Kilgore Trout
Kurt Vonnegut's alter ego. Wandering around in most of Vonnegut's books, Trout is either writing bad science fiction stories or spewing witty remarks and priceless wisdom like some mental geiser on Mars. Thank you. And God bless you, Kurt.
Charlie Brown
Charles M. Schulz' brainchild and of the whole Peanuts gang the one I can identify with most.
Peanuts is heartwarming, naive, poetic, witty and timeless. I grew up with Lucy, Linus, Snoopy and the rest of the bunch, and I still collect and read the strips today. Best stuff in my bookcase (and trust me: it's a big friggin' bookcase).
The Tramp
Charlie Chaplin's 'modern' clown. A mixture of melancholy and humour that is more Shakespearian than Shakespeare. The Tramp can move a man to tears and have him laugh out loud the next minute. The best fictional character ever. And you can quote me on that.