What about Fallout?

Correct me if I'm wrong in my well-meaning naivete...but wasn't there a fellow who (at least claims) is on the development team for FO3 or at least is a Bethesda employee posting in the news section not too long ago? If I remember right he sounded like he actually was interested in our opinions.

Not that just one artist or something by himself would matter *that* much, I suppose, but it's better than nothing. :P
Yeah, that must be why they actually asked us something concerning Fallout 3.

Oh, wait, they didn't.
They did told us (after request of what they needed) to post on the Fallout wiki, since they were using it for lore and stuff...
Re: Better Living Through ... Marketing

4too said:
Better Living Through ... Marketing

""new Bethesda"" capitalized or co-opted the traditional media covering the launch of Oblivion. To side step the bandwagon mania, and the information stone wall, one had to seek out game forums. It was the player reviews that told the truth about ''the wall'' {Oblivion Burn Out}, precipitated by the Bethesda penchant for scaling that spites more players then it appeases.

Whether it be more horse-shoes than bulls-eye, let me lean the spin, shade the tone, with this fragment of a lost epigram:


Hear, hear! Let's hear it for the marketing coup. I think 4too is right on with this train of thought. They have intentionally kept information limited so that any of the notoriously rabid fansites don't start any negative internet buzz. Such as, FO3 teh %s", $sux0r3rOrh4x0r3 r!!!11!!1! because it's not TRUE Fallout by the TRUE designers that SHOULD have made it..on and on. I think you've all seen it before and alot of us have actually written it. Naturally though, why would they risk losing millions on their fps MW pos to the almost assured dogmatic negativy that they've come to expect from us. all they have to do is keep their mouths shut to sell millions of copies of their crappy game. I know it's harsh but I still have faith that theyve found a workable balance between fallout and what they think will sell games. We can dream right
Dreams are for children and those privileged enough to have the money that keeps them from burning out into bitter cynics by age 19.

This game is going to be awful.

Taking into account the info given so far on the FO3-project we can definitely expect the game to be anally birthed & thoughroughly stillborn.

[insert goatse]
Naturally though, why would they risk losing millions on their fps MW pos to the almost assured dogmatic negativy that they've come to expect from us.

So we better should prevent them right now from developing F3 before they can release it?

We know that they are raping our unborn child Fallout3 right at this moment! And they wont stop unless we do something.
So what can we do? :twisted:
Bunkermensch said:
So what can we do? :twisted:

Well. I'll go in as a prospective employee. While I'm in, I'll pull the fire alarm. Then while everyone's distracted, the rest of you can storm in and steal their computers. I saw it in a movie, so it must work. :bow:
Re: Better Living Through ... Marketing

draeke said:
it's not TRUE Fallout by the TRUE designers that SHOULD have made it..

Well, you hit the nail on the head, the obvious issue that no one ever talks about. How can we expect it to be what it's supposed to be when the original team isn't even working on it? Hell, even FO2 sucked, a consequence of Cain and Boyarsky having jumped ship at Interplay, leaving us with that clueless geek twit Feargus and the shitty, geeky mess he made of things. Jesus Christ, I mean what can one expect? It's like expecting Uwe Boll to pull off a Mad Max IV. It's like some shitty hack writer taking another author's milieu and characters and coming up with some shitty book that's nothing more then a cheap imitation of the real thing. Just look at how the works of long-dead authors such as Lovecraft and R.E.Howard are constantly butchered, cheap pastiches being written right and left, none of them coming even close to the real thing. It's all so disgusting really. Me, I wish Cain and crew would have been hired to do things right, but alas, the fucktwit morons at Bethsoft know what's best, I'm sure.
I wonder what this "more info" means...
a concept art of the empty desert? :lol:
or more info on how they still know nothing about F3?

BTW where are all Bethdevs anyway?
why they are not appearing on the biggest sites about the series, which they are continuing.

Anyone besides me also thinks that, the biggest disapointment would be FP view? Yeah i can see the great potential in deathmatches in multiplayer, using plasma rifles and all the stuff, but I have Quake doing it quite well. And FPP + Guns is going to turn to be Shooter, even if it will have RP elements, just look at Deus Ex, of course it was awesome, but it wasn't clearly rpg. I can live if it's tpp, if the story, rpg elements and gameplay are done well (however something is telling me that this won't happen)even without my beloved TurnBased system and isometric view . But if it's FPP i won't buy it and that's it.

VDweller said:
That's what they do best after all. Now would be a good time to bring up the IGN quote, which never got the attention it deserved.

You know, I just realised this had gone into the file cabinet of my brain as the second scariest Fallout 3 quote. This one actually had me more worried (my bolding):
Fallout is one of the most beloved franchises of all time. Are you worried about meeting gamers' high expectations?
Todd Howard: I worry about meeting our own expectations. We take this stuff as seriously as anyone and are more critical of what we do than the fans. We're very careful in how we handle franchises. I think people can look at how we've treated the Elder Scrolls and know that we'll give the same care to Fallout. We pride ourselves in keeping franchises relevant and bringing something fresh to the market with each game. That being said, I'm sure there's a vocal minority that wants to kill us for even attempting to do it. But they wanted to kill Peter Jackson too, so you have to ignore that and just do something great that you'd love to play.
We take this stuff as seriously as anyone and are more critical of what we do than the fans.
with "fans" he means the mainstream oblivion players i guess

I'm sure there's a vocal minority that wants to kill us for even attempting to do it.
and thats nma :D

I cant believe they are that stupid and are going to make a fps rpg called fallout3.
They have such a nice engine, great possibilities, why should they produce shit?
Instead of thinking about what "their fans" would like to p(l)ay they should better think of making a good game.
But I think those Bethesda people doesnt have the passion nor the brainpower to build a great game.
Why dont they change their business? maybe into a financial institute?
I recently overheard this little bit of conversation at a local game store. It made we want to laugh, cry, commit homicide and suicide, all at the same time. Here it is, emphasis mine.

Sheep #1: "Oh dude! You have to get Oblivion for the 360, dude, it's fuckin' awsome!"

Sheep #2: "Really?"

Sheep #1: "Yeah, I love that game, AND I DON'T EVEN LIKE RPGs!"

Mind you, these were grown adults who were at the very least in their late 20's or early 30's, and not your average console kiddies.

This is the target audience Beth has been, and will be, making games for. Sadly, I believe FO3 will not be an exception.