Sears-ly.. This crowd, sometimes. Looks like I stumbled into another "Never good enough" thread. Oh, loooook! Crni is here!
I'm not saving the guy is a grade-A voice actor, but he gets the job done. And obviously - from the example above - good talent doesn't always create good substance.
Maybe if you bitch enough, they'll separate "SFX" and "Voice" so you don't have to be tortured by this terrible voice acting. lawl
I am glad you decide to give me (us) your opinion. I like discussions, even if it might not seem like it. Though this is not the Order, just to remind you

. We have at least to try to be civil here. Now that this is out of the way, well. I just gave my opinion, and my feelings go somewhat in this direction:
Anyway, clearly mediocre voice acting bothers some people more than others, but I can't help but wonder if part of the issue here is dichotomy of it. The visuals are "serious" yet the vocals are "cheesy". That kind of mismatch is irritating.
I could not explain it better. This pretty much hits the nail on its head, at least for me. See maka, I know the wasteland team is neither EA, Bioware or Ubisoft. They can not throw around a few 100m dollar into 5min of CGI that everyone will droll over, and often enough even those CGI trailers are not that impressive as far as the presentation goes. I am not expecting such stuff, and honestly, I dont even think that it is needed.
What is needed is the correct choice and use of the medium that you have. I believe they could have achieved better results, with less actually. Or to say it that way, showing the characters in a different way. I am not someone who is a professional director or something, but I would have tried to adjust the images to the tone and I would have chosen a different music definitely. Take the raiders/canibals as example, I disslike them the most, because they feel cheesy and I dont like the choice in music and the images. Its not the quality. Its hard to describe what I mean, not to mention its just my oppinion.
I believe the guys behind this video made a better job to show their characters and communicate the tone of their project:
The my choice of music:
Lets ignore that its scripted CGI crap.