What happens to freed slaves?


It Wandered In From the Wastes
So I have started a new game after playing the hell out of FO3 when it came out and was wondering what happens to the slaves like Bronson in paradise falls after you free them as I never bothered doing this before?
CthuluIsSpy said:
I kill them :twisted:

You heartless bastard!

As if their ordeals aren't awful enough, every day one of them is led away, and every day they dream of an invader to come and free them!
Imagine the rush of hope as they hear gunshots, and watch the raiders scramble to defend the camp!

I hope their faces - ridden with fear and confusion - haunt your every night!!!
BigBoss said:
I used to think they go to that one place where those freed slaves were.

That would have made sense, and would have been logical, and would also have been kinda fun.

But you know, they were allready too damn crowded over there, as they explain, they need place to expand.
4 people, that's like, a city!
I always thought they got upset with something, started a riot, and got killed for disturbing the peace.
They have weird destinations when freed. Most are disabled after a short while because they don't have to be accounted for.

There are a very few exceptions.

At the beginning of the Pitt, you can free a guy named Prosper and a couple other slaves, and if they are not killed when escaping, they go and hang out in front of Vault 101 for some reason.
I always assumed they died some time after freeing them. Due to how dependent people seem to be on others in Fallout 3, in that they they would rather sit outside Megaton than go just down the hill and find a vending-machine with some cola inside, or rummage through a derelict house to try and find some food and water...