What are your favourite fictional characters?


First time out of the vault
For now my favourites would be:

Cloud - FFVII - heroic type

Irenicus - BGII - evil genius/madman

Tyler-Durden - Fight Club - I think he's kind of hard to label as good, evil, right, wrong, sane or insane.
Captain Benjamin Sysco - Avery Brooks (1337 black activist and JAZZ musician)

Dr. Rodney McKay - David Hewlett (Them silly Canadians them!)

J.C. Denton - Deus Ex

...this really should be limited to TV/Movie fictional characters or game characters... no more than three.
Ignus from Planescape: Torment
Haplo from the Death Gate Cycle
L from Death Note
Skwisgaar Skwigelf from Metalocalypse
Kakihara from Ichi the Killer
Jesus from the Bible
Tyler Durden from Fight Club
Boba Fett from Star Wars
The Saint Of Killers from Preacher
'Nny from Johnny the Homicidal Maniac

if I tried to list em all I'd be here for days, so those are the ones that popped into my head.

*edit* more!

Raistlin Majere from Dragonlance
Peter Riviera from Neuromancer
Joker from Batman
Gambit from X-men
Master Chief from Halo: The Fall of Reach (so sue me :P)
Magus from Crono Trigger
Mog from Final Fantasy 6
Cliff Secord -The Rocketeer
Roger the homunculus -From Hellboy and BPRD comics
D- Vamp Hunter D
Earthworm Jim
Domochevsky -From a managa called Blame!
Diomedes -Illiad
Shira -Blade of The Immortal manga
Deckard- Blade Runner
too many to name really, especially when you include the oldies.

the newest addition to my list is the russian Spetsnaz colonel (he is never named, eventhough he's the main character) from "303" six issue comic-book series created by Garth Ennis and Jacen Burrows.




that's just an immortal badass right there...
Dr. Smith - lost in Space (the movie)

Dr. Strangelove - Dr. Strangelove

Teal´C - Stargate SG-1

xdarkyrex said:
Jesus from the Bible.

Ahahaha :D that made me burst into tears, so subtle and at same tiem well placed :)
Roland Deschain - The Dark Tower books, Stephen King

Even though Roland trumps everyone ever. the runners up are...

Grey Fox
Solid Snake
Liquid Snake
Boba Fett(not event he sarlac pit can stop him!)
Church(Red vs Blue)

Also as far as The Dark Tower books go. If no one has read them, I suggest you do. If you like post apoc, sci-fi, westerns, or Stephen King, read them.

PS Cloud and every FF character sucks balls.

Conan the Barbarian- from Robert Howard's series
D'Artagnan - the Three Muskateers
Hawkeye and Uncas - Last of the Mohicans
Sam Spade/Continental Op- Dashell Hammett
Bruce Medway- Robert Wilson's series of African stories.
Philip Marlowe- Raymond Chandler
Odysseus/Ulyssess- Odyessey & Illiad.
Joe Pike- Robert Crais's Elvis Cole series
Dracula- from Bram Stoker's Dracula
Roland- Song of Roland.
Khristo Stoianev- Alan Furst's Night Soldiers.

I guess that's a start of the heroic character's I have liked.
Well Ill start with:

Sir Samuel Vimes commander of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch.
Colonel Fedmahn Kassad a FORCE officer from Hyperion Saga.
Prince Corwin of Amber for the Chronicles of Amber.
Kain and Raziel from Legacy of Kain Series.
Sareth from Dark Messiah.
Goliath from Gargoyles
Aahz from MythAdventures.
Off the top of my head....

Dark Helmet - Spaceballs
Jeanette Voerman - Vampire TMBL
Rukia - Bleach
Lucy - Elfen Lied
Sousuke Sagara - Full Metal Panic
Major T.J. 'King' Kong - Dr. Strangelove
HK-47 - Star Wars KOTOR
Steroid, Dr. Q, Razor, Haywire - Jagged Alliance 2
Konata - Lucky Star
Kiriyama - Battle Royale
Kitsune - Shadowrun (SNES)
Vash - Tri-Gun
Guts - Beserk
Logan - X-Men

Heavy weapon/Demo guys - Team fortress 2
Head of the Theives guild - Fallout 1
skeeve and aahz - myth books - RL asprin
Phule books by RL asprin
john cusack in grosse pointe blank
bradley whitford in west wing
Kilgore Trout
Kurt Vonnegut's alter ego. Wandering around in most of Vonnegut's books, Trout is either writing bad science fiction stories or spewing witty remarks and priceless wisdom like some mental geiser on Mars. Thank you. And God bless you, Kurt.

Charlie Brown
Charles M. Schulz' brainchild and of the whole Peanuts gang the one I can identify with most.
Peanuts is heartwarming, naive, poetic, witty and timeless. I grew up with Lucy, Linus, Snoopy and the rest of the bunch, and I still collect and read the strips today. Best stuff in my bookcase (and trust me: it's a big friggin' bookcase).

The Tramp
Charlie Chaplin's 'modern' clown. A mixture of melancholy and humour that is more Shakespearian than Shakespeare. The Tramp can move a man to tears and have him laugh out loud the next minute. The best fictional character ever. And you can quote me on that.
Roland Deschain-Dark Tower series


Hell Tanner- Damnation Alley (the book, not the blasphemous movie)

Mad Max-if you don't know where he's from...

Cassidy-Fallout 2
No Captain Jean Luc Picard fans?! OK I see a Benjamin Sisko fan, but C'mon! Picard was 10x the captian Sisko was! Picard was the explorer while Sisko was the 'home boy' at Deep Space 9. Picard specializes in first contact missions, diplomacy, he defeated the borg single handedly at wolf 359, he even has a battle tactic named after him.

Sisko is good at... baseball :lol:

Not that I dislike Sisko or anything :D