What do you think of Fallout 3's soundtrack?

Prone Squanderer

A bit of a Sillius Soddus.
I'm not talking about the 1950s songs, I'm on about Inon Zur's work.

Most people here, myself included, would say that Fallout 3's soundtrack doesn't fit the game for the most part, it doesn't sound like anything from a Fallout game etc. I've not seen anyone really comment on it beyond "It sounds like Oblivion", so if you can forget for the moment that it's Fallout 3 music, what do you think of it?

I'd say it's decent, but it's quite forgettable in places. The ones I remember most are one or two dungeon tracks and the theme Obsidian reused for Novac. Oh and the main theme of course.
When I played Fallout 3, I only listened Enclave Radio. I liked the music and listening to the good "president" of Enclave, while Three Dog just annoyed the living shit out of me.
It really doesn't feel like they gave him much direction for what they wanted. He is a good composer but fo3s ost feels really out of place at times and kind of generically heroic. Much like the rest of the game it doesn't feel like it belongs in the main series.
I enjoyed one of the wasteland soundtracks (the one used for Novac in NV), but generally everything seems plain. None of the other tracks stand out. The combat soundtrack specifically, sounds like you could lay it down on top of any other combat-centric game and it would feel just as boring. Probably the worst track in Fallout 3 imo.
Like I've mentioned in other threads, 'some epic-fantasy tier ambiental music'. It's not forgettable to me, and that's exactly why I can precisely state it sounds like 'epic-fantasy tier' stuff, instead of evoking post-apocalyptic atmosphere.
Like I've mentioned in other threads, 'some epic-fantasy tier ambiental music'. It's not forgettable to me, and that's exactly why I can precisely state it sounds like 'epic-fantasy tier' stuff, instead of evoking post-apocalyptic atmosphere.
No kidding. I could find more pieces on my iPod that could fit Fallout 3 better than Inon Zur's did.

Curiously I listened to Enclave radio for about the entire game, not Three Dog's.

Fallout+Music does't work IMO.

For the intro? Sure, Fallout 1-2's are awesome.

In the game, radio stations would be a waste of resources, only the military would use radios.
The soundtrack for Fallout 3 works for what it needs to which is atmosphere but it really isn't very memorable or great. With that said I love the main menu theme to death. I hum it all the time and have it saved on my playlist. Best main menu theme I've ever heard.

Also the short track that plays when you leave The Citadel during "Take It Back!" is very good but it's too short and does not loop when it ends.

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Best main menu theme I've ever heard.
I whole-heartedly disagree. Fallout 3's title theme hardly fits the themes and nature of the title, seeming more like some epic hero's theme rather than a post-apocalypse vibe that they wanted. A great theme should be in line with the game it's trying to sell us on. Hotline Miami 2 and Metroid Prime are excellent examples of games with great title themes.
Really? Fo3 is the best main menu theme you've heard? Oh fuck im sorry man. Don't play a lotta games?

I knew someone would make this comment. Screw you anyway Graves, NMA won't kill my love of Fallout 3!

I whole-heartedly disagree. Fallout 3's title theme hardly fits the themes and nature of the title, seeming more like some epic hero's theme rather than a post-apocalypse vibe that they wanted. A great theme should be in line with the game it's trying to sell us on. Hotline Miami 2 and Metroid Prime are excellent examples of games with great title themes.

That's just your opinion. Fallout 3 is a departure from the series and is both action packed and highly military in style. The theme Inon Zur crafted for it is excellent. It also fits as a great victory tune for the revival of the series. All in all I'm in love with it.

I like fallout 2's menu. ^_^

Fallout Tactic's main menu theme is the second best of the series in my opinion followed by New Vegas's.

I actually changed the main theme of both Fallout 1 & 2 to another, more suitable track. Now Fallout 2's main theme for me is the track that plays in the Enclave Oil Rig. I then changed Vault City's to the Oil Rig, Modoc's to Vault City and the track from Fallout 1's Shady Sands is now in Modoc.

Those changes in music fit the tone of those areas much better now in my opinion.