Were you teased in school

No one ever dared to tease me when I was still in school, but boy, that sure as hell didn't hold me back to tease others. I remember this one time, it was October and there was this new girl in school. She was a fun fair girl: travelling through the country with her parents and a fun fair attraction called "The Rotor", which was basically a humongous centrifuge in which people could take place to get their intestines reorganized.
Anyway, this girl was new and naive and shy and what have you, and my friends and I thought it would be awesome to tease the living daylights out of her. Which we did.
The first pranks were still kinda sorta innocent: we shat in her rucksack, we pissed in her can of Fanta, we threw chewing gum in her hair. You know: kid's stuff. Jokes. Heh, she even thought this stuff was funny, basically encouraging us to take our teasing efforts to a higher level. And that we did: we started to get more physical. Ooooh, and she sure liked that. We started to slap her on the butt with metal rulers and dictionaries, which was a thing she liked, and when we had a chance to, we tweaked her nipples, but really really hard, with our thumb and index finger, the way you screw or unscrew the valve-sealing caps on your bike, if you know what I mean. And whilst we tweaked her nipples, we'd shout: "Take that, titty queen!" Oww, she hated that, let me tell you. Why, she almost hated that as much as she hated getting kicked in her calves or getting pushed off the stairs and falling three stories down. Sheesh, that little cunt sure hated stuff like that. I remember. Trust me.
Then, one day, some dude told us that she would soon be leaving us because the fun fair was moving to another town. So, yeah, we were like: WTF? We had to act quick to make sure she would remember us. So that evening, my friends and I followed her after school and when she walked into the park, we ran up to her, threw her on the ground and dragged her into the bushes. Heh, that was funny shit, man, you wouldn't believe it. That fun fair girl was scared as hell, screaming and kicking and telling us that she would call her brother on her cellular phone and that he would kick the shit out of us. So, yeah, we took her cellular phone and jammed it into her mouth until the antenna got stuck in her oesophagus and then we started to beat her up and take off her clothes. Trust me: that little cunt wasn't screaming and kicking anymore. She was just laying there, bleeding a little bit here and there, trying to cover herself with some leaves she found on the ground. Heh. So, yeah, then we started to fuck her, you know, a little love making, a little romance, my friend Tony fisting her arse while my friend Mohammed rammed her pussy. You know, kid's stuff, funny stuff. Anyway, after we had all squirted our cum in her face, we all felt a little awkward, you know, a little weird. I mean, we had all fucked and loved this little heavenly creature and now she would just go away, move to another city, we'd never see her again, ever. We felt bad about that, man. So we figured that maybe we should just take her with us, you know, stash her in one of our cellars and keep her there for when the need would arise. So yeah, we did that. We took her with us and locked her up in my friend Dave's cellar. And we continued to humiliate and hurt and abuse her for, I think, another three months. Which was good fun. She actually kinda sorta started to like us, you know, she sure as hell liked Dave a lot, let me tell you. But, you know, boys will be boys and after those three months we were all getting a little bored with her, so we gave her some money and some clothes and dropped her off in the red light district. My good friend Siegfried had and still has a joint there where unfortunate girls and women can find a bed, drugs, horny customers and a meagre income. And that's where she stayed from that time on.
Last thing I heard, she tried to leave the web of prostitution, but Siegfried's buddies tracked her down, gangbanged the shit out of her, gave her a pair of cement pumps and tossed her in a canal.
She dead now, I guess. Bt boy: she sure was some fun for a while. Diamond.

And they say romance is dead...

I used to date a girl who was a cock tease, the worst kind of teasing.
Alec, I really hope that story was not true because that was some fucked up shit right there.

At the rate they are running out of movie ideas this could be a great thriller. inocent pranks turn into something horrible, but you will need to change the ending maybe she knocks you guys out and sticks a cactus in your anus and then she puts hose in your ass pouring acid down it.

we could get rich of this and then live like kings!
There once was this guy who thought he was strong. He used to annoy me with racial stuff (the funny thing was, he was a foreigner, too!).

One day in class, he said something to me, i forgot what it was, and i fucked him up badly. He lost all his front teeth.

The principal wanted to kick me from school but all my classmates and even the teacher said, it was not my fault and i just defendet my honour. And he was bullying lots of other guys at this school, so after fucking him up i became some sort of hero...

He got kicked and since then he kissed my ass whenever he saw me.
Vox said:
There once was this guy who thought he was strong. He used to annoy me with racial stuff (the funny thing was, he was a foreigner, too!).

One day in class, he said something to me, i forgot what it was, and i fucked him up badly. He lost all his front teeth.

The principal wanted to kick me from school but all my classmates and even the teacher said, it was not my fault and i just defendet my honour. And he was bullying lots of other guys at this school, so after fucking him up i became some sort of hero...

He got kicked and since then he kissed my ass whenever he saw me.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you imbelished that a bit
Vox said:
so, you knocked out a guys teeth "to defend your honour from being tarnished by words", were "treated as a hero instead of getting expelled"? i sure do hope you're full of shit, because if that's true, Ausies suck. but hey, no wonder. it was a prison colony, right? the explains a lot.

then again, i'm not the one to criticize you, right? :lol:
(but it's not like i could've known the dude had weak bones)

how old were you, btw? i think it's hard to believe a 14+ y o could get away with this. younger, perhaps.
Serifan said:
Roshambo and Suffer please post your stories and anyone else here who is being teased or had been teased.

I don't do "emo". :D

I also grew up in Alaska, and tended to be around a variety of people, so I learned to shrug off quite a lot. From a young age, this was from Air Force Generals to discussing philosophy with multiple university professors, because I was bored in rides with my father, I read his books and would routinely butt into conversations he would have with his professors. (This is where I picked up meteorology, and first learned how to use/diagnose radar sets long before I joined the Navy, and found a few more Alaskans already in the service, who are now on my development team.) I basically learned how to read from my uncle teaching me how to program in FORTRAN, then onto some other languages, because I was curious how to make my own games.

Believe it or not, the first games I played were nothing but eye candy, and THEN it turned to the CRPG, as the form of brain candy.

I was already reading Jules Verne-level work when the rest of the class was at See Spot Run, and was helping the teacher in charge of computers in the school get properly certified, in order to properly order the correct computers. But the amazing thing was, I didn't let it become the focus of my life, instead going out and helping to lead three-ball soccer for recess and for the span of time between school out and the buses leaving. That, plus a healthy Alaskan living of a sled team, snowmachining, hunting, trapping, fishing (dipnet is my favorite inland aside from salmon), etc. really gave me quite a few practical skills.

Alaska gives you two options in the winter. Read, or play in snow. I did both. Alaskans are a generally calm and cheerful sort of people...as long as you don't carelessly disturb the proper way things are done. Then like in the case of the poor trio of Army poachers, who mysteriously vanished. Here's a hint, most of the veterans have taught many natives in their own family how to snipe for better hunting.

Through my time in the military, and before when observing folks while around the University (it is remarkable how people would ignore a youth), I found that people have such a wonderful attachment to their ego, and I have personally seen how someone's ego is precisely constructed. It has been, over the years, a bit of a challenge to do the same while over a more difficult, more impersonal form of communication.

*looks back*

Nope, no regrets. No issues, and no baggage.

I have a tough but fair approach to that which disturbs the calm of these waters shall in turn be disturbed. Repeatedly, if it requires multiple application of the steel-toes. After that, it's like watching a retarded golden retriever run into the same parked motorhome for the fourth time that evening. You just have to shoot it to put it out of its misery. :twisted:
Serifan said:
it is funny a country founded by convicts is one of the greatest places on earth to live.
if you're refering to quality of life, it's Ireland that wins, not Austrailia (which is nr 6).

the list for 2005:

(although i must confess i believe the list to be utter bullocks.)
true, but one of the greatest really doesn't mean anything, does it? you only need to appear on the list to be one of the greatest, since it doesnt have an arbitrary limit of where one of the greatest turns into normal, or something like that. if i say "one of the greatest" means top 5, i'm just as correct as you are.

and i still did say it was bullocks too. ;)
It was not in Australia. It was in Germany. In another thread i explained to you guys, that i like to travel. I've seen much.... too much.

Anyway. The guy was a real jerk. The way he provoked me was like begging to get fucked up. He wanted to see how strong I am. He got fucked like a cheap whore. I was stronger than him. (before you say YOU GERMANS SUCK, indeed, they do, i was NOT born in germany!)
Australia is probably the best/easiest place to grow up, at least where I have in Sydney. As well as peace, sophistication, wealth and opportunity, we also have sun and surf all year round.

I apologise if I am repeating any stuff.

In primary school we did almost no work and there was practically no bullying. My class was pretty much one big group of friends, as differences in interests and intelligence don’t matter as much as they do when you are older. We had a great time, although it was not particularly useful academically, with scant attention paid to little things like memory and none to grammar (we ‘learnt’ by reading alone as you might notice from my posts).

High school was similarly quite tranquil. Up the road from Bondi Beach, it is the only government comprehensive high school in the area, surrounded by many exclusive private schools. You could argue that it is like the Gaulish Village from Asterix, in the middle of the evil Yuppie Empire, protected by the magic potion of lefty multiculturalism. Quite a few of my friends were the children of Sydney consuls, a third of my year was Asian, and only half a dozen odd students had two Australian parents. I am happy to say that my year beat most of the private schools nearby in terms of both academic results and cultural pursuits. There are supposed to be Aboriginal people at the school, but there were none before I left. We had two transsexual guys, who didn’t get too much flak, even when one wore a dress and high heels. Interestingly, one of my friends later turned out to be gay, and a stereotypically gay guy from my year is apparently getting married to a woman. (He’s a Christian, but I hope that he’s also straight after all).

One guy tried to bully me for a short while early on, but he soon lost interest, probably because he got no reaction. I was merely annoyed and felt sorry for him, as his mum also had cancer, and everyone thought of him as trailer park scum (although he was just poor and nasty, we don’t have inner-city caravan parks obviously). I am quite a peaceful guy and didn’t have to fight with him because he never tried to beat me up and his words were of no concern.

I’m pretty short and was at the top of the class for almost everything. I founded the school concert band, sang, acted and kicked a ball around at lunch with much skill (although my dexterity is pretty poor, so basket ball was definitely out.)You could say I was a “goody-goody”, trying to do the right thing all the time. I tell my parents to cut down on the swearing and eat less. Homophobic, racial or dishonest BS pisses me off. I can understand young people parroting South Park, but I find the use of a word like “butt****er”, crude, idiotic and disturbing. However, I would often make smart alec comments in class, especially with teachers that people thought were scary, but were really nice people. I behave as such for my amusement and because it is how I would like others to, not to gain attention. Some students called me ‘the Brain’ and random teenagers on the street would call me ‘nerd’, but nothing to worry about. If people at school were unfairly critical of me I would mock them, but I was generally well liked and respected by everybody, although I was definitely not ‘cool’. I am never depressed and have never thought about suicide, being very positive, even while I frequently say negative things.

In some ways I might be lucky not to have been bullied, although I am no wimp. My friends would tease/bully each other all the time, but never me. Later on I heard that one of my friends who changed schools did so because he couldn’t take it anymore. He was very tall and just as much part of it as anyone else, so there is probably some other reason. The closest I have been to a fight in high school was very odd. The day before another friend of a friend changed schools, he seemed to go a bit mad, stealing my backpack and running to throw it off a high ledge (a trick my other friends liked to play on each other which I did not find at all amusing). It had some CDs inside, and my precious Fallout 2, so I caught up to him and thumped him with my improvised lunch-morningstar, stunning him for a second as I grabbed my bag. When he immediately recovered, he started swearing at me before punching me once rather weakly in the shoulder and storming off. I didn’t know him well, but he seemed to be a nice guy with similar interests to me, who would have made a good friend if he stayed. I am still a bit puzzled as to why he did it. He wasn’t even in any of my classes. He might look at apples and vegetables in a new light now. I still haven’t been in a fight really. I have a younger brother, but thumping him doesn’t count.

Sadly, most of the experienced teachers retired or left after I graduated, so it might go downhill now, even though the government is throwing it some funding tidbits to try to placate the public while they sell off government owned land. The new principle is pretty useless as well; so much potential will likely be wasted. The old deputy is probably the greatest loss, as his warm personality and strong sense of discipline was amazingly useful. He would personally talk to problem kids and help them out, before suspending them if they continued to ignore his requests. On yet more serious repeat offences, he would expel them. Expulsion means expulsion in Australia, which is permanent, which might be part of the reason for the school being such a pleasant place. The other factor was probably the low number of students with such large grounds, from fairly well-off areas. Nearly all the locals send their kids to private schools.

And while I'm posting today. Suicide, could you please use the Caps Lock. Rosh, could you please try to be more forgiving of people born stupid.
I've teased people, unjustly, which I regret today. I was quick to buckle under peer pressure and often did stuff I didn't want to do. But even still, they are my friends today.

I was teased once, by a much older kid, who for some reason had taken a dislike to me. He'd call me stuff, make snide remarks and throw stuff at me. In an incident which I seem to have repressed, I ended up kicking a girl in her genitalia because, I was knocked down, opened my eyes and saw someone standing infront and above me with their legs spread, I thought it was the bully so I kicked with all my might, but it was a girl seeing if I was ok. I must've been 10 or 12 or so, it's very fuzzy.

High school wasn't bad and I made some good friends.

My best friends are people I've never met, though.
quietfanatic said:
Suicide, could you please use the Caps Lock.

j/k, but caps are overrated. be happy i use decent punctuation instead!

i doubt i'll ever get around to use correct caps on forums, sorry.
quietfanatic said:
Rosh, could you please try to be more forgiving of people born stupid.
that's a lot to ask.

however, it's even harder to be forgiven of people that weren't born stupid, but act that way anyway.
Nova said:
In an incident which I seem to have repressed, I ended up kicking a girl in her genitalia
be thankful it wasn't a guy. :wink:
alec said:
No one ever dared to tease me when I was still in school, but boy, that sure as hell didn't hold me back to tease others....
I LOLed.

Nova said:
I was knocked down, opened my eyes and saw someone standing infront and above me with their legs spread, I thought it was the bully so I kicked with all my might, but it was a girl seeing if I was ok.

That's what you call a cunt-punt right thar.

Nova said:
My best friends are people I've never met, though.

Time Paradox?
quietfanatic said:
Rosh, could you please try to be more forgiving of people born stupid

I have no problem with people who were "born retarded", in fact I used to tutor to several people who had CP and a few other "retarding" diseases, and were simply annoyed by the teachers who would talk just like them.

It is those that are born and then become retarded I have a problem with. Despite common sense and being told/shown how to do things, some people still decide to go off and do their own thing despite having the capacity and ability for it.

It all amounts to how well you can do with what you are given. Those "born retarded" have to face numerous challenges every day, the least of which would be snide inconsideration from "normal" people, who often in turn lead a shallow life as they just chase a limited form of hedonism.