What did the vault dwellers do with their dead?

King of Creation said:
They probably had an incinerator.

Maybe, but then their would be the whole problem with exaust of the heat and fumes. The Vault has to be airtight, and shielded for radiation.

Same goes for Trash, can you imagine how much trash 100 people generate in 100 or more years!
nah, alec are you mad?

the overseer is EVIL, EVIL i tellz u!

so he had to be a necromancer... obviously.
Wooz69 said:
I was on a train for ten hours recently, and somehow, don't ask me how, I started thinking about the Vaults.

Then, one weird thought struck my mind: What the hell did the Vault Dwellers do with their dead?

Burn them in a crematorium?

Dump them into the wastes?

Bury them? Where?

I just thought this aspect of vault life, (in this case, death) was pretty much ignored.

What do you guys think? Rosh? Per?

They make belashs, chebureks, meatpies and have a great funeral meal :lol: :mrgreen: :ugly:
Thank you for your post, it's a very valuable contribution to the discussion.
Wooz69 said:
Thank you for your post, it's a very valuable contribution to the discussion.
Yes, i know :wink: But that's just thing, that comes in my mind, when i'm thinking about all that meat food in vaults and no brahmin there :D
wouldnt an incinerator have to have a vent system? the black smoke would give away the location of the vault as much as piling vault trash outside the front door?

isnt there a dead body outside the front entrance? you could just feed dead bodies to the rats outside and thats that.
An incinerator could work if they had the ability to convert the gasses back into oxygen. I'm assuming this is possible because of the existance of the Water Chip. I mean, something has to be converting into water... right?
yeah but something thats able to simply removes radiation and toxins from water...


might just as well do the same to air dont you think ? :p
well of course have an air purification control system since they have to have a purification system, but the labor of cleaning heavy things out of the air like say, human ash would be too hard on the system.if you didn't have an effective means of cleaning/ maintaining the filters, you would end up having to use up valuable storage space with replacement filters, not to mention it wouldn't be cost effective :)
Maybe it wouldn't be cost effectiv but the whole Vault it's not - so that shouldn't be the problem ;)

I think the Vault is an isolated space and all resources have to be used.
So the body's water would be drained out and the body's proteines could be used to synthesize food or anything other consisting of "animal proteines" :twisted:
I think that'd have been a good second main quest for Fallout 1.
VD: "Here. I got your stupid water chip. Can I go home now?"
OS: "Err... No, look... our Air Purification Chip broke while you were gone. Our all lives depend on it. There might be a spare one in Vault 16. I've put the location on your map."
VD: "Yeah, right whatever."
(149 days later)
VD: (tosses air chip at the Overseer) "Here's your stupid chip, anything else you need?"
OS: "The incinerator valve broke and we got no spare parts to repair it. We need you to visit Vault 17 and check if they have a spare valve. You are our only hope."
VD: (curses)
(another 100-something days later)
VD: (unloads a truckful of pre-war technology in the control room)
OS: "You saved us!"
VD: "Now that's it, right?"
OS: "Not exactly. You see, there's this mutant threat you've told -"
VD: (shoots Overseer)
I think it all depends on how they died. If Johnny smith accidentally walked into a plasma conduit/conductor - cheap funeral, if he died of old age instead then they would need to either dispose of or store the body. Perhaps they kept a few around for medical research/experimentation (the overseer and his fear of mutants?) but i would be thinking cremation with some sort of venting or disperssion system that would allow a radiation proof habitate to function at spec.

Then again maybe they jsut went out once a year and threw out all their dead?
SuAside said:

Soylent Green is PEOPLE!


I just watched that the other day.

Don't forget about Dune and the old Judge Dredd comics, they recycled their dead too.

Vaul-tec's probably devious enough to have planned something similar.

Makes me wonder what they did with other human *ahem* waste products.