What game was this?

I suppose the Dutch Ghost has won this round. No guesses anymore, and the thread lingers meanwhile.
Sorrow said:
My pic is still unguessed.
Flop: I made a guess for Per's image on Page 14 which is the right one. The problem is that Per hasn't posted in the thread since then.

The game is Gribbley's Day Out.

I'm not taking a turn for it, though.
This one was very famous in its times and has a very characteristic graphics style, so I thought that any sim-fan would recognise it. Anyway, it's Su-27 Flanker :D .

Here's one I used to play religiously when I was a child, and is probably still one of my favorites to this day. It set the early foundation to logical thinking and problem solving. Funner N Hell, too.
Looks like none other than Deadly Rooms of Death.


I know it looks like a cutscene but it's not.
Hell yeah. Greatest puzzle game ever made. Back in the day I used to play it for 9 hours straight.
Damn, that looks familiar. Like all those weird puzzle/action games released by independent game developers in the mid 90s.

Ronnie's revenge?