What game was this?

Oh wait, I have seen this game before.
You got it for free with some breakfast cereal, unfortunate I do not recall the name.
Hausen said:
I have no clue on the before guesses, but to keep the game going here's 'nother one:


That's High Seas Trader. A pretty decent game, as I recall.

This one isn't that old, but it seems to be a bit underexposed:

I have no idea what the game is but I love the style. Reminds me of the Snatcher and Shadowrun.
Definitely. There is also something about that atmosphere that is just awesome as hell. The weird futuristic clubs, the gritty neighborhood, the freaky characters. I could play a 100 games in that setting and not get tired.

Flashback and Blade Runner were also in this vein.
That may be an Amiga game, but those are PC EGA screenshots.

I think the bartender is the key here. I recall seeing adverts for a game around 1990 that featured someone who was very similar in appearance. Also, I think the colour blue is involved somewhere.
Alright, I'm curious, (and apparently no one else knows) what game is it, iii?
verevoof said:
Alright, I'm curious, (and apparently no one else knows) what game is it, iii?



Centerbase is a business simulation with many similarities to reLINE's earlier Oil Imperium. Four landlords compete for the money of tenants in a city of the future. The city is divided into four sectors, each of which houses six lots for apartment houses to be built on. Tenants not only require appropriate housing, but also water, food and energy supplies. These can be bought at the stock market, but must otherwise be acquired from food factories, water and power plants by completing different action sequences.

New lots can be acquired by buying them from the opponents (who will usually only sell when they are in financial trouble, though) or by sending a robotic attack force to occupy them. Robots can also be used to collect the energy, food and water resources, thus avoiding the action sequences.

Besides the legal options of buying and selling lots, robots and resources, building apartments and setting rent levels, various shady activities are also possible. Robots can be sent on sabotage missions, bar patrons of the Sky Dim bar can be hired to steal goods or spread rumors about competitors (possibly suspending their stock market activities), and money can be won (or lost) by gambling in the Casino.

Some common but unpredictable events include natural disasters (which can damage or destroy buildings and apartments) and attacks by space pirates (which result in another action sequence).

The game can be played by one to four players. If less than four human players are available, the computer controls the remaining landlords. Different winning conditions can be set at the start of the game: from having the most tenants within five years of game time to total domination by controlling every lot in the city.


I had a lot fun playing it on my Amiga 500... if you can get it to work on an emulator give it a try. As maximaz I also dig the style of this game.