Wasteland 2 Fan Art

Wasteland 2 it's a big game and big world. Do not afraid experiments. Sands, Jungles and... snow. Ranger scout in the snow. )
I heard Brian Fargo want make a game realistic and serious. It's not a serious device. Snowmobile, with a retro-elements, and nuclear-powered... where seriousness?
Sorry - tonight i'm mister-unseriousness.


You should use some sort of screen recording software to record the whole process when you draw something.

I for one would be interested in seeing what technique and whatnot you use.

Heres an example of someone doing that:

It's the league of legends art spotlight where they always show how they draw the latest champion etc etc.
Rick Lion is tearing up the boards with awesomeness! Tell me you get paid for doing this?
Answer to all. At once. Sorry for that.

I have no secrets. I use different technics like a lot of different artist. These methods use clear paint, sometimes 3D, combine technics with partially 3D, combine technics with photo fragments like many talented concept-artist. It's easy. If worked on that every day. And it's easy... really.

I have no secrets for many reasons. One of these reasons - help other people. Each man who come to me for advice - get it. Very often i have no time - but i promise - i try to find time for answer.

About cash. I'm do it that free. And yes... all right... i gone from my present work (laugh). I'm CEO i have no chance leave the room. But i may dig under my chair... dig and hide in little dark hole with my tablet.

My problem in my time. I find time on paint... but now i have no time for record the video. I don't like just a video. I want do it funny. With music and voice...

If you promise me don't kidding on my russian accent - try to find a time. And... i'm kidding too. If my voice be funny - it's only plus for video. Tutorial is so bored (laugh again).
Okay, cool that you are so open about it all.

I was just thinking about recording your screen while you work, but if you want to go even further and make a video where you explain things and so forth then more power to you :)

That tablet do you use?
I was thinking of getting a cheapish Wacom in the A6 size, but i've also really thought of getting a cintiq for that... drawing and seeing it at the same thing deal.

Problem is, i haven't drawn much in my life and i probably shouldn't start off with expensive stuff only to realize i have no talent at all :p
Why? I'm use layers but... little. I do not like when something interferes with. Layers used only when needed.
If you want... i may give to You some advices.

1. Firstly made a main color theme. Before you start painting. Like color spots. On background.
2. Made use with smaller spots main silhouette of heroes or objects.
3. Step by step maximaze detalization. But not vice versa. Don't do it beautiful gun or girl and don think after that where their place.
4. Main thing in each picture not a color, not a technics of painting, not a facture or texture. It's a secondary. Main thing - light. Light and shadow. Without of these brother and sister your picture completely blinded.
5. All secrets in practice.
6. Do not affraid experiments.

About 6 item. Forget all what you listen earlier. Real professional not the one who ten months paint the one picture. Real professional made his work fast and with average or higher level of quality. If you paint slow - you do not move forward. If you not doing mistakes - you do not live.

I made mistakes regular. Look on my works. Each work have mistakes. But i run. Forward. I'm live. I need to paint all giant world. If you paint one picture - you save one mistake. You love that mistake. And you not leave her. It's a very bad.

Need practice and many-many-many quick-sketches.

It's advices for novice. If you have some skills - you do not need that.

But... sometimes all painters need fresh breathe. Repeat something and find a new. I listen my "older brothers in arms" because all people have a limited blindness.
What i mean... we know many things, but often do not see small things under our nose. In that case we needed advice of "older brothers". Or... just advices by just a people.
Your Jungle of Newport art is awesome, lot of "atmosphere" into it.
Thank you for giving us the benefit of your talent :clap:
Thank you too. Because all observers who look and like or don't like my pictures - give me a force. ) When i drawing a new art... i think about two things. What i feel. And second - a little slogan in my head - By Gamers For Gamers.
It's a princip of my life. All i do - i do for others. Most often, these others - gamers.
Hello all... again!

I think i'm formed the little tradition - before main painting i I publish the vignettes. I'm not going to break tradition. Little cards with the Wasteland 2 logo.





Big poster is coming. How big?

6000&x3000px where each pixel - the real post-nuclear dream. As always - absolutely free.

And one more - some people ask me to place on the picture slogans, logos and funny signs on the good memory. I made it.

Stay on line!
"absolutely free", and best of all - no goddamn watermarks on it :D
i can respect an artists need for a payment for his hard work, but i can respect twenty times more the artist who shares for the sake of sharing

true artist you are, rick, keep it up!
Nice art Rick, you can feel the vibe of the Wasteland.

So damn hyped about this game, but I really wanna play the original first.
The art doesn't feel western to me in style but I like it. I'm guessing the artist is from eastern europe somewhere?
Thanks to all! )

I'm guessing the artist is from eastern europe somewhere?

Under my avatar writen ... Russia. )

The art doesn't feel western to me in style but I like it.
Wasteland it's a big universe. Somewhere we can see western style, somewhere not. But you a right. I'm take experiment. Jump in another Wasteland reality. Soon you can see how people live in this world.

I hope you like it.

I want play in first Wasteland too. But i have only two variants in this case - play in game or paint the art. My choice the art. )