This ghoul has seen it all

Apparently basic characterization and consistency with the themes and setting of the story is Nitpicking. Okay then.
If a product fails in these aspects no it is not nitpicky. However Bioware 2 does not fail in these. There is critism which reasonable like how Bioware 2 takes the safe routes with cases like racism or class revolution. However arguments like "why she doesn't like racism? It's 1900!" is as one dimensional as a critism can get. Yes everyone was racist back then and every racist is the same, right, sure whatever.Apparently basic characterization and consistency with the themes and setting of the story is Nitpicking. Okay then.
I disagree with that. Unlike F4 it doesn´t shoehorned it right at beggining and instead it cames has wham episode at the end. The rest of the game is enjoyable, since the gunplay is better than F4.
the 3 times repeated Ghost lady boss battle
Enemies become bullet sponges as you progress.
Meh. I liked Bioshock Infinite, but I think that development studio's shtick of making System Shock 2 clones has run its course. They might put out another one and have it end up a disappointment like Fallout 4.The fact that Elizabeth is a Disney Princess that is baffled by racism in the early 1900 despite spending her whole life locked up in a statue getting experimented on (they even collect her period blood fir shit sake) with no social interaction, and one would imagine being only allowed to read things that subscribed to Comstock's ideology (Unless Comestock is that fucking stupid on top of beaing so one dimentionaly evil) is just shitty writting.
Isolation is not ipso facto torture either. She starts to resent songbird because she starts see it as her jailor as she reaches puperty. A lot of girl see their parents like at certain age if they're rather strick. She's not aware of the obvervation and period blood or whatever.Why would Comstock let her read literature ans see art that would contradict him anyway? Isn't he Grooming her to be his successor? is Comstock seriously this fucking stupid on top of being one dimensional? He is not even consistent with himself, hell once he recovers him he apparently proceeds to torture her to SOMEHOW turn her loyal to him rather fast (CUZ IBOL!!!!).... Elizabeth also outright hates and fears Songbird on the base game, even reacting with horror when it appears on a window later on. They kept her in isolated rooms, collecting things like her period blood, constantly observing her and refusing her any social interaction, torture is not just hot iron and whips....
She's in constant awe but it's not like she's utterly ignorant. She reads and relatively aware of the world. Majority of people don't stop functioning even after a long period of isolation. She has seen people it's not F-Type prison and it's not like: "Oh my god, for the first time i saw an another human being, i thought i was the only one!!!!" I saw children born and growed up in prison, bubbly and cheerful and i'm not bullsh*ting you. Such is part of my job. To be fair majority of them are more or less messed up yet their conditions are so much worse than Elizabeth's.Yet she for some reason is perfectly socially adapted, is bubbly and cheerful, Do you actually think any of that is even consistent characterization? Solitary confinement has been proven to have acitvely negative effects on people both mentally and phisicaly, and that is just on grown people, just imagine what it would do to a developing kid...
For the 1000th times game suffers because of the long fighting scenes that out of place and soulless murderfests. I'm really tired of repating this. She also doesn't becomes ok with it in an instant and without meaningful dialog, seriously did you played the game?She is horrified at Booker's killings ONCE then she just becomes ok with it to the point that in the DLC she even says that Booker was her best friend and that she misses him.
Because the main theme of the game is determinism and naturally epilogue is all about that. If you missed that than it's your problem and not the games. "Pro suicide as solution"... what, whe.. where am i? In a Bibble class? Seriously that's what you didn't like? Then f**k Anna Karenina too for being so pro suicide as solution as well.Also the ending, as DVL pointed out, is only an ending because the game stops there, the explanation is a text book example of a Deus Ex Machina, it doesn't address any of the themes of racism, civil conflict and religion it has been riding on for shock value, none of it has any pay off and logically by the mere premise of "infinite universes" it obviously wouldn't even work (and it doesn't because the DLC shows that there are still a bunch of Comstocks in other universes). Also the story seems to be a Pro "suicide as a solution" story.
Determinism: the doctrine that all events, including human action, are ultimately determined by causes external to the will. Some philosophers have taken determinism to imply that individual human beings have no free will and cannot be held morally responsible for their actions.