What could have been?

Well at least Bethseda knows what to rip-off now, Graphics wise.

Also was there any actual gameplay? I did not see any... but Troika proved at least they knew their shaders.
Adz said:
I might get attacked for this.

TBH. The FP version looked fin to me. I'd preffer the iso version but the FPS version might be good for examining things :)
Looked great to me as well. Of course for the reason that you may need to examine things a little more closely. I don't think combat short be sorted out that way. Not on a CRPG at least.
Could they make some decent quick cash licensing out this engine? Isn't that what ID and what not do? Sorry I don't know much on that field... or would that kind of money not be enough to keep them afloat? And I'm dl'ingit now... comments later...

Sigh... having watched it... I love it. Such a peaceful world, the music was so calm. Even when the big bad ass robot came, they didn't fight but wandered peacefully together. The graphics looked outstanding, textures were very nice. Where can i get it ;-)?
Mangler said:
Also was there any actual gameplay? I did not see any... but Troika proved at least they knew their shaders.
Of course there wasn't any gameplay, this was probably only a tech demo. As far as I know, there hasn't been any other coding for the game done yet.

Just imagine what it would feel like with that coding though.
That was beautiful, the map was incredible. You can almost see the way it was before it's devastation and you can't help but imagine what destroyed it all. From the cars left in the middle of the intersection to the age of the rust on the stacks, the detail is amazing.

My only issue with any of it is the damn robot. It doesn't belong.

Anyway, that is just a tech demo. No sense talking about the idea of selling it or using it for Fo3. It has a very long way to go, Beth would probably just use their Oblivion engine for it. They wouldn't have to buy anything, they are familiar with coding it, and it fits the damn marketing view of the way a game should look.
Nice engine I suppose, but we all know the FO we want has nothing to do with fancy graphics.

At least it'll give us something other than the trickle of VB art to look at.
Odin said:
MrSmileyFaceDude said:
Not bad. Looks like they're using the Source engine -- had that been mentioned? The shadows are reminiscent.

It's not the source engine, a brand new engine done by Troika AFAIK.

I'm pretty sure it is the source engine. If Troika was pretty much devoting all it's effort to finishing up Bloodlines, I'd find it hard to believe they could devote their time to writing a brand new engine.

Stuff like that takes years if I'm right, even with a full team dedicated to it.
You guys who are talking about the FP veiw:
Its an FP veiw in an "low poly" way, since if the game is not made to be veiwed in FP, then they don't care to add alot of detail to the weapons and stuff (just look at the blocky egdes), I think its just showing off that they can actually MAKE an FP game in the engiene.

I'm starting to hope that Bethseda actually contacted Troika after they released the tech demo, and that they are going to cooperate on FO3 or something similar. But its just me guessing.
"My only issue with any of it is the damn robot. It doesn't belong."

How do you know it doens't belong? You nothing about that world's history, background, or anything like. Troika's PA game was (presumably) not FO so stop trying to make it be FO.
darkmistx said:
I'm pretty sure it is the source engine. If Troika was pretty much devoting all it's effort to finishing up Bloodlines, I'd find it hard to believe they could devote their time to writing a brand new engine.

Stuff like that takes years if I'm right, even with a full team dedicated to it.

You`re completely wrong about that. Really it is their engine, we`ve been following it`s development for quite some time now.

I'm starting to hope that Bethseda actually contacted Troika after they released the tech demo, and that they are going to cooperate on FO3 or something similar. But its just me guessing.

It would save a lot of PR headaches to Bethesda, and make a lot of Fallout fans happy,

Edit: i now undestand from his posts that darkmistx is just a troll trying to start problems, i wouldn`t bother to reply if i knew that before.
Briosafreak said:
It would save a lot of PR headaches to Bethesda, and make a lot of Fallout fans happy,

Has troika tried licensing the engine to any companies? And I doubt bethesda would consider using Troika's engine no matter what sort of fire we raised... They've mentioned before (if I remember right) that they plan to use Oblivion's engine and have already received outlandish praise for the graphics it can generate. Not to mention, they spent a fortune on the license and likely would use their own engine as a way of cutting costs.
many seem to be forgetting that while it looks fucking good, the engine is far from being finished (and it's in the finishing stuff that usually the problems lie for troika).
lilfyffedawg said:
Has troika tried licensing the engine to any companies? And I doubt bethesda would consider using Troika's engine no matter what sort of fire we raised... They've mentioned before (if I remember right) that they plan to use Oblivion's engine and have already received outlandish praise for the graphics it can generate. Not to mention, they spent a fortune on the license and likely would use their own engine as a way of cutting costs.

It's a nice engine, but it's also a crowded market (gamebryo, source, doom3, ut2k4, many more) and many of these come with extensive toolsets, maturity, stong support, proven stability and demonstrated flexibility (they're designed to be licensed to 3rd parties). I'm not sure how many of these apply, how much hardware Troika's engine has been tested on, not to mention that it didn't have a skybox in the demo....
Volourn said:
"My only issue with any of it is the damn robot. It doesn't belong."

How do you know it doens't belong? You nothing about that world's history, background, or anything like. Troika's PA game was (presumably) not FO so stop trying to make it be FO.
While the colors are the same, it seems alot newer. It also doesn't look like it would even work, but it moves rather fluidly. The robot takes a bit out of the desolation and destruction the enviroment shows. A pack of dogs, or some rag-covered humans barely scraping to live would fit, but the robot seems far to alive and sophisticated for the whole thing. Rather like seeing the stupid vertibirds in Fo2, it just feels wrong.
I think the robot is there to show the capabilities of the engine :P sorta like "look, it can also do non-post-apoc stuff too!" They need to reach the broadest market they can with this engine (or they did)
Yeah, well too bad all those talented bdpies could escape and just regroup... I don't know, that would be cool. Like the ol Black Isle group back together making PA games...

Oh, well. Such is life.