Wasteland Workshop Released!

$5 for something that should've been included in Automatron. No thanks. I'll wait for the GOTY edition.
so basically you'll be paying $5 for something that's gonna fuck up settlement mods that probably add the same exact stuff anyways
Stop sexualizing her you oppressor. She did not consent therefore your disgusting comments are equal to rape. Consider yourself blocked.
Thank you, one less pain in the ass to deal with. Also it was a drawing but k.

so basically you'll be paying $5 for something that's gonna fuck up settlement mods that probably add the same exact stuff anyways
That home settlement mod pre-DLC already added a lot of the stuff in both DLCs if I recall correctly.
There´s a lot of negative reviews on steam. It´s so beautifull.
I say:

This is just hilarious.
This is just hilarious.

I guess even some bethdrones were capable of rubbing two braincells together and realized that this wasn´t worth it. I mean, for f**k sake´s BGS has released dlc that were entire maps on their own and this was just a few gimmicks.
I've downloaded it and had a little look at it.
My opinion: it's not worth the price of admission.
All it does is add some more stuff that doesn't matter in the long run. It's really lacking in anything.
It was already know but its still a shame this doesn't seem to add much that SSEX or the Homemaker mods already had done, and that's even without the GECK. After what we got in FO3 and NV in terms of DLC content its especially embarrassing.
At least the redhead in the promo art is good looking.
I always thought it was a reference to Wasteland 2:
  • Name like Wasteland Workshop
  • In Wasteland 2 one of the NPCs that can join your party even before you get out from the first area in the game is the redhead with wavy hair Angela Deth:
  • And Angela Deth has in her inventory the melee weapon Ace's Wrench:

So Wasteland in the name with a redhead girl with wavy hair wielding a big wrench:
Because Bethesda is so witty and original :clap:.
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