Wasted Potential

Oh, another I just found while going through my screenshots that I'd completely forgotten. Terminator reference.


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So much posts i would have liked...
Wasted potential in vanilla game is a potential for mods.

On behalf of on-topic, wasted potential is not meeting a synth copy of yourself at the end of the game, which tries to take your place and angrily calling you a imposter.
Upon his death, while searching his corpse
you don't find the Synth Component

Also, the grieving raider random encounter. Just needed a single spoken line and passive behavior.
Apparently you're supposed to feel sorry for a rampaging maniac who would happily kill you.
Not necessarily true.

You've been eating a lot of that food paste that we got from that Suffolk school. It's affecting you. Like, in a real bad way, man. You've been flying off the handle at every little thing, always have this crazy look in your eyes. Heck, during that last farm raid you even shot up a couple runners! We don't kill 'em when they're fleeing, man. We're better than that. I know the stuff tastes great, but is it really worth all this? I mean, I had to write this down because I'm scared you would shoot me in the face if I said anything in person.
We're your friends. We just don't want to see you go down the wrong path. Just drop the paste, man.

- http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Intervention_note

It's just that Bethesda's awful at designing nuance.
So much posts i would have liked...
Wasted potential in vanilla game is a potential for mods.

On behalf of on-topic, wasted potential is not meeting a synth copy of yourself at the end of the game, which tries to take your place and angrily calling you a imposter.
Upon his death, while searching his corpse
you don't find the Synth Component
The whole game could have been done on that, with people confusing you, and finding evidence that you are and are not a synth. Maybe even make the outcome randomised like in the Blade Runner video game, where it's only in the end revealed if you're a synth or not, and only if you kill your maybe-copy.
But no, gotta find SHAAAAUUUN.
The whole game could have been done on that, with people confusing you, and finding evidence that you are and are not a synth. Maybe even make the outcome randomised like in the Blade Runner video game, where it's only in the end revealed if you're a synth or not, and only if you kill your maybe-copy.
But no, gotta find SHAAAAUUUN.

Isn't there another video game where you look for good ol Shaun?
I am totally having FUUUUN!!! being sent on missions by my subordinates. :D
While being a general or something.
General errands executive i guess.

Also, OTT, i think synth infiltrators in settlements are a wasted potential.

Currently, they are just there and when the village is attacked, they turn on the villagers. This also cause jumps in happiness, while you're absent.

You should be able to perform speech checks on them, ask Dogmeat to inspect the villagers, pursuing for them to stay peaceful or else, chasing out, execute, when evil character or send to Railroad.

Depending on affinity, synths could either start to spaz out and attack you or beg you for staying and living a normal life.

One could involve the Railroad more on this, for example giving some speech perks. (you're been hit by laser, you okay?)
Potential of raping people's minds with song 'We'll meet again' rolling in radio playlist wasted. For some reason as Toddler should find this song fitting into fail4's world. And ironic for core fans.
We'll Meet Again is a good choice, especially since it was covered by the Ink Spots.
I miss Fallout having songs that didn't explicitly relate to the apocalypse, Maybe was about losing someone, A kiss to build a dream on was about optimism, most of the songs in NV were about things other than the apocalypse; why is it that the only thing the people on the East are concerned with is the apocalypse?
why is it that the only thing the people on the East are concerned with is the apocalypse?
According to bethesda's fallout bible (more famous as 'Fuck You', no offence, it's Pete Hines' thing) it's pretty much all the music that survived the apocalypse.