Wasteland 2 Kickstarter hits $700,000, new video coming

It looks like it's going to be funded. Now for 18-odd months of bouncing off the walls and endlessly tweeting "is it done yet?"

I'm in at the $100 level. Beta access! I think my wife would be a bit pissed if she found out. Nobody tell her!
Speaking of Bethesda, this would be a great opportunity to score a few points with the "hardcore" RPG fans by contributing and tweeting this thing. Their silence is suspicious. Perhaps butthurt over the "turn it into an FPS" joke that hints at Fallout 3?
Someone just donated 10k. :o


Razer CEO Min-Liang Tan has come to the plate and pledged $10K, the highest possible contribution to Wasteland 2. Among the many cool things a top donation tier entitles Min to—including in-game statues, characters, and weapons built in the honor of high-level donors—he’s also getting FIFTY free digital copies of the game, all of which he’s generously promised to give away via his Facebook page

Great, now we can see the shrine of him in the game and leaked photo of him making out with Brian Fargo ... :ugly:
$798K...$799K... $800K! 14K+ backers...

Just $100K to go....though I'm really hoping they actually hit at least $1.5M .... bigger world, and a mac os x version as well....
I just happened to be checking the project site when the final 2 10,000 dollar packages sold within a minute of each other. 851k as of this posting!

This is really going to happen, without a doubt!!!

Met their goal in under 48 hours.

But yes... PC gaming, and old school party based RPGs are dead. DEAD, I tell you!
$873,000+ right now. By morning US eastern, they should be well past 900,000. Gives you hope for the future of humanity. Not in the game, because, heh, post-apocalyptic wasteland, but you know.
$873,281. Wow. This is really happening. It was so wonderful to watch Brian Fargo talk about the game and can't wait for the second video.

I tell ya, I didn't hear about Wasteland until I entered this forum and I'm glad I did and am glad to live in an age where this genre of PC gaming is starting back at it's roots. Obscure and awesome. Low budget but kicks ass.
It's 25k away from reaching it's goal, the question now isn't wether or not it'll make it, but by how much is it gonna surpass it's goal.
Interkarma said:
This is amazing. I was confident it would make 900k before the end, but within 2 days... wow!

No kidding! This is so amazing you guys. Cheers to each and all of you! I haven't been this excited since...well...since Van Buren crushed my hopes and dreams long ago.
TwinkieGorilla said:
Interkarma said:
This is amazing. I was confident it would make 900k before the end, but within 2 days... wow!

No kidding! This is so amazing you guys. Cheers to each and all of you! I haven't been this excited since...well...since Van Buren crushed my hopes and dreams long ago.

I feel the same way. It is great to be here when it happened. It makes for good memories.
It's a done deal, folks! $901,806 as of this posting, and counting!!!

I'm really really happy and amazed at the gaming community. I wasn't sure what the response would be like. If I was Fargo, I think I'd be too excited to sleep tonight.

This project will be funded on Tuesday Apr 17, 8:05am EDT.

Best thing I've read on a webpage in a long time. :D
Congratz everyone :clap:
That was damn fast.
NMA you are late to update the thread , what a shame ! :wink:
Next target 1,5 milion, we are going see what we really got !