What could have been?

I guess I'm going to cry like a baby now.

I didn't cry, but I did get an tear in my eye and I wanted to just be able to walk around there, that engiene looks DAMN nice, lighting and everything is really, really cool.
greatatlantic said:

That engine takes what Bioware and kicks down a long tunnel, evolving technology discluded. I don't know how much work it was to create a map that detailed with the engine, but while watching it my jaw literally dropped. Anyways, I have a new theory about Troika's troubles. I'll be posting it soon.

Is discluded even a word? and we can hardly wait. And they are 5 1/4" disks.
OMG ... amost speechless ... too cool and too depressing at the same time. Nice work Troika. Please find a way to survive. I don't care what anyone else thinks ... FO3 with multiple camera views like this would be great. And I'm convinced that FO3 should be 3D.
Murdoch said:
Is discluded even a word? and we can hardly wait. And they are 5 1/4" disks.

Hey, I'm a mathematician by trade, not a secretary or engineer. You are right, though, I don't think its a word. But if its an issue with you, I'll correct my sig.
Damn. Good video. Just need to get rid of the garbage 1st person view. That view belongs in Hell; not in games.
This sucks man. Greed is really destroying the gaming industry. Money this, money that. What the fuck happened to the entertainment aspect of it all?

You know what really irks me. A long time ago, I went out and spent 15$ for Terminator 2 on DVD. Was totally immersed and sucked into the atmosphere of the world, for 2.5 or so hours. Watched the movie repeatedly over the course of freakin' like 7 years, or whenever I bought it.

Yet I shell out 50$ for Kotor 2 and want to kill myself within the first 30 minutes of gameplay.

EDIT: On a happier note... I'm almost done downloading the video! I can't wait to watch it :)

edit: just watched it... jesus christ, god damnit. Its hard not to be fuckin' emotional after watching that one. I feel like someone is burning the American flag right in my face and I just want to rip their heart out. Its BULLSHIT that this game might not get made.

Troika's tech demo is brilliance, creativity and brutal realism, all rolled into one. I never, EVER, knew FP mode could look that way. It's shocking what real talent can do.
This makes me sad. Why is every gameI am interested in a failure/dissapointment/write off?

Anyone know how far through the game was, in terms of completion?

I'm guessing somewhere around the 10% mark, but that's just {off the top of my head/pulled out of my arse}.
"Volurn, is that you???"

No, it's Volourn. And, I'm not giving Troika a free ride. I'm just commenting on the video. It looks good to me so I say so (other than the 1p).
This looks like a last resort. When they released the first screenshots they got a lot of attention from the community (I believe they got a Slashdot post) and, they said, from several publishers. Is this more of the same tactic?
I might get attacked for this.

TBH. The FP version looked fin to me. I'd preffer the iso version but the FPS version might be good for examining things :)
Damm, I wish there were some mirrors...

Still waiting... 10 minutes left still.

could anyone possibly post a screenshot of the video?

If Bethseda bought this engine, and hired the remnants of Troika to help with FO3. I would buy their game, (unless Ol'Bethy managed to totally butcher it into a consolefest.) period.
pnutz said:
This looks like a last resort. When they released the first screenshots they got a lot of attention from the community (I believe they got a Slashdot post) and, they said, from several publishers. Is this more of the same tactic?

Publishers should be drooling at the sight of this wonderful CRPG engine that Troika has mustered up. The realism, the style, its all very uncanny.

Tactic or No Tactic, I hope somebody important sees this, and it catches their eye.

It would be a crime for this engine to not ever get used. It's a damn good engine, looks much better than Source or Oblivious :twisted: , to my eyes.

EDIT: hey Odin, I finally figured out how to use the quote feature :lol:
!@#$%^&*() :evil:

dammit.... If I had known Troika was doomed I would have bought more of their games, to inshure this piece of Awsomeness would have seen the light of day.
"Publishers should be drooling at the sight of this wonderful CRPG engine that Troika has mustered up. The realism, the style, its all very uncanny."

The solid video of the engine aside, the publishers are also looking at Troika's past history and thier ability (or lack thereof) to deliver all the goods.

It sucks that an engine like this may not see the light of day; but that's the way the video game bugs out.
I'm sorry about the waiting periods on the download server, we are looking into a solution for it but so far you guys have to wait in line like anyone else.

It's actually frightening to see how much I agree with Volourn here, but publishers also tend to go with the flow which does sadly mean that post apocalyptic RPGs aren't all that (according to them).

What's funny about this ideal that the publishers have, is that titles such as Fbos should have sold big according to them. But hey, it didn't... Go figure.

To all you publishers out there, get a grip on reality and take a fucking chance. It will surely pay off.