Wasteland 2 Kickstarter goal reached

Great success! Now we celebrate:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/m8rzkCkFIus" frameborder="0"></iframe>
There is a good chance of achieving it, although imo if they don't continue the high buzz around it, thing will go at slower pace from now on... Good thing Mr. Fargo is doing press for now, it's very important. He should be into it 100% for now. I'm curious why there is no more involvement/info from other members of the team. Any trivial info (if they are afraid to say something wrong) is positive and useful. Anything that could help build up the hype.

Nice thing is: now it's the fact - we will have this game for sure!:)

Stalker 2 should learn something from this...
Morbus said:
I seem to remember people saying hardcore niche games couldn't make a profit...

Well, this one is making on and it isn't even started yet.

To be fair it has not made any profit yet. It just has the minimum on the funds they require. Which is awesome. I don't want to burst any bubble. I WANT to see the game happen. But we should not talk about profit yet ;) though I am sure many people will buy the game.

grayx said:
Stalker 2 should learn something from this...
The whole game industry should. Maybe we will finally see more quality games coming up in the future.
Morbus said:
I seem to remember people saying hardcore niche games couldn't make a profit...

Well, this one is making on and it isn't even started yet.

I sure as hell hope it's not. that money is supposed to go into the developement of the game, not into someone's pocket.

we won't know if this game is making any sort of profit until it's finished.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
It would be a bit hard since it would be profitable even with one single copy sold.

Yeah, since they haven't fronted any money especially. Everything is profit . Just saying.
Wooz said:
Startup capital isn't "profit".

I see what you mean. Wooz is always there to tell you when you are wrong. :D

Honestly I don't think it's Fargo's intention to make a bunch of money anyway. He has a passion for this series that goes beyond that. The money is always nice though.
TorontRayne said:
Wooz said:
Startup capital isn't "profit".

I see what you mean. Wooz is always there to tell you when you are wrong. :D

Honestly I don't think it's Fargo's intention to make a bunch of money anyway. He has a passion for this series that goes beyond that. The money is always nice though.

exactly my point. of course this money can be considered "profit" as it's money they now have (well, soon will have at least) that they didn't have before, but as it's all going into the production of the game it's not in any way profit from the game itself. how much profit this game will make them remains to be seen, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if it isn't that much.
aenemic said:
how much profit this game will make them remains to be seen, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if it isn't that much.

Still, any copy sold will be all profit, since all the costs are already covered, so we already know it will make some profit. I'm just being pedantic. :P
Derpy derp who cares about profit?(in general, not directing this towards anyone) Not Fargo. I bet he winces at the word! He got all he ever wanted when Kickstarted: The chance to make the sequel he has wanted to do for 20 years. I imagine all the yaghts and private planes gaming bigwigs own don't hold a candle to that sort of fullfillment/acknowledgement. Go him.
Gleam In The Eye

Gleam In The Eye

Crni Vuk said:
well I want them to make profit.

At this moment, WL2 is, only, a gleam in the eye, of the beholder.

So I'll throw in, that the contingency of adding cross platform access is not a simple selling point, lost in an emotional blur of attractions.

The fact that InXile is thinking beyond Mac OS-10 and Linux, and considering iOS makes this venture more than a retro re-roll.

If this pendulum swings a certain way, there may be an old school based RPG on this and the next generation hand held-s, whither tablet or phone.

A successful WL2 could transcend it's PC hatchery and glow on a touch screen near you.

The joy of the funding model is anybody who donated 15 dollars plus, has there copy of the game secured. I imagine it should do reasonably well on Steam which will help fund Wasteland 3 or whatever they decide to do.

There's no profit focused shareholder owned publisher to get in the way and through digital distribution on steam, it avoids it further down the line anyhow.

Steam itself is run by a developer which is a limited liability company with no shareholders which helps avoid distortions as there's no expectation of plowing profits into dividends.
It seems like they just hit the 1.25 megadollars.
Pretty damn awesome.
I hope they make the 1.5, too, 'cause then we'll get a Linux version :D