb plan and join Autumn instead....that would work. But because of Emil.... *sigh*At any rate, I believe the Enclave could have made a much better job of it than any of the other contenders...